After some discussion on devel, I am proposing a policy for maintaining provenpackager status.
The intent of this proposal is to be minimially strict to start. provenpackager status should arguably have a higher bar than this proposal sets forth, but it is a starting point we can iterate on and is better than what we're doing now.
In general I am in favor, but:
two weeks could be a bit short... what if someone was off on a vacation or sick then?
I guess since there's nothing mentioned in this policy that people removed from the group would need to re-apply in the normal way to be re-added?
They have not submitted a koji build in the last six months, so I think 2 weeks is fine.
In general I am in favor, but: two weeks could be a bit short... what if someone was off on a vacation or sick then?
They've had six months to perform a build. I think two weeks is fine.
Yes, that would be my expectation as well.
ok, +1, but I think we should be understanding if people get caught by this where they were not expecting it. :)
APPROVED (+7, 0, -0)
Metadata Update from @churchyard: - Issue tagged with: pending announcement
Metadata Update from @ngompa: - Issue close_status updated to: Accepted - Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)
Reopening to get some guidance on specific implementation questions:
Metadata Update from @bcotton: - Issue status updated to: Open (was: Closed)
+1 to @churchyard
+1 too
+1.1 Perhaps dormant provenpackagers could be moved into a quarantine group rather than lose their provenpackager status entirely. This would also make it easier to reinstate their status.
Occasionally I go on 3 month treks only to come back to some level of domestic neglect that needs urgent sorting out, I feel 2 weeks notice is quite short but is quite okay if there is an uncomplicated way to restore the status quo.
Occasionally I go on 3 month treks
You need to do no builds for 6 months and then not reply to the message for two weeks. So I think it's fine. In the random case when somebody is legitimately away for whatever reason, they can write a short mail and we'll add them back. I don't expect this too happen too often.
There seems to be a general consensus on my implementation questions, so I'm going to re-close this issue. Thanks, everyone!
Metadata Update from @bcotton: - Issue close_status updated to: Accepted - Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)
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