Note: there is an approved F34 Change for binutils 2.35. It is unclear to the FPgM if this proposal is intended to supersede the older proposal or if it was actually intended for Fedora 35 based on the dates in the releng ticket.
Rebase the binutils package from version 2.35.1 to version 2.36.
Errm... +1, I guess?
It's not different from the earlier change...
+1 either way.
I've been wondering about the "duplicate" Change as well .. but eh, +1 either way.
@nickc how was this intended?
I feel like the 2.35.1 proposal could just be dropped.
@nickc clarified in the releng ticket that this intended for F34. After 7 days, I count the vote as (+4,0,-0) so I am processing this change as accepted and superseding the Binutils 2.35 Change.
Metadata Update from @bcotton: - Issue tagged with: pending announcement
Announced .
Metadata Update from @zbyszek: - Issue untagged with: pending announcement - Issue close_status updated to: Accepted - Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)
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