#2446 What to do with the 33 packagers/watchers who do not have a valid bugzilla account?
Closed: Accepted 3 years ago by decathorpe. Opened 3 years ago by pingou.

We currently have 33 accounts that are set as maintainer or watcher of packages on dist-git and who do not have a corresponding bugzilla account for the email address that they have set in FAS.

This is a requirement for packagers which is mentioned at: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Join_the_package_collection_maintainers#Create_a_Bugzilla_Account

Because and the way the sync from dist-git to bugzilla is done and to reduce load on the bugzilla system, we update the default assignee and CC list of components in bugzilla in one request. So if one account in that request is invalid, the entire request fails and neither the default assignee nor the CC list get updated. We have had a few tickets related to this issue recently but it is an ongoing issue for which we do not have an official response (I.e.: I do not know that we have ever said so far that watchers without a valid bugzilla account will be removed).

So I would like to ask what we want to do about the current list of 33 accounts and potentially, if we could come up with a "policy" on how to handle this in the future.


The current list is here below. The people in it have been contacted via the devel-announce emails I've sent for a month as well as multiple direct emails to the address they have set in FAS.

affix is maintaining rpms/libmygpo-qt
affix is watching rpms/nagios
affix is watching rpms/nginx
affix is watching rpms/znc-infobot

alen is watching rpms/firefox

amitshah is maintaining rpms/pius
amitshah is maintaining rpms/qemu

andreyma is maintaining rpms/ucx

avesh is maintaining rpms/ima-evm-utils
avesh is maintaining rpms/libtnc
avesh is watching rpms/openpts
avesh is watching rpms/openswan
avesh is watching rpms/pam_ccreds
avesh is watching rpms/pam_passwdqc
avesh is watching rpms/passwdqc
avesh is maintaining rpms/strongswan
avesh is maintaining rpms/stunnel
avesh is maintaining rpms/tpm-quote-tools
avesh is maintaining rpms/tpm-tools
avesh is watching rpms/trousers

fscheiner is watching rpms/gsi-openssh

ggillies is watching rpms/deluge
ggillies is maintaining rpms/golang-github-bradfitz-gomemcache
ggillies is watching rpms/moovida
ggillies is watching rpms/moovida-plugins-bad
ggillies is watching rpms/moovida-plugins-good
ggillies is maintaining rpms/rubygem-amq-protocol
ggillies is maintaining rpms/rubygem-elasticsearch-transport
ggillies is maintaining rpms/rubygem-em-worker
ggillies is maintaining rpms/rubygem-eventmachine
ggillies is maintaining rpms/rubygem-sigdump

gnikandrov is watching rpms/setup

ignotusp is watching rpms/leechcraft
ignotusp is watching rpms/qxmpp-dev

itsbill is watching rpms/ratpoison

jefferson2z is watching rpms/godot

kir is watching rpms/criu

luismartingil is maintaining rpms/sipp

mbartos is watching rpms/ceelog
mbartos is maintaining rpms/libee
mbartos is maintaining rpms/libestr
mbartos is maintaining rpms/liblognorm
mbartos is watching rpms/libmongo-client
mbartos is watching rpms/libumberlog
mbartos is watching rpms/npth

mhabrnal is watching rpms/abrt
mhabrnal is maintaining rpms/abrt-addon-python3
mhabrnal is watching rpms/abrt-java-connector
mhabrnal is maintaining rpms/container-exception-logger
mhabrnal is watching rpms/gnome-abrt
mhabrnal is watching rpms/libreport

mildew is maintaining rpms/PEGTL
mildew is maintaining rpms/clevis
mildew is maintaining rpms/jose
mildew is maintaining rpms/json
mildew is maintaining rpms/luksmeta
mildew is maintaining rpms/sudo
mildew is maintaining rpms/tang
mildew is maintaining rpms/usbguard

mmahut is watching rpms/PySBIG
mmahut is maintaining rpms/PyXB
mmahut is watching rpms/PythonCard
mmahut is watching rpms/abgraph
mmahut is watching rpms/accrete
mmahut is watching rpms/astronomy-backgrounds
mmahut is watching rpms/astronomy-bookmarks
mmahut is maintaining rpms/bip
mmahut is maintaining rpms/boinc-client
mmahut is maintaining rpms/btrfs-progs
mmahut is watching rpms/bwping
mmahut is watching rpms/cdk
mmahut is maintaining rpms/celestia
mmahut is maintaining rpms/cfitsio
mmahut is maintaining rpms/cloudy
mmahut is watching rpms/comedilib
mmahut is maintaining rpms/cpl
mmahut is watching rpms/cvsgraph
mmahut is watching rpms/cvsplot
mmahut is watching rpms/cvsweb
mmahut is watching rpms/eboard
mmahut is watching rpms/evolution-zimbra
mmahut is maintaining rpms/extrema
mmahut is watching rpms/gcx
mmahut is maintaining rpms/gdal
mmahut is watching rpms/ggobi
mmahut is maintaining rpms/gnuradio
mmahut is watching rpms/gpredict
mmahut is watching rpms/grc
mmahut is watching rpms/imapsync
mmahut is watching rpms/ircd-ratbox
mmahut is watching rpms/irssi
mmahut is maintaining rpms/jday
mmahut is watching rpms/libopensync-plugin-sunbird
mmahut is watching rpms/mencal
mmahut is watching rpms/mod_scgi
mmahut is maintaining rpms/munipack
mmahut is watching rpms/nexcontrol
mmahut is watching rpms/nightfall
mmahut is maintaining rpms/octave
mmahut is watching rpms/openuniverse
mmahut is watching rpms/orsa
mmahut is watching rpms/perl-ServiceNow-API
mmahut is maintaining rpms/planets
mmahut is maintaining rpms/pp3
mmahut is watching rpms/pyephem
mmahut is watching rpms/python-cli
mmahut is maintaining rpms/python-numdisplay
mmahut is watching rpms/python-rhev
mmahut is watching rpms/ratbox-services
mmahut is watching rpms/redmode
mmahut is watching rpms/rhevsh
mmahut is watching rpms/rmap
mmahut is maintaining rpms/rt3
mmahut is watching rpms/rubygem-archivist
mmahut is maintaining rpms/rubygem-oauth
mmahut is maintaining rpms/saoimage
mmahut is maintaining rpms/sextractor
mmahut is watching rpms/siril
mmahut is watching rpms/spacechart
mmahut is maintaining rpms/starplot
mmahut is maintaining rpms/starplot-contrib
mmahut is maintaining rpms/starplot-gliese3
mmahut is maintaining rpms/starplot-yale5
mmahut is watching rpms/sub2srt
mmahut is maintaining rpms/sunbird
mmahut is maintaining rpms/swarp
mmahut is maintaining rpms/wxPython
mmahut is watching rpms/xstar
mmahut is watching rpms/xvarstar
mmahut is watching rpms/yakuake

nguzman is maintaining rpms/eclipse-egit

pgibson is watching rpms/pam

robled is maintaining rpms/python-kaptan
robled is maintaining rpms/python-libtmux
robled is maintaining rpms/rocket-depot

romal is maintaining rpms/man-pages-de
romal is watching rpms/nagios
romal is maintaining rpms/usb_modeswitch
romal is watching rpms/usb_modeswitch-data

rpitonak is maintaining container/nodejs
rpitonak is maintaining container/php
rpitonak is maintaining modules/httpd
rpitonak is watching modules/nginx
rpitonak is maintaining modules/ntp
rpitonak is maintaining modules/perl
rpitonak is maintaining modules/php
rpitonak is maintaining modules/postgresql
rpitonak is maintaining modules/proftpd

rspanton is maintaining rpms/pymunk

spontsle is maintaining rpms/ipmctl

squallbayu is watching rpms/gnome-control-center
squallbayu is watching rpms/gnome-desktop3

sspreitz is maintaining rpms/consul
sspreitz is maintaining rpms/numix-gtk-theme
sspreitz is maintaining rpms/numix-icon-theme
sspreitz is maintaining rpms/numix-icon-theme-circle
sspreitz is maintaining rpms/stress-ng
sspreitz is watching rpms/strongswan

svahl is watching rpms/compiz-manager
svahl is watching rpms/devilspie
svahl is watching rpms/dragonplayer
svahl is watching rpms/kcoloredit
svahl is watching rpms/kerry
svahl is watching rpms/kgrab
svahl is watching rpms/kiconedit
svahl is watching rpms/kmid
svahl is watching rpms/konq-plugins
svahl is watching rpms/koverartist
svahl is watching rpms/ksig
svahl is watching rpms/libzip
svahl is watching rpms/polyester
svahl is watching rpms/polyester3
svahl is watching rpms/stalonetray

tstclair is maintaining rpms/condor
tstclair is maintaining rpms/containernetworking-cni
tstclair is maintaining rpms/curator
tstclair is maintaining rpms/gmock
tstclair is maintaining rpms/go-bindata
tstclair is maintaining rpms/gtest
tstclair is watching rpms/kryo-serializers
tstclair is maintaining rpms/kubernetes
tstclair is maintaining rpms/picojson
tstclair is watching rpms/zookeeper

usercont is maintaining rpms/colin
usercont is maintaining rpms/conu
usercont is maintaining rpms/packit
usercont is maintaining rpms/python-docker
usercont is maintaining rpms/python-ogr
usercont is maintaining rpms/rudesocket

vbatts is maintaining rpms/cadvisor
vbatts is watching rpms/docker
vbatts is maintaining rpms/flannel
vbatts is maintaining rpms/go-bindata
vbatts is maintaining rpms/go-srpm-macros
vbatts is maintaining rpms/golang
vbatts is maintaining rpms/golang-bitbucket-kardianos-osext
vbatts is maintaining rpms/golang-github-BurntSushi-toml
vbatts is maintaining rpms/golang-github-SeanDolphin-bqschema
vbatts is maintaining rpms/golang-github-Sirupsen-logrus
vbatts is maintaining rpms/golang-github-bmizerany-assert
vbatts is maintaining rpms/golang-github-bmizerany-pat
vbatts is maintaining rpms/golang-github-codegangsta-cli
vbatts is maintaining rpms/golang-github-coreos-go-etcd
vbatts is maintaining rpms/golang-github-coreos-go-log
vbatts is maintaining rpms/golang-github-coreos-go-systemd
vbatts is maintaining rpms/golang-github-davecgh-go-spew
vbatts is maintaining rpms/golang-github-docker-libcontainer
vbatts is maintaining rpms/golang-github-docker-libtrust
vbatts is maintaining rpms/golang-github-elazarl-go-bindata-assetfs
vbatts is maintaining rpms/golang-github-emicklei-go-restful
vbatts is maintaining rpms/golang-github-ghodss-yaml
vbatts is maintaining rpms/golang-github-golang-glog
vbatts is maintaining rpms/golang-github-google-gofuzz
vbatts is maintaining rpms/golang-github-goraft-raft
vbatts is maintaining rpms/golang-github-gorilla-context
vbatts is maintaining rpms/golang-github-gorilla-mux
vbatts is maintaining rpms/golang-github-influxdb-go-cache
vbatts is maintaining rpms/golang-github-influxdb-gomdb
vbatts is maintaining rpms/golang-github-influxdb-influxdb
vbatts is maintaining rpms/golang-github-jmhodges-levigo
vbatts is maintaining rpms/golang-github-kr-fs
vbatts is maintaining rpms/golang-github-kr-pretty
vbatts is maintaining rpms/golang-github-kr-text
vbatts is maintaining rpms/golang-github-mitchellh-goamz
vbatts is maintaining rpms/golang-github-mitchellh-mapstructure
vbatts is maintaining rpms/golang-github-mreiferson-go-httpclient
vbatts is maintaining rpms/golang-github-onsi-ginkgo
vbatts is maintaining rpms/golang-github-onsi-gomega
vbatts is maintaining rpms/golang-github-racker-perigee
vbatts is maintaining rpms/golang-github-rackspace-gophercloud
vbatts is maintaining rpms/golang-github-rcrowley-go-metrics
vbatts is maintaining rpms/golang-github-skratchdot-open-golang
vbatts is maintaining rpms/golang-github-stretchr-objx
vbatts is maintaining rpms/golang-github-stretchr-testify
vbatts is maintaining rpms/golang-github-syndtr-gocapability
vbatts is maintaining rpms/golang-github-tchap-go-patricia
vbatts is maintaining rpms/golang-github-tonnerre-golang-pretty
vbatts is maintaining rpms/golang-github-vaughan0-go-ini
vbatts is maintaining rpms/golang-github-vishvananda-netlink
vbatts is watching rpms/golang-github-vishvananda-netns
vbatts is maintaining rpms/golang-googlecode-gcfg
vbatts is maintaining rpms/golang-googlecode-go-crypto
vbatts is maintaining rpms/golang-googlecode-go-exp
vbatts is maintaining rpms/golang-googlecode-goauth2
vbatts is maintaining rpms/golang-googlecode-gogoprotobuf
vbatts is maintaining rpms/golang-googlecode-gomock
vbatts is maintaining rpms/golang-googlecode-google-api-client
vbatts is maintaining rpms/golang-googlecode-goprotobuf
vbatts is maintaining rpms/golang-googlecode-log4go
vbatts is maintaining rpms/golang-googlecode-net
vbatts is maintaining rpms/golang-googlecode-sqlite
vbatts is maintaining rpms/golang-googlecode-text
vbatts is maintaining rpms/golang-googlecode-tools
vbatts is maintaining rpms/golang-googlecode-uuid
vbatts is maintaining rpms/golang-gopkg-check
vbatts is maintaining rpms/golang-gopkg-yaml
vbatts is maintaining rpms/kubernetes

vicodan is watching rpms/gnome-backgrounds
vicodan is watching rpms/gnome-icon-theme
vicodan is watching rpms/gnome-media
vicodan is watching rpms/gpointing-device-settings
vicodan is watching rpms/libmate
vicodan is watching rpms/libmatecomponent
vicodan is watching rpms/libmatecomponentui
vicodan is watching rpms/libmatenotify
vicodan is watching rpms/libmateui
vicodan is watching rpms/mate-corba
vicodan is watching rpms/mate-keyring
vicodan is watching rpms/trustyrc

vpolasek is maintaining rpms/scap-security-guide

yuwata is watching rpms/dracut
yuwata is watching rpms/eigen3
yuwata is watching rpms/systemd

BTW mmahut - https://pagure.io/fesco/issue/2392

It would be nice if nonreponsive maintainer policy also removed the maintainer from all packages (incl. watching). Currently, it "just" orphans the packages where they were main admin. If there is a script for complete removal, I don't think it would be a problem.

As for more general rule, would it make sense to put what you did into rules? E.g. ping the maintainer several times via e-mail and when they don't respond, declare them nonresponsive?

Proposal 1

When a packager is declared non-responsive, also remove them from all packages as co-maintainers (admin/commit/ticket access) and watchers, in addition to orphaning packages where they have "main admin" / "owner" role.

Proposal 2

Invoke the non-responsive maintainer policy for package (co-)maintainers without valid bugzilla accounts (aren't they non-responsive by default when there's no way to even assign bugs to them?)

Proposal 3

Remove accounts without a connected valid bugzilla account from package "watchers" immediately, if they don't maintain any packages or are not members of the "packager" group.

I think those three together should provide ways forward for all situations where (co-)maintainers or package watchers don't have a valid bugzilla account (covering both the "packager" and "non-packager" cases). Please correct me if I missed something :)

So, just to add some background here... it was intentional that we left maintainers on packages when orphaned. The idea was that if they were just away/busy/whatever they might come back later and jump right back in helping out. It may be that just contacting the new maintainer to be re-added would be sufficent for that now.

So, just to add some background here... it was intentional that we left maintainers on packages when orphaned. The idea was that if they were just away/busy/whatever they might come back later and jump right back in helping out. It may be that just contacting the new maintainer to be re-added would be sufficent for that now.

@kevin was this meant for https://pagure.io/fesco/issue/2444 ?

Do we have an agreement on this? Should I move forward with https://pagure.io/fesco/issue/2446#comment-665491?

At least on proposal 3.

FYI, while this ticket has been opened, the list went down from 33 to 25 and it now back up to 31.

Remove accounts without a connected valid bugzilla account from package "watchers" immediately, if they don't maintain any packages or are not members of the "packager" group.


@kevin @zbyszek @ngompa @churchyard @sgallagh @cverna @decathorpe @dcantrell please vote.

Not sure if we should do fast-track here, but I would not mind to.

↑ are those votes for my "Proposal 3" only? Just to clarify.

FWIW, I'm +1 (on P3 alone, and on P1+P2+P3 together).

FYI at least one person on this list is a former RH employee that left RH very recently. I guess this is a general issue for users that have a work-only RHBZ account and then get their account disabled when they leave RH.

FYI, here are the data as of today: 12 accounts of watchers, 18 accounts of packagers.

I am going to engage the non-responsive procedure for these 18 accounts.

alen is watching rpms/firefox

fscheiner is watching rpms/gsi-openssh

gnikandrov is watching rpms/setup

ignotusp is watching rpms/leechcraft
ignotusp is watching rpms/qxmpp-dev

itsbill is watching rpms/ratpoison

kir is watching rpms/criu

pgibson is watching rpms/pam

rele is watching rpms/leafnode

squallbayu is watching rpms/gnome-control-center
squallbayu is watching rpms/gnome-desktop3

svahl is watching rpms/compiz-manager
svahl is watching rpms/devilspie
svahl is watching rpms/dragonplayer
svahl is watching rpms/kcoloredit
svahl is watching rpms/kerry
svahl is watching rpms/kgrab
svahl is watching rpms/kiconedit
svahl is watching rpms/kmid
svahl is watching rpms/konq-plugins
svahl is watching rpms/koverartist
svahl is watching rpms/ksig
svahl is watching rpms/libzip
svahl is watching rpms/polyester
svahl is watching rpms/polyester3
svahl is watching rpms/stalonetray

vicodan is watching rpms/gnome-backgrounds
vicodan is watching rpms/gnome-icon-theme
vicodan is watching rpms/gnome-media
vicodan is watching rpms/gpointing-device-settings
vicodan is watching rpms/libmate
vicodan is watching rpms/libmatecomponent
vicodan is watching rpms/libmatecomponentui
vicodan is watching rpms/libmatenotify
vicodan is watching rpms/libmateui
vicodan is watching rpms/mate-corba
vicodan is watching rpms/mate-keyring
vicodan is watching rpms/trustyrc

yuwata is watching rpms/dracut
yuwata is watching rpms/eigen3
yuwata is watching rpms/systemd


affix is maintaining rpms/libmygpo-qt
affix is watching rpms/nagios
affix is watching rpms/nginx
affix is watching rpms/znc-infobot

amitshah is maintaining rpms/pius
amitshah is maintaining rpms/qemu

andreyma is maintaining rpms/ucx

avesh is maintaining rpms/ima-evm-utils
avesh is maintaining rpms/libtnc
avesh is watching rpms/openpts
avesh is watching rpms/openswan
avesh is watching rpms/pam_ccreds
avesh is watching rpms/pam_passwdqc
avesh is watching rpms/passwdqc
avesh is maintaining rpms/strongswan
avesh is maintaining rpms/stunnel
avesh is maintaining rpms/tpm-quote-tools
avesh is maintaining rpms/tpm-tools
avesh is watching rpms/trousers

ggillies is watching rpms/deluge
ggillies is maintaining rpms/golang-github-bradfitz-gomemcache
ggillies is watching rpms/moovida
ggillies is watching rpms/moovida-plugins-bad
ggillies is watching rpms/moovida-plugins-good
ggillies is maintaining rpms/rubygem-amq-protocol
ggillies is maintaining rpms/rubygem-elasticsearch-transport
ggillies is maintaining rpms/rubygem-em-worker
ggillies is maintaining rpms/rubygem-eventmachine
ggillies is maintaining rpms/rubygem-sigdump

luismartingil is maintaining rpms/sipp

mbartos is watching rpms/ceelog
mbartos is maintaining rpms/libee
mbartos is maintaining rpms/libestr
mbartos is maintaining rpms/liblognorm
mbartos is watching rpms/libmongo-client
mbartos is watching rpms/libumberlog
mbartos is watching rpms/npth

mhabrnal is watching rpms/abrt
mhabrnal is maintaining rpms/abrt-addon-python3
mhabrnal is watching rpms/abrt-java-connector
mhabrnal is maintaining rpms/container-exception-logger
mhabrnal is watching rpms/gnome-abrt
mhabrnal is watching rpms/libreport

mildew is maintaining rpms/PEGTL
mildew is maintaining rpms/clevis
mildew is maintaining rpms/jose
mildew is maintaining rpms/json
mildew is maintaining rpms/luksmeta
mildew is maintaining rpms/sudo
mildew is maintaining rpms/tang
mildew is watching rpms/usbguard

mmahut is watching rpms/PySBIG
mmahut is maintaining rpms/PyXB
mmahut is watching rpms/PythonCard
mmahut is watching rpms/abgraph
mmahut is watching rpms/accrete
mmahut is watching rpms/astronomy-backgrounds
mmahut is watching rpms/astronomy-bookmarks
mmahut is maintaining rpms/bip
mmahut is maintaining rpms/boinc-client
mmahut is maintaining rpms/btrfs-progs
mmahut is watching rpms/bwping
mmahut is watching rpms/cdk
mmahut is maintaining rpms/celestia
mmahut is maintaining rpms/cfitsio
mmahut is maintaining rpms/cloudy
mmahut is watching rpms/comedilib
mmahut is maintaining rpms/cpl
mmahut is watching rpms/cvsgraph
mmahut is watching rpms/cvsplot
mmahut is watching rpms/cvsweb
mmahut is watching rpms/eboard
mmahut is watching rpms/evolution-zimbra
mmahut is maintaining rpms/extrema
mmahut is watching rpms/gcx
mmahut is maintaining rpms/gdal
mmahut is watching rpms/ggobi
mmahut is maintaining rpms/gnuradio
mmahut is watching rpms/gpredict
mmahut is watching rpms/grc
mmahut is watching rpms/imapsync
mmahut is watching rpms/ircd-ratbox
mmahut is watching rpms/irssi
mmahut is maintaining rpms/jday
mmahut is watching rpms/libopensync-plugin-sunbird
mmahut is watching rpms/mencal
mmahut is watching rpms/mod_scgi
mmahut is maintaining rpms/munipack
mmahut is watching rpms/nexcontrol
mmahut is watching rpms/nightfall
mmahut is maintaining rpms/octave
mmahut is watching rpms/openuniverse
mmahut is watching rpms/orsa
mmahut is watching rpms/perl-ServiceNow-API
mmahut is maintaining rpms/planets
mmahut is maintaining rpms/pp3
mmahut is watching rpms/pyephem
mmahut is watching rpms/python-cli
mmahut is maintaining rpms/python-numdisplay
mmahut is watching rpms/python-rhev
mmahut is watching rpms/ratbox-services
mmahut is watching rpms/redmode
mmahut is watching rpms/rhevsh
mmahut is watching rpms/rmap
mmahut is maintaining rpms/rt3
mmahut is watching rpms/rubygem-archivist
mmahut is maintaining rpms/rubygem-oauth
mmahut is maintaining rpms/saoimage
mmahut is maintaining rpms/sextractor
mmahut is watching rpms/siril
mmahut is watching rpms/spacechart
mmahut is maintaining rpms/starplot
mmahut is maintaining rpms/starplot-contrib
mmahut is maintaining rpms/starplot-gliese3
mmahut is maintaining rpms/starplot-yale5
mmahut is watching rpms/sub2srt
mmahut is maintaining rpms/sunbird
mmahut is maintaining rpms/swarp
mmahut is maintaining rpms/wxPython
mmahut is watching rpms/xstar
mmahut is watching rpms/xvarstar
mmahut is watching rpms/yakuake

nguzman is maintaining rpms/eclipse-egit

rfairley is maintaining modules/afterburn
rfairley is maintaining modules/fedora-coreos-pinger
rfairley is maintaining modules/zincati
rfairley is maintaining rpms/console-login-helper-messages
rfairley is watching rpms/ostree
rfairley is watching rpms/rpm-ostree
rfairley is maintaining rpms/rust-afterburn
rfairley is maintaining rpms/rust-assert-json-diff
rfairley is maintaining rpms/rust-coreos-installer
rfairley is maintaining rpms/rust-cpio
rfairley is maintaining rpms/rust-envsubst
rfairley is maintaining rpms/rust-fail
rfairley is maintaining rpms/rust-fedora-coreos-pinger
rfairley is maintaining rpms/rust-liboverdrop
rfairley is maintaining rpms/rust-libsystemd
rfairley is maintaining rpms/rust-pipe
rfairley is maintaining rpms/rust-progress-streams
rfairley is maintaining rpms/rust-prometheus
rfairley is maintaining rpms/rust-readwrite
rfairley is maintaining rpms/rust-try_or
rfairley is maintaining rpms/rust-vmw_backdoor
rfairley is maintaining rpms/rust-zincati

robled is maintaining rpms/python-kaptan
robled is maintaining rpms/python-libtmux
robled is maintaining rpms/rocket-depot

romal is maintaining rpms/man-pages-de
romal is watching rpms/nagios
romal is maintaining rpms/usb_modeswitch
romal is watching rpms/usb_modeswitch-data

rspanton is maintaining rpms/pymunk

sspreitz is maintaining rpms/consul
sspreitz is maintaining rpms/numix-gtk-theme
sspreitz is maintaining rpms/numix-icon-theme
sspreitz is maintaining rpms/numix-icon-theme-circle
sspreitz is maintaining rpms/stress-ng
sspreitz is watching rpms/strongswan

tstclair is maintaining rpms/condor
tstclair is maintaining rpms/containernetworking-cni
tstclair is maintaining rpms/curator
tstclair is maintaining rpms/gmock
tstclair is maintaining rpms/go-bindata
tstclair is maintaining rpms/gtest
tstclair is watching rpms/kryo-serializers
tstclair is maintaining rpms/kubernetes
tstclair is maintaining rpms/picojson
tstclair is watching rpms/zookeeper

usercont is maintaining rpms/colin
usercont is maintaining rpms/conu
usercont is maintaining rpms/packit
usercont is maintaining rpms/python-docker
usercont is maintaining rpms/python-ogr
usercont is maintaining rpms/rudesocket

Metadata Update from @decathorpe:
- Issue tagged with: meeting

3 years ago

Proposal looks good to me.


Proposal P1+P2+P3 looks fine to me: +1

Proposal P1+P2+P3 looks fine to me: +1

+1 from me as well

We voted on the proposal from https://pagure.io/fesco/issue/2446#comment-665491 in today's meeting:

P1: (+5, 0, -1)
P2+P3: (+6, 0, -0)

Hence, the whole three-pronged proposal was APPROVED.

Metadata Update from @decathorpe:
- Issue untagged with: meeting
- Issue tagged with: pending announcement

3 years ago

Metadata Update from @decathorpe:
- Issue close_status updated to: Accepted
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

3 years ago

Metadata Update from @zbyszek:
- Issue untagged with: pending announcement

2 years ago

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