#2411 F33 System-Wide Change: CMake to do out-of-source builds
Closed: Accepted 4 years ago by cverna. Opened 4 years ago by bcotton.

%cmake and %cmake_kf5 macros will be adjusted (-B parameter) to use separate build folder (already standardized %{_vpath_builddir} macro). Additionally, %cmake_build, %cmake_install and %ctest macro will be created (and backported to the older supported Fedora releases) to perform various operations that are commonly used with CMake in a backend-agnostic (Makefiles, Ninja, etc.) way.

Packages that will stop building are trivial to fix and will be adjusted either by maintainers or change owners.

I'll abstain since I am on of the change owners.


I've been doing out-of-tree CMake builds for my packages for years (most of which have migrated to meson now, thank goodness :sweat_smile: ).

Abstaining as I'm one of the change owners. :sweat_smile:

Metadata Update from @ignatenkobrain:
- Issue tagged with: pending announcement

4 years ago

Metadata Update from @cverna:
- Issue close_status updated to: Accepted
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

4 years ago

You are aware that this Change is actually going to break all packages that already build out of source? See the mailing list thread.

"Packages that will stop building are trivial to fix and will be adjusted either by maintainers or change owners. "

Metadata Update from @bcotton:
- Issue untagged with: F33
- Issue set to the milestone: Fedora 33

4 years ago

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