#2283 Nonresponsive maintainer: Eric Smith (brouhaha)
Closed: Accepted 5 years ago by psabata. Opened 5 years ago by fschwarz.

fas username: @brouhaha
package: python-cairocffi, python-pyphen
issues to fix:

nonresponsive maintainer bug: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1770118
fedora-devel mail: https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/devel@lists.fedoraproject.org/thread/K7QZ3MEA3MA7Z47WIZC6UWMOSZM7ITBJ/
comainainers: @jdulaney (python-cairocffi), none (python-pyphen)
additional notes: I'd like to take over python-cairocffi and python-pyphen so I can fix "weasyprint" (also willing to become main admin for weasyprint+dependent packages).

Miro also mentioned that there is a history for this particular maintainer:
- https://pagure.io/fesco/issue/1544
- https://pagure.io/fesco/issue/2193
- https://pagure.io/fesco/issue/2213

This is a ticket for the Fedora's Policy for nonresponsive package maintainers.

Metadata Update from @churchyard:
- Issue tagged with: nonresponsive maintainer

5 years ago

I can take over python-cffi, python-attrs, python-pycparser and meshlab if needed.

+1, I can help with some python packages as well.

Added @fschwarz as an admin to both python-cairocffi and python-pyphen.

Metadata Update from @churchyard:
- Issue assigned to brouhaha

5 years ago

@brouhaha are you still interested in maintaining your Fedora packages?

At this point, according to the procedure, packages shall be orphaned. However given https://pagure.io/fesco/issue/2283#comment-612273 I don't really want to do that. What do other FESCo members think?

It's fine by me if you add comaintainers, transfer ownership to others, orphan the packages, or whatever you prefer.

At this point, according to the procedure, packages shall be orphaned. However given https://pagure.io/fesco/issue/2283#comment-612273 I don't really want to do that. What do other FESCo members think?

Not a FESCo member but for what it's worth I agree.

@brouhaha I'd be glad if you keep contributing to Fedora. If you have to many packages feel free to orphan/hand over maintainership some of them. I prefer orphaning packages over keeping them around with too little time to maintain them so users don't get a false impression. Also this might motivate some people to step up.

Also it would be nice if you could upgrade my permissions for "weasyprint" from "commit" -> "admin" so I could add future co-maintainers without external help.


  • add @fschwarz as admin of weasyprint
  • add @churchyard as admin of python-cffi, python-attrs, python-pycparser and meshlab
  • when a Fedora packager opens another nonresponsive process on @brouhaha with a package they want to co-maintain, we add them immediately as admins
  • we don't orphan any packages

+1 to @churchyard's proposal. Can we just do it without voting?

Can we just do it without voting?

Not sure, but if somebody else votes in favor, we can do it.

I suppose we can say a week has passed and it is APPROVED with +3,0,-0.

(Technically I'm not sure whether we need to wait until the next week finishes when this was not the case exactly after one week, please do correct me, if I am stretching the vote rules too far.)

Metadata Update from @churchyard:
- Issue tagged with: pending announcement

5 years ago

I think that's okay :) Announced.

Metadata Update from @psabata:
- Issue untagged with: pending announcement
- Issue close_status updated to: Accepted
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

5 years ago

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