I'm submitting this exception to allow chromium to continue using python2 to build. Upstream is actively working on python3 support, but a solution is not imminent.
+1, it's an important package and work is underway to migrate.
What packages do you need? Only to build or also runtime? For example, currently it seems that:
chrome-remote-desktop needs python2 and python2-psutil at runtime. is this supposed to continue?
chromium also buildrequires several other packages:
This has a stack of ~55 python2 packages - - some of them obviously can be dropped (python2-pytest), but others are likely more essential.
I am a maintainer of several packages in this stack and I am not really keen on keeping them forever. Can we reduce the set?
I'm happy to +1 an exception for python2. I'd rather not do a blank +1 on the other 55 packages.
Metadata Update from @churchyard: - Issue tagged with: python 2 exception
As you might imagine, I'm also not terribly excited about reverting to using the bundled copies of these python modules (and becoming a defacto maintainer for them as a result).
That said, some of these are out of date. The only ones that are currently accurate (i'm 99% sure) are:
I do imagine that nobody really wants to maintain this :D
OTOH from my perspective I'd rather help you maintain the bundled copies in order to keep them working for building chromium than maintaining the regular packages for any case people might think of.
The list of packages unwinds to:
(Test dependencies dropped.)
To make this more clear. I'm OK to vote +1 on this list if this is what we want and the Cython dep is eliminated.
I also don't really understand what is the impact of dropping chrome-remote-desktop, so not sure if we should keep that one around or not.
Upstream does not make a chrome-remote-desktop package available for anything except Ubuntu, so this would be a rather painful regression. If you're willing to assist me in the bundling maintenance, we can use the bundled bits instead of the external BuildRequires.
Assuming my WIP Pull Request will get us somewhere (edit: it did). A proposal:
The chromium package has an exception to use Python 2 interpreter to build. The chrome-remote-desktop and python2-psutil packages have an exception to use the Python 2 interpreter to build and run.
+1 to my own proposal FTR.
Since @sgallagh and @ignatenkobrain already +1'd this before we figured this out and I'm +1, after 7 days this is APPROVED (+3,0,-0).   
Metadata Update from @churchyard: - Issue tagged with: pending announcement
Metadata Update from @kevin: - Issue close_status updated to: Accepted - Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)
Metadata Update from @zbyszek: - Issue untagged with: pending announcement
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