#1768 fesco input for Outreachy projects
Closed 6 years ago Opened 6 years ago by labbott.

Fedora has participated in Outreachy for a number of years now. Previously, Outreachy projects and mentors have mostly been found via asking individuals privately. Based on feedback from the diversity team (https://pagure.io/fedora-diversity/issue/41) we're looking to switch to a more open call for Outreachy projects and mentors. To help ensure success, there will be a team of people to review and approve Outreachy projects and mentors.

We'd like to have a representative from fesco be on this team to review and approve of Outreachy projects. This will help ensure that selected projects are ones that align with Fedora's direction. I'm still working on the details about how this will work but it was suggested I file a ticket to get the discussion started.

FYI, if you're worried about overall Fedora direction, you'd likely want a Council rep. If you're interested in technical direction, FESCo is the right place.

The plan is to have the FPL (i.e. mattdm) on the review committee so the fesco representative would be for the technical direction.

I'll volunteer for this, unless anyone else is desperate to do so.

On Thu, Aug 31, 2017 at 2:13 PM, Stephen Gallagher pagure@pagure.io wrote:

I'll volunteer for this, unless anyone else is desperate to do so.

I was going to say almost the same thing -- I'd be happy to volunteer if
nobody else feels like covering it.


Metadata Update from @jforbes:
- Issue tagged with: meeting

6 years ago

agreed FESCo will give input for Outreachy projects (+8,0,-0)

#info jsmith or sgallagh will represent FESCo

Metadata Update from @jforbes:
- Issue untagged with: meeting
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

6 years ago

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