#1652 i686 is not on primary mirror location
Closed: Fixed 7 years ago Opened 7 years ago by jwboyer.

It seems that i686 is not in the primary mirror location starting with rawhide:


(note the i686 directory is missing).

This is somewhat confusing. That means that is has been defacto demoted to an alternative architecture. I do not remember ever discussing this move, nor can I find why it was done. I may have missed some discussion, so if I did please point me to it.

Assuming I did not miss something, this was done seemingly without following any process we have for architecture promotion/demotion. I realize the merged architecture changes blurs lines, but there is nothing mentioned about moving i686 off the primary mirror location here:


Does anyone else find this move surprising?

Indeed, there are only vague references to `"demoting" certain components of i686' and I don't know what that means, either.

FESCo decided that none of 32 bit x86 is release blocking, cloud and server asked for 32 bit x86 to not even be composed, and workstation had said it was not interesting to them, as such its all be moved to Secondary.

FESCo decided that none of 32 bit x86 is release blocking, cloud and server asked for 32 bit x86 to not even be composed, and workstation had said it was not interesting to them, as such its all be moved to Secondary.

... that seems to be a logical conclusion, but NOT one I would have expected to have action taken on it without formal discussion. The definition of primary vs. alt is fuzzy with the recent changes but moving an architecture off of the primary mirrors is a clear indication it isn't primary. That was never clearly agreed to for i686.

We really need to discuss this soon. At the very least we need to inform the community of the change.

I'll note that the practical effect of this is that i686 users have fewer mirrors given to them from mirrormanager (ones that carry fedora-secondary), but they are still given mirrors and can do everything they could before. Most users will not notice any difference.

I'm fine with discussing and having some more formal setup here, just wanted to note that the end user impact is pretty low at least.

To be clear, this ticket is less about technical impacts and more about the fact that decisions are being made with no discussion. That sets poor precedent, even if the end result of the discussion means nothing changes. If i686 is demoted, it should be clearly communicated to our user base.

I don't disagree, I was just clarifying the technical side of this.

FESCo Meeting 2016-12-09: AGREED: Proposal: FESCo will draft an announcement for the demotion of i686 to an atlernative architecture and seek Council input before publishing. Secondly, FESCo will draft an architecture demotion process. (+1: 5, -1: 0, +0: 0)

Proposed draft below. Please review and provide feedback.

"Beginning with Fedora 26, the i686 architecture is officially being migrated to alternative architecture status. This completes a transition that began with Fedora 24 where i686 was not being prioritized at a kernel or Edition image level, and that continued into Fedora 25 where i686 media was no longer blocking or created in several Editions.

Specifically, i686 will continue to be built in koji as all architectures are today under the new definitions of Alternative Architectures [1], and will also still be present in x86_64 media and repositories for multilib where applicable. The i686-only repositories have been migrated off of the primary mirror location and will be served from the alternative mirror location [2].

Community members that wish to continue development of i686 are encouraged to form a SIG and collaborate to keep packages building and well tested on such hardware.


[1] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Architectures/RedefiningSecondaryArchitectures

[2] http://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/fedora-secondary/development/rawhide/


+1 for the wording from me.


+1 for the wording from me.


+1 for the proposed draft

+1 for the proposed draft

The proposed draft looks fantastic to me. Thanks @jwboyer for writing this up.

The proposed draft looks fantastic to me. Thanks @jwboyer for writing this up.

+1, looks very good to me! Thanks jwboyer for writing this up.

+1, looks very good to me! Thanks jwboyer for writing this up.

This has been sent to devel-announce now.

This has been sent to devel-announce now.

@jwboyer changed the status to Closed

7 years ago

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