#1541 F24 System Wide Change: LiveUSBCreator as Primary Downloadable
Closed None Opened 8 years ago by jkurik.

For the 2016-02-05 FESCo meeting as the Change Proposal was announced on devel-announce@ list on 2016-01-27.

The new Fedora Liver USB Creator that is being finished has an overhauled, more user friendly interface. Because USB sticks are the most common way to install Fedora, it should be the primary download option. It cover the whole installation media creation, it lets the user pick the right flavor of Fedora, downloads its image, and copies it to a USB drive.

Few questions:
1. if you run through the default path, it never warns you that it will overwrite your usb key => that's not good at all.
2. persistent storage option has disappeared?

I guess that point 1. is really critical but it can be fixed in time, but by default, it should not overwrite user's device without asking them, the only way to know that is to unfold the options menu.

As-is, it's no but if maintainer commits to fix this, I'm fine with having it as a primary deliverable.

Replying to [comment:1 hguemar]:

Few questions:
1. if you run through the default path, it never warns you that it will overwrite your usb key => that's not good at all.

Hmm, that is odd. File a bug on it, but I don't think it's necessarily enough to block this effort (though possibly enough to raise as a blocker to the release).

  1. persistent storage option has disappeared?

This has been discussed at length on the list. It has not been reliable and the focus for this Change is on delivering something that works right every time. That feature may return in the future.

Works for me, but the warning thing is indeed a release blocker. I'd rather not see people complaining that Fedora "erased" their data.

While trying to file a ticket, I remember why I didn't do it in the first place while at Devconf,
This project doesn't use the canonical git repository in Fedora Hosted, so it's a fork in practice that has no issue tracker.


Can Martin and Jiri clarify the position between this fork and the original project and also where I am supposed to file tickets?

  • ACTION: number80 to contact the LUC Change Owners and get clarification on points discussed here (sgallagh, 17:33:03)
  • AGREED: Defer one week to gather information (+5, 0, -0) (sgallagh, 17:33:45)

Filling in missing bits from Martin:
primary repository: https://github.com/lmacken/liveusb-creator/tree/feature/onlydd
Martin is working with Jimmac (LUC designer) to have a short warning about data destruction
targets are now Workstation and pending discussions to include Server. Cloud is not concerned. Jiri is leading the discussion
Martin and Jiri will be buying opensource code signing keys, and are already discussing with dgilmore about the process.

If releng has no blockers, I'm in favor of approving this change.

AGREED: LiveUSBCreator as Primary Downloadable is accepted for F24 (+5, -0, 1) (jwboyer, 17:19:20)

Change owners need to follow up with rel-eng on signing and hosting requriements

Replying to [comment:7 hguemar]:

Filling in missing bits from Martin:
primary repository: https://github.com/lmacken/liveusb-creator/tree/feature/onlydd
Martin is working with Jimmac (LUC designer) to have a short warning about data destruction
targets are now Workstation and pending discussions to include Server. Cloud is not concerned. Jiri is leading the discussion
Martin and Jiri will be buying opensource code signing keys, and are already discussing with dgilmore about the process.

For the record I have not been apprpoached about signing. they are most definitely not discussing it with me

I guess that Martin was mistaken then.

On November 4th I approached somebody under the nick dgilmore on #fedora-releng with a query regarding signing Windows builds where he told me that the infrastructure is not ready to do that and Fedora as a project does not possess Windows code signing certificates.

I put the log here: http://paste.fedoraproject.org/327269/14939814

Replying to [comment:11 mbriza]:

On November 4th I approached somebody under the nick dgilmore on #fedora-releng with a query regarding signing Windows builds where he told me that the infrastructure is not ready to do that and Fedora as a project does not possess Windows code signing certificates.

I put the log here: http://paste.fedoraproject.org/327269/14939814

Please continue to follow up. Perhaps by suggestion some solutions around how to do this.

Replying to [comment:11 mbriza]:

On November 4th I approached somebody under the nick dgilmore on #fedora-releng with a query regarding signing Windows builds where he told me that the infrastructure is not ready to do that and Fedora as a project does not possess Windows code signing certificates.

I put the log here: http://paste.fedoraproject.org/327269/14939814

That is me, one chat does not make a conversation. there has been no ongoing work or talk to actually solve any issues

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