We've still got a number of broken dependencies in the F21 tree and we're quickly approaching the final freeze. I would like FESCo to decide what to do with those; it would be good to ship with a clean repository where all packages are installable.
My proposal is to retire the F21 broken packages and their reverse dependencies in both F21 and rawhide. When they get fixed, they can always be resurrected and shipped in the updates repo for F21.
This was discussed on the devel mailing list too with people generally in favour of the proposal. Till Maas from release engineering has offered to do the package retirement.
As of today, here's the list of unfixed packages: {{{ audtty authhub deltacloud-core django-recaptcha dragonegg edelib fatrat flush gdesklets-citation gdesklet-SlideShow gedit-valencia gofer leiningen libghemical libopensync-plugin-irmc ltsp monodevelop-vala netdisco ocaml-pa-do openslides openvas-client pootle python-askbot-fedmsg python-coffin python-django-addons python-django-longerusername rubygem-rubigen sugar-tamtam transifex valabind zyGrib }}}
Reverse dependencies of the list above: {{{ condor-cloud fatrat-subtitlesearch ghemical katello-agent rubygem-newgem }}}
libghemical (and so ghemical) rescued: https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/libghemical-2.99.1-28.fc21
This topic will be discussed at FESCo meeting on Wednesday 2014-11-19 on 18:00 UTC.
AGREED: FESCo agrees to dropping the packages with broken dependencies listed in #1368 from both F21 and rawhide (+7, -0, 0:0)
AGREED: We will do the broken deps cleanup on Final Freeze from now on in the future Fedora releases (+8, -0, 0:0)
There will be warning sent to the affected maintainers at least 3 weeks in advance (t8m, 19:31:36)
IMHO this is not done, because the decision needs to be documented in the wiki and addded to the schedule/SOPs.
Removing meeting keyword as there's nothing to discuss in meeting.
jreznik: Can you add these steps the schedule for f22 and beyond?
3 weeks before final freeze warn maintainers with packages with broken deps they will be retired.
At final freeze, retire/block any packages with broken deps.
jrezik: See comment above? is that added to the schedule?
Ops, I missed this one for some reason - forwarding to jkurik, he's taking care of F23 schedule.
For F22, it's still two weeks - so we can still send warning and proceed (but without schedule changes). From the ticket, it's unclear who should own this process.
I added a task to send the warning into [https://fedorapeople.org/groups/schedule/f-23/f-23-pm-tasks.html PM section] of the F23 schedule and a task to retire these packages into [https://fedorapeople.org/groups/schedule/f-23/f-23-releng-tasks.html RelEng section].
Thanks. I think it's good enough if it's only listed in the F23 schedule.
As for F22, we're already on top of it: I sent out the warning mails yesterday (to the devel list with maintainers BCCd) and Till is going to handle the actual retirement before the freeze.
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