#1297 F21 System Wide Change: Workstation: Enable Software Collections - https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/Workstation_Enable_Software_Collections
Closed None Opened 10 years ago by jreznik.

For the 2014-04-23 meeting as the Change Proposal was announced on devel-announce list on 2014-04-15.

The Software Collections repositories will be enabled by default.

ask for clarification, and... particularly, whether the approved change for in Fedora software collections makes this moot (+5,-1,0)

Matthias, the clarification in question is:

  • is this just "add scl-utils" to the default install, or is the scope greater than that?
  • particularly, does this mean enabling repositories from softwarecollections.org (either by default, by user opt-in, or through devassistant in some way)
  • if it is meant to be a larger scope but not meant to include softwarecollections.org directly, does the inclusion of a few SCLs (like Ruby -- see https://fedorahosted.org/fesco/ticket/1296) cover that, or is there something even more?

None of these are necessarily bad. We just want to be sure what we're voting for. Thanks!

I have yet to see any clarification here or on-list - did I miss something, or should this be dropped from the meeting for now?

Replying to [comment:4 notting]:

I have yet to see any clarification here or on-list - did I miss something, or should this be dropped from the meeting for now?

Drop it from the meeting for now. If we get an answer before the meeting we can handle in open floor.

Really though, I don't see this being overly controversial with any of the answers Matt has listed.

skipping from the agenda as there has been any updates

AGREED: merge workstation SCL change into https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/SCL, and add a note about workstation there (+6)

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