#37 Update policy used release number template in the wiki; this was not adjusted properly on import to docs.fp.o
Closed 4 years ago by zbyszek. Opened 4 years ago by adamwill.

There's an odd bit of text in the update policy:

"Push only major bug fixes and security fixes to the previous stable releases (i.e., at present, and before)."

That doesn't make any sense! It doesn't make any sense because the wiki version of the doc used a template there, which has been lost in translation. The wiki version currently reads:

"Push only major bug fixes and security fixes to the previous stable releases (i.e., at present, Fedora 31 and before)."

...but the number automatically updates, thanks to the power of the FedoraVersion template. The wikitext is:

"Push '''only''' major bug fixes and security fixes to the previous stable releases (i.e., at present, {{FedoraVersion|long|previous}} and before)."

This needs fixing, somehow.

My PR #38 fixes this (and many other issues), in that specific case by simply referring to "the current Fedora N and the previous Fedora N-1", which are designations already used at other points in the document.

This should be fixed now, but let's wait for the page to regenerate before closing.

Package maintainers SHOULD:
    Push only major bug fixes and security fixes to the previous stable releases (i.e. the current Fedora N, and the previous Fedora N-1).

Not as nice as the wiki version, but we can't do much better now.

Metadata Update from @zbyszek:
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

4 years ago

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