#54 Fix testing
Closed 3 years ago by humaton. Opened 3 years ago by nphilipp.
nphilipp/fedscm-admin master--fix-testing  into  master

file modified
+4 -4
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ 


  import pkg_resources


- import fedscm_admin.config

+ from . import config



      VERSION = pkg_resources.get_distribution('fedscm-admin').version
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ 

                  for sla_eol in slas.values()]):



- CONFIG = fedscm_admin.config.get_config()

+ CONFIG = config.get_config()



  # This is defined here to avoid circular imports
@@ -121,8 +121,8 @@ 

      return bool(re.match(r'^(?:el|epel)\d+$', branch))



- from fedscm_admin.fas import FASClient  # noqa: E402

+ from .fas import FASClient  # noqa: E402

  FAS_CLIENT = FASClient()


- from fedscm_admin.bugzilla import BugzillaClient  # noqa: E402

+ from .bugzilla import BugzillaClient  # noqa: E402

  BUGZILLA_CLIENT = BugzillaClient()

file modified
+2 -2
@@ -28,8 +28,8 @@ 

  except ImportError:

      from bugzilla import BugzillaError


- from fedscm_admin.exceptions import ValidationError

- from fedscm_admin import FAS_CLIENT, is_epel

+ from . import FAS_CLIENT, is_epel

+ from .exceptions import ValidationError



  class BugzillaClient(object):

file modified
+1 -1
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ 

      if os.environ.get('FEDSCM_ADMIN_TEST_CONFIG', 'false').lower() == 'true':

          test_config_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(

              os.path.dirname(__file__), '../tests/test_config.ini'))

-         paths.append(test_config_path)

+         paths = [test_config_path]


      custom_config_path = os.environ.get('FEDSCM_ADMIN_CONFIG')

      if custom_config_path:

file modified
+7 -8
@@ -19,12 +19,11 @@ 


  import click


- from fedscm_admin.utils import (

-     process_all_tickets, list_all_tickets, process_ticket,

-     login_to_bugzilla_with_user_input, login_to_fas_with_user_input)

- import fedscm_admin.pagure

- import fedscm_admin.config

- from fedscm_admin import CONFIG

+ from . import CONFIG, config, pagure

+ from .utils import list_all_tickets

+ from .utils import login_to_bugzilla_with_user_input

+ from .utils import login_to_fas_with_user_input

+ from .utils import process_all_tickets, process_ticket


  ACTION_CHOICES = ['list', 'process', 'processall']

@@ -60,7 +59,7 @@ 

      # Test that all the config items are set in config.ini

      for config_item in ['pagure_api_token', 'pagure_ticket_api_token',


-         fedscm_admin.config.get_config_item(CONFIG, config_item)

+         config.get_config_item(CONFIG, config_item)


      if action == 'processall':

          # We need to authenticate to FAS to see if a package reviewer is a
@@ -73,7 +72,7 @@ 

      elif action == 'process':

          if ticket_id is None:

              raise click.ClickException('You must specify a ticket ID')

-         issue = fedscm_admin.pagure.get_issue(ticket_id)

+         issue = pagure.get_issue(ticket_id)

          if issue is None or issue.get('status') != 'Open':

              raise click.ClickException(

                  'The ticket does not exist or is closed')

file modified
+6 -5
@@ -20,10 +20,9 @@ 


  import click


- from fedscm_admin import CONFIG

- from fedscm_admin.config import get_config_item

- from fedscm_admin.request_utils import (

-     get_auth_header, requests_wrapper, get_request_json)

+ from . import CONFIG

+ from .config import get_config_item

+ from .request_utils import get_auth_header, get_request_json, requests_wrapper



  def get_pagure_auth_header(token_type='ticket'):
@@ -102,7 +101,9 @@ 

      pagure_api_url = '{0}/api/0'.format(pagure_url)

      pagure_repo_issues_url = \


-             pagure_api_url, urlencode({'status': 'Open', 'order_key': 'date_created', 'order': 'asc'}))

+             pagure_api_url,

+             urlencode({'status': 'Open', 'order_key': 'date_created', 'order': 'asc'})

+         )


      issues_rv = requests_wrapper(

          pagure_repo_issues_url, timeout=60, service_name='Pagure')

file modified
+4 -5
@@ -20,11 +20,10 @@ 


  import click


- from fedscm_admin import CONFIG

- from fedscm_admin.config import get_config_item

- from fedscm_admin.request_utils import (

-     requests_wrapper, get_request_json, get_auth_header)

- from fedscm_admin.exceptions import ValidationError

+ from . import CONFIG

+ from .config import get_config_item

+ from .exceptions import ValidationError

+ from .request_utils import get_auth_header, get_request_json, requests_wrapper



  def get_pdc_auth_header():

@@ -24,8 +24,8 @@ 

  from requests.exceptions import ConnectTimeout, ConnectionError

  import click


- from fedscm_admin.config import get_config_item

- from fedscm_admin import CONFIG, VERSION

+ from . import CONFIG, VERSION

+ from .config import get_config_item



  def retry_session():

file modified
+44 -48
@@ -25,15 +25,11 @@ 

  from six import string_types

  from six.moves import xmlrpc_client


- from fedscm_admin.config import get_config_item

- from fedscm_admin import (


-     INVALID_EPEL_ERROR, is_epel)

- import fedscm_admin.pdc

- import fedscm_admin.pagure

- import fedscm_admin.git

- from fedscm_admin.request_utils import requests_wrapper, get_request_json

- from fedscm_admin.exceptions import ValidationError


+ from . import MONITOR_CHOICES, STANDARD_BRANCH_SLAS, git, is_epel, pagure, pdc

+ from .config import get_config_item

+ from .exceptions import ValidationError

+ from .request_utils import get_request_json, requests_wrapper



  def login_to_bugzilla_with_user_input():
@@ -108,7 +104,7 @@ 

              raise ValidationError(

                  'The EOL date "{0}" is in an invalid format'.format(eol))


-         sla_obj = fedscm_admin.pdc.get_sla(sla)

+         sla_obj = pdc.get_sla(sla)

          if not sla_obj:

              raise ValidationError('The SL "{0}" is not in PDC'.format(sla))

@@ -179,7 +175,7 @@ 

      :return: None


      # Sort the issues so that the oldest get shown first

-     issues = fedscm_admin.pagure.get_issues()

+     issues = pagure.get_issues()

      for issue in issues:

          issue_id = issue['id']

          issue_title = issue['title'].strip()
@@ -197,7 +193,7 @@ 

      :return: None


      # Sort the issues so that the oldest get processed first

-     issues = fedscm_admin.pagure.get_issues()

+     issues = pagure.get_issues()

      for issue in issues:

          process_ticket(issue, auto_approve=auto_approve)

@@ -353,17 +349,17 @@ 

      click.echo('- Checking if user {0} has an account in dist-git.'.format(


      pagure_url = get_config_item(CONFIG, 'pagure_dist_git_url')

-     if not fedscm_admin.pagure.user_exists(issue_owner):

+     if not pagure.user_exists(issue_owner):

          sync_comment = ('@{0} needs to login to {1} to sync accounts '

                          'before we can proceed.'.format(issue_owner, pagure_url))

          question = '{0}  Post this comment to the ticket?'.format(sync_comment)

          if click.confirm(question):

-             fedscm_admin.pagure.add_comment_to_issue(issue_id, sync_comment)

+             pagure.add_comment_to_issue(issue_id, sync_comment)



      click.echo('- Checking if {0}/{1} already exists in dist-git.'.format(

          namespace, repo))

-     project = fedscm_admin.pagure.get_project(namespace, repo)

+     project = pagure.get_project(namespace, repo)

      if project:


              issue_json, 'The Pagure project already exists')
@@ -371,15 +367,15 @@ 


      description = issue_body_json.get('description', '').strip()

      upstreamurl = issue_body_json.get('upstreamurl', '').strip()

-     component_type = fedscm_admin.pdc.component_type_to_singular(namespace)

+     component_type = pdc.component_type_to_singular(namespace)

      master_branch = None

      if branch_name != 'master':

          click.echo('- Checking if master already exists in PDC.')

-         master_branch = fedscm_admin.pdc.get_branch(

+         master_branch = pdc.get_branch(

              repo, 'master', component_type)


      click.echo('- Checking if {0} already exists in PDC.'.format(branch_name))

-     branch = fedscm_admin.pdc.get_branch(repo, branch_name, component_type)

+     branch = pdc.get_branch(repo, branch_name, component_type)


      if master_branch or branch:

@@ -387,7 +383,7 @@ 



      issue_title = issue_json['title'].strip()

-     issue_ui_url = fedscm_admin.pagure.get_pagure_issue_url(issue_id)

+     issue_ui_url = pagure.get_pagure_issue_url(issue_id)

      bz_bug_url = ''

      if bug_id:

          bz_bug_url = BUGZILLA_CLIENT.get_bug_url(bug_id)
@@ -428,27 +424,27 @@ 

          # If the global component already exists, this will not create another

          # Skip for tests namespace

          if namespace != 'tests':

-             fedscm_admin.pdc.new_global_component(repo, dist_git_url)

+             pdc.new_global_component(repo, dist_git_url)

          # Pagure uses plural names for namespaces, but PDC does not use the

          # plural version for branch types

-         branch_type = fedscm_admin.pdc.component_type_to_singular(namespace)

+         branch_type = pdc.component_type_to_singular(namespace)

          # If the branch requested isn't master, still create a master branch

          # in PDC anyways.

          # Skip pdc magic for tests namespace

          if namespace != 'tests':

              if branch_name != 'master':

-                 fedscm_admin.pdc.new_branch(repo, 'master', branch_type)

-                 for sla, eol in fedscm_admin.STANDARD_BRANCH_SLAS['master'].items():

-                     fedscm_admin.pdc.new_sla_to_branch(

+                 pdc.new_branch(repo, 'master', branch_type)

+                 for sla, eol in STANDARD_BRANCH_SLAS['master'].items():

+                     pdc.new_sla_to_branch(

                          sla, eol, repo, 'master', branch_type)


-             fedscm_admin.pdc.new_branch(repo, branch_name, branch_type)

+             pdc.new_branch(repo, branch_name, branch_type)

              for sla, eol in issue_body_json['sls'].items():

-                 fedscm_admin.pdc.new_sla_to_branch(

+                 pdc.new_sla_to_branch(

                      sla, eol, repo, branch_name, branch_type)


          # Create the Pagure repo

-         fedscm_admin.pagure.new_project(

+         pagure.new_project(

              namespace, repo, description, upstreamurl,


          # If the branch requested isn't master, create that branch in git. The
@@ -456,9 +452,9 @@ 

          if branch_name != 'master':

              new_git_branch(namespace, repo, branch_name, use_master=True)


-         fedscm_admin.pagure.set_monitoring_status(

+         pagure.set_monitoring_status(

              namespace, repo, issue_body_json['monitor'].strip())

-         fedscm_admin.pagure.change_project_main_admin(

+         pagure.change_project_main_admin(

              namespace, repo, issue_owner)


          if branch_name == 'master':
@@ -473,7 +469,7 @@ 

      elif action == 'deny':

          comment_body = click.prompt(

              'Please enter a comment explaining the denial')

-         fedscm_admin.pagure.close_issue(issue_id, comment_body, 'Denied')

+         pagure.close_issue(issue_id, comment_body, 'Denied')

          if bug_id:

              BUGZILLA_CLIENT.comment(bug_id, comment_body)

@@ -514,7 +510,7 @@ 

      bug_id = str(issue_body_json.get('bug_id', '')).strip()

      create_git_branch = issue_body_json.get('create_git_branch', True)


-     project = fedscm_admin.pagure.get_project(namespace, repo)

+     project = pagure.get_project(namespace, repo)

      if not project:


              issue_json, 'The Pagure repo does not exist')
@@ -530,9 +526,9 @@ 


      # Pagure uses plural names for namespaces, but PDC does not use the

      # plural version for branch types

-     branch_type = fedscm_admin.pdc.component_type_to_singular(namespace)

+     branch_type = pdc.component_type_to_singular(namespace)

      click.echo('- Checking if {0} already exists in PDC.'.format(branch_name))

-     pdc_branch = fedscm_admin.pdc.get_branch(repo, branch_name, branch_type)

+     pdc_branch = pdc.get_branch(repo, branch_name, branch_type)

      if pdc_branch:

          ticket_text = \

              "The branch in PDC already exists, you can now create it yourself as follows:\n" \
@@ -549,7 +545,7 @@ 

      issue_id = issue_json['id']

      issue_title = issue_json['title'].strip()

      issue_owner = issue_json['user']['name']

-     issue_ui_url = fedscm_admin.pagure.get_pagure_issue_url(issue_id)

+     issue_ui_url = pagure.get_pagure_issue_url(issue_id)


      # Check if the branch requestor is one of the maintainers or part of the groups

      click.echo('- Checking if {0} is one of the maintainers of the package'.format(issue_owner))
@@ -605,14 +601,14 @@ 

              pagure_url.rstrip('/'), namespace, repo)

          # If the global component already exists, this will not try to create

          # it

-         fedscm_admin.pdc.new_global_component(repo, dist_git_url)

+         pdc.new_global_component(repo, dist_git_url)

          # Pagure uses plural names for namespaces, but PDC does not use the

          # plural version for branch types

-         branch_type = fedscm_admin.pdc.component_type_to_singular(namespace)

+         branch_type = pdc.component_type_to_singular(namespace)


-         fedscm_admin.pdc.new_branch(repo, branch_name, branch_type)

+         pdc.new_branch(repo, branch_name, branch_type)

          for sla, eol in issue_body_json['sls'].items():

-             fedscm_admin.pdc.new_sla_to_branch(

+             pdc.new_sla_to_branch(

                  sla, eol, repo, branch_name, branch_type)


          if create_git_branch:
@@ -630,7 +626,7 @@ 

      elif action == 'deny':

          comment_body = click.prompt(

              'Please enter a comment explaining the denial')

-         fedscm_admin.pagure.close_issue(issue_id, comment_body, 'Denied')

+         pagure.close_issue(issue_id, comment_body, 'Denied')

          if bug_id:

              BUGZILLA_CLIENT.comment(bug_id, comment_body)

@@ -655,7 +651,7 @@ 

      :return: None


      if comment is not None:

-         fedscm_admin.pagure.add_comment_to_issue(issue_id, comment)

+         pagure.add_comment_to_issue(issue_id, comment)

          if bug_id:

              BUGZILLA_CLIENT.comment(bug_id, comment)

          click.echo('The following comment was added to the issue "{0}"'
@@ -665,7 +661,7 @@ 

          if click.confirm('Would you like to add another comment?'):

              custom_comment = click.prompt('Please enter a comment')


-     fedscm_admin.pagure.close_issue(issue_id, custom_comment, close_status)

+     pagure.close_issue(issue_id, custom_comment, close_status)

      if custom_comment and bug_id:

          BUGZILLA_CLIENT.comment(bug_id, custom_comment)

@@ -699,7 +695,7 @@ 

          if click.confirm('Would you like to replace the default comment of '


              comment_body = click.prompt('Please enter a comment')

-         fedscm_admin.pagure.close_issue(issue_id, comment_body, 'Invalid')

+         pagure.close_issue(issue_id, comment_body, 'Invalid')

          if bug_id:

              BUGZILLA_CLIENT.comment(bug_id, comment_body)

@@ -778,10 +774,10 @@ 

      :return: None or ValidationError


      click.echo('- Verifying that the git repo is initialized')

-     git_url = fedscm_admin.pagure.get_project_git_url(

+     git_url = pagure.get_project_git_url(

          namespace, repo, url_type='git',


-     git_obj = fedscm_admin.git.GitRepo(git_url)

+     git_obj = git.GitRepo(git_url)

      if not git_obj.initialized_remotely:

          raise ValidationError('The git repository is not initialized. The git '

                                'branch can\'t be created.')
@@ -800,21 +796,21 @@ 

      :return: None or ValidationError


      if use_master is True:

-         fedscm_admin.pagure.new_branch(

+         pagure.new_branch(

              namespace, repo, branch, from_branch='master')


          # Even though the branches are created using pagure api which dont

          # require ssh, but the code supports adding package.cfg file.

          # This should be pushed using ssh.

-         git_url = fedscm_admin.pagure.get_project_git_url(

+         git_url = pagure.get_project_git_url(

              namespace, repo, url_type='ssh',


-         git_obj = fedscm_admin.git.GitRepo(git_url)

+         git_obj = git.GitRepo(git_url)


          if not git_obj.initialized:

              raise ValidationError('The git repository is not initialized. A '

                                    'git branch can\'t be created.')

-         fedscm_admin.pagure.new_branch(

+         pagure.new_branch(

              namespace, repo, branch, from_commit=git_obj.first_commit)



file added
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ 

+ import os


+ import pytest



+ @pytest.fixture

+ def saved_environ():

+     saved_environ = dict(os.environ)

+     yield os.environ

+     os.environ.clear()

+     os.environ.update(saved_environ)



+ @pytest.fixture(autouse=True)

+ def test_config(saved_environ):

+     saved_environ["FEDSCM_ADMIN_TEST_CONFIG"] = "true"

+     yield

file modified
+5 -4
@@ -109,11 +109,12 @@ 


          runner = CliRunner()

          result = runner.invoke(fedscm_admin_cli, ['list'])

-         expected_rv = ('#1: New Repo for "rpms/nethack" (opened by akhairna)\n'

-                        '#2: New Branch "abc" for "rpms/nethack" (opened by '

-                        'akhairna)\n')

+         expected_lines = {

+             '#1: New Repo for "rpms/nethack" (opened by akhairna)',

+             '#2: New Branch "abc" for "rpms/nethack" (opened by akhairna)',

+         }

          assert result.exit_code == 0

-         #assert result.output == expected_rv

+         assert {line for line in result.output.split("\n") if line} == expected_lines


      @patch('fedscm_admin.utils.verify_slas', return_value=None)


Previously, tests would break all over the place.

Build failed. More information on how to proceed and troubleshoot errors available at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Zuul-based-ci

  • tox : FAILURE in 4m 03s

2 new commits added

  • Wrap too long line to appease linter
  • Fix commented out test
3 years ago

Build succeeded.

  • tox : SUCCESS in 3m 54s

Looks good to me, I can't approve but changes are sound.

Pull-Request has been closed by humaton

3 years ago