#512 Alow retiring packages during release freeze
Opened 2 years ago by onosek. Modified 2 years ago
onosek/fedpkg retire_frozen  into  master

file modified
+1 -1
@@ -1555,7 +1555,7 @@ 

              state = get_fedora_release_state(self.config, self.name, self.cmd.branch_merge)


              # Allow retiring in Rawhide and Branched until Final Freeze

-             if state is None or state == 'pending':

+             if state is None or state in ('pending', 'frozen'):

                  super(fedpkgClient, self).retire()



file modified
+4 -2
@@ -2307,7 +2307,9 @@ 

                          content='[koji]\ntargets=rawhide f28 fedora epel')


      @patch('os.path.exists', return_value=False)

-     def test_no_config_file_is_create(self, exists):

+     @patch('pyrpkg.utils.validate_path')

+     def test_no_config_file_is_create(self, validate_path, exists):

+         validate_path.return_value = self.cloned_repo_path

          with patch('sys.argv', new=self.fake_cmd):

              cli = self.new_cli()

@@ -2547,7 +2549,7 @@ 

      def test_retire_fedora_release(self):

          self.do_not_retire_release("f30", "disabled")

          self.retire_release("f30", "pending")

-         self.do_not_retire_release("f30", "frozen")

+         self.retire_release("f30", "frozen")

          self.do_not_retire_release("f30", "current")

          self.do_not_retire_release("f30", "archived")

          self.retire_release("unknown_fedora_release", None)

Fixes: #506

Signed-off-by: Ondrej Nosek onosek@redhat.com

rebased onto f8db70e20ffabd021f7f2a43fead4d62d86374d5

2 years ago

This only makes sense during the beta freeze. I wonder if we could detect the final freeze somehow?

rebased onto 869a544

2 years ago