#361 Resolve Jenkins unittests failing
Merged 4 years ago by onosek. Opened 4 years ago by onosek.
onosek/fedpkg jenkins  into  master

file modified
+2 -1
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ 

  mock == 1.0.1

  nose == 1.3.7


+ cccolutils

+ gitpython



file modified
+18 -11
@@ -2,7 +2,14 @@ 

  envlist = py26,py27,py36,py37,flake8



- sitepackages=True

+ sitepackages=False

+ basepython=

+     py26: {env:TOXPYTHON:python2.6}

+     py27: {env:TOXPYTHON:python2.7}

+     py36: {env:TOXPYTHON:python3.6}

+     py37: {env:TOXPYTHON:python3.7}

+     flake8: {env:TOXPYTHON:python3.7}

+     flake8python2: {env:TOXPYTHON:python2.7}

  deps =


@@ -10,18 +17,18 @@ 

  commands =

      # Pip call is workaround. Nose is not installed in virtual environment when

      # nose is already installed in system. -I parameter is vital for install.

-     pip install -I nose==1.3.7 

-     nosetests {posargs}

+     pip install -I nose==1.3.7

+     pip install -I gitpython

+     # pip install -I pycurl

+     # /usr/bin/which nosetests-3

+     python -m nose --exe --with-cov --cov-report html --cov-config setup.cfg --cov fedpkg test/ {posargs}




- [testenv:py26]

- commands =

-     pip install -I "setuptools<37.0.0" "wheel<0.30.0" unittest2

-     {[testenv]commands}



  sitepackages = False

- skip_install = True

- deps = flake8 == 3.5.0

- commands = flake8 fedpkg/ test/

+ deps = flake8

+ commands = python -m flake8 fedpkg/ test/


+ [testenv:flake8python2]

+ {[testenv:flake8]}

Disabling Jenkins unittests for Python2.6, because it is not supported
by the Jenkins system anymore. To continue running unittests I also
had to change the approach to install dependent libraries - not to use
sitepackages. Libraries that are needed are installed by pip directly.
It leads to skipping of some tests that require bodhi-client.


Looks good to me. :fireworks:

Pull-Request has been merged by onosek

4 years ago