#152 [Test-Jenkins-job] test
Closed 6 years ago by cqi. Opened 6 years ago by cqi.
cqi/fedpkg test-jenkins-job  into  master

file modified
+18 -17
@@ -90,6 +90,18 @@ 

          return lines[0], "\n".join(log)


      def update(self):

+         try:

+             section = '%s.bodhi' % self.name

+             bodhi_config = {

+                 'url': self.config.get(section, 'url'),

+                 'staging': self.config.getboolean(section, 'staging'),

+                 }

+         except (ValueError, NoOptionError, NoSectionError) as e:

+             self.log.error(str(e))

+             raise rpkgError('Could not get bodhi options. It seems configuration is changed. '

+                             'Please try to reinstall %s or consult developers to see what '

+                             'is wrong with it.' % self.name)


          template = """\

  [ %(nvr)s ]

@@ -130,7 +142,8 @@ 


          # Extract bug numbers from the latest changelog entry


-         clog = file('clog').read()

+         with open('clog', 'r') as f:

+             clog = f.read()

          bugs = re.findall(r'#([0-9]*)', clog)

          if bugs:

              bodhi_args['bugs'] = ','.join(bugs)
@@ -153,9 +166,8 @@ 

          orig_hash = orig_hash.hexdigest()


          # Write out the template

-         out = file('bodhi.template', 'w')

-         out.write(template.encode('utf-8'))

-         out.close()

+         with open('bodhi.template', 'w') as f:

+             f.write(template.encode('utf-8'))


          # Open the template in a text editor

          editor = os.getenv('EDITOR', 'vi')
@@ -166,19 +178,8 @@ 

              raise rpkgError('No bodhi update details saved!')


          # If the template was changed, submit it to bodhi

-         hash = self.cmd.lookasidecache.hash_file('bodhi.template', 'sha1')

-         if hash != orig_hash:

-             try:

-                 section = '%s.bodhi' % self.name

-                 bodhi_config = {

-                     'url': self.config.get(section, 'url'),

-                     'staging': self.config.getboolean(section, 'staging'),

-                     }

-             except (ValueError, NoOptionError, NoSectionError) as e:

-                 self.log.error(str(e))

-                 raise rpkgError('Could not get bodhi options. It seems configuration is changed. '

-                                 'Please try to reinstall %s or consult developers to see what '

-                                 'is wrong with it.' % self.name)

+         new_hash = self.cmd.lookasidecache.hash_file('bodhi.template', 'sha1')

+         if new_hash != orig_hash:


                  self.cmd.update(bodhi_config, template='bodhi.template')

              except Exception as e:

@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ 

+ [fedpkg-stage]

+ anongiturl = git://pkgs.stg.example.com/%(module)s

+ gitbaseurl = ssh://%(user)s@pkgs.stg.example.com/%(module)s

+ lookaside_cgi = https://pkgs.stg.example.com/repo/pkgs/upload.cgi

+ lookasidehash = sha512

+ lookaside = http://pkgs.stg.example.com/repo/pkgs

+ branchre = f\d$|f\d\d$|el\d$|olpc\d$|master$

+ kojiprofile = koji

+ build_client = koji

+ distgit_namespaced = True

+ kerberos_realms = STG.FEDORAPROJECT.ORG


+ [fedpkg-stage.bodhi]

+ url = https://bodhi.stg.example.com/

+ staging = True 

\ No newline at end of file

file modified
@@ -12,3 +12,4 @@ 



  url = https://bodhi.dummy.example.com/

+ staging = False 

\ No newline at end of file

file added
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@ 

+ # fedpkg - a Python library for RPM Packagers

+ #

+ # Copyright (C) 2017 Red Hat Inc.

+ # Author(s): Chenxiong Qi <cqi@redhat.com>

+ #

+ # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it

+ # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the

+ # Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your

+ # option) any later version.  See http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html for

+ # the full text of the license.


+ import six


+ from six.moves.configparser import NoOptionError

+ from six.moves.configparser import NoSectionError


+ from pyrpkg.errors import rpkgError

+ from utils import CliTestCase


+ from mock import call, patch, mock_open, PropertyMock



+ class TestUpdate(CliTestCase):

+     """Test update command"""


+     def setUp(self):

+         super(TestUpdate, self).setUp()


+         self.nvr_patcher = patch('pyrpkg.Commands.nvr',

+                                  new_callable=PropertyMock,

+                                  return_value='fedpkg-1.29-9')

+         self.mock_nvr = self.nvr_patcher.start()


+         self.run_command_patcher = patch('pyrpkg.Commands._run_command')

+         self.mock_run_command = self.run_command_patcher.start()


+         # Let's always use the bodhi 2 command line to test here

+         self.get_bodhi_version_patcher = patch('fedpkg._get_bodhi_version',

+                                                return_value=[2, 11, 0])

+         self.mock_get_bodhi_version = self.get_bodhi_version_patcher.start()


+         # Not write clog actually. Instead, file object will be mocked and

+         # return fake clog content for tests.

+         self.clog_patcher = patch('pyrpkg.Commands.clog')

+         self.clog_patcher.start()


+         self.os_environ_patcher = patch.dict('os.environ', {'EDITOR': 'vi'})

+         self.os_environ_patcher.start()


+         self.fake_clog = '''Add tests for command update

+ New command update - #1000

+ Fix tests - #2000

+ '''


+     def tearDown(self):

+         self.os_environ_patcher.stop()

+         self.clog_patcher.stop()

+         self.get_bodhi_version_patcher.stop()

+         self.run_command_patcher.stop()

+         self.nvr_patcher.stop()

+         super(TestUpdate, self).tearDown()


+     def get_cli(self, cli_cmd, name='fedpkg', cfg=None):

+         with patch('sys.argv', new=cli_cmd):

+             return self.new_cli(name=name, cfg=cfg)


+     def create_bodhi_update(self, cli):

+         mocked_open = mock_open(read_data=self.fake_clog)

+         with patch('__builtin__.open', mocked_open):

+             with patch('os.unlink') as unlink:

+                 cli.update()


+                 # Ensure these files are removed in the end

+                 unlink.assert_has_calls([

+                     call('bodhi.template'),

+                     call('clog')

+                 ])


+     def test_fail_if_missing_config_options(self):

+         cli_cmd = ['fedpkg', '--path', self.cloned_repo_path, 'update']

+         cli = self.get_cli(cli_cmd)


+         with patch.object(cli.config, 'get',

+                           side_effect=NoOptionError('url', 'bodhi')):

+             six.assertRaisesRegex(

+                 self, rpkgError, 'Could not get bodhi options.', cli.update)


+         with patch.object(cli.config, 'get',

+                           side_effect=NoSectionError('bodhi')):

+             six.assertRaisesRegex(

+                 self, rpkgError, 'Could not get bodhi options.', cli.update)


+     @patch('os.path.isfile', return_value=False)

+     def test_fail_if_bodhi_template_is_not_a_file(self, isfile):

+         cli_cmd = ['fedpkg', '--path', self.cloned_repo_path, 'update']


+         cli = self.get_cli(cli_cmd)

+         six.assertRaisesRegex(

+             self, rpkgError, 'No bodhi update details saved',

+             self.create_bodhi_update, cli)


+         self.mock_run_command.assert_called_once_with(

+             ['vi', 'bodhi.template'], shell=True)


+     @patch('os.path.isfile', return_value=True)

+     @patch('hashlib.new')

+     def test_dont_update_if_aborted(self, hashlib_new, isfile):

+         hashlib_new.return_value.hexdigest.side_effect = ['ABCDEF', 'ABCDEF']


+         cli_cmd = ['fedpkg', '--path', self.cloned_repo_path, 'update']


+         cli = self.get_cli(cli_cmd)

+         self.create_bodhi_update(cli)


+         self.mock_run_command.assert_called_once_with(

+             ['vi', 'bodhi.template'], shell=True)


+     @patch('os.path.isfile', return_value=True)

+     @patch('hashlib.new')

+     @patch('pyrpkg.Commands.user', new_callable=PropertyMock)

+     def test_request_update(self, user, hashlib_new, isfile):

+         user.return_value = 'cqi'

+         hashlib_new.return_value.hexdigest.side_effect = ['origin hash',

+                                                           'different hash']


+         cli_cmd = ['fedpkg', '--path', self.cloned_repo_path, 'update']


+         cli = self.get_cli(cli_cmd)

+         self.create_bodhi_update(cli)


+         self.mock_run_command.assert_has_calls([

+             call(['vi', 'bodhi.template'], shell=True),

+             call(['bodhi', 'updates', 'new', '--file', 'bodhi.template',

+                   '--user', 'cqi', self.mock_nvr.return_value],

+                  shell=True)

+         ])


+     @patch('os.path.isfile', return_value=True)

+     @patch('hashlib.new')

+     @patch('fedpkg.Commands.update', side_effect=OSError)

+     def test_handle_any_errors_raised_when_execute_bodhi(

+             self, update, hashlib_new, isfile):

+         hashlib_new.return_value.hexdigest.side_effect = ['origin hash',

+                                                           'different hash']


+         cli_cmd = ['fedpkg', '--path', self.cloned_repo_path, 'update']


+         cli = self.get_cli(cli_cmd)

+         six.assertRaisesRegex(

+             self, rpkgError, 'Could not generate update request',

+             self.create_bodhi_update, cli)


+     @patch('os.path.isfile', return_value=True)

+     @patch('hashlib.new')

+     def test_fail_if_bodhi_version_is_not_supported(self, hashlib_new, isfile):

+         # As of writing this test, only supports version v2 and <v2.

+         self.mock_get_bodhi_version.return_value = [3, 1, 2]

+         hashlib_new.return_value.hexdigest.side_effect = ['origin hash',

+                                                           'different hash']


+         cli_cmd = ['fedpkg', '--path', self.cloned_repo_path, 'update']


+         cli = self.get_cli(cli_cmd)

+         six.assertRaisesRegex(

+             self, rpkgError, 'This system has bodhi v3, which is unsupported',

+             self.create_bodhi_update, cli)


+     @patch('os.path.isfile', return_value=True)

+     @patch('hashlib.new')

+     def test_create_update_in_stage_bodhi(self, hashlib_new, isfile):

+         self.mock_get_bodhi_version.return_value = [2, 8, 1]

+         hashlib_new.return_value.hexdigest.side_effect = ['origin hash',

+                                                           'different hash']


+         cli_cmd = ['fedpkg-stage', '--path', self.cloned_repo_path, 'update']

+         cli = self.get_cli(cli_cmd,

+                            name='fedpkg-stage',

+                            cfg='fedpkg-stage.conf')

+         self.create_bodhi_update(cli)


+         self.mock_run_command.assert_has_calls([

+             call(['vi', 'bodhi.template'], shell=True),

+             call(['bodhi', 'updates', 'new', '--file', 'bodhi.template',

+                   '--user', 'cqi', '--staging', self.mock_nvr.return_value],

+                  shell=True)

+         ])

file modified
@@ -15,6 +15,10 @@ 

  import tempfile

  import unittest

  import shutil

+ import logging


+ import pyrpkg

+ import fedpkg.cli


  from six.moves import configparser

  from fedpkg import Commands
@@ -216,3 +220,26 @@ 


      def create_branch(self, repo, branch_name):




+ class CliTestCase(CommandTestCase):

+     """Base test case for testing from command line interface"""


+     default_config_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),

+                                        'fedpkg-test.conf')


+     def new_cli(self, name='fedpkg', cfg=None):

+         config = configparser.SafeConfigParser()

+         if cfg:

+             config_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), cfg)

+         else:

+             config_file = self.default_config_file

+         config.read([config_file])


+         client = fedpkg.cli.fedpkgClient(config, name=name)

+         client.setupLogging(pyrpkg.log)

+         pyrpkg.log.setLevel(logging.CRITICAL)

+         client.do_imports(site='fedpkg')

+         client.parse_cmdline()


+         return client