#441 Formatting fixes for transparency checklist
Merged 7 months ago by catanzaro. Opened 7 months ago by ferdnyc.
ferdnyc/fedora-workstation markdown-fixes  into  master

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- = Privacy and Transparency Checklist =

+ # Privacy and Transparency Checklist


  The proposal owners commit to completing the following as part of implementing the metrics change proposal.


- == Before deployment ==

+ ## Before deployment


  Governance arrangements:


  * Metrics SIG up and running in the open

- ** Docs on how the community can join

- ** Process for community members to request new data to be collected

- ** Members of the SIG have access to the database data

- ** Process for community members to get snapshots of the database

+     * Docs on how the community can join

+     * Process for community members to request new data to be collected

+     * Members of the SIG have access to the database data

+     * Process for community members to get snapshots of the database

  * Rules on which data can and cannot be collected

  * Formal approval of the initial metric set

  * Approval procedure in place for any changes to the metrics system, including changes to which metrics are collected (changes will require FESCo approval)
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  * Server side: publicize server setup once it is ready, to get feedback

  * System testing prior to deployment - verify that only anonymous data is collected


- == After deployment ==

+ ## After deployment


  * Publish data analysis once collection is up and running.

  * Liaise with developers and partners: has the data actually been useful? Circulate the results of these conversations in order to assess whether the service has value or not.

Markdown uses indents for subbullets, and hashes to introduce heading levels.

1 new commit added

  • Update notes/metrics-privacy-transparency.md
7 months ago

Pull-Request has been merged by catanzaro

7 months ago