#437 Add list of metrics we might want to collect, and privacy/transparency checklist
Merged 8 months ago by catanzaro. Opened 8 months ago by catanzaro.

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+ = Privacy and Transparency Checklist =


+ The proposal owners commit to completing the following as part of implementing the metrics change proposal.


+ == Before deployment ==


+ Governance arrangements:


+ * Metrics SIG up and running in the open

+ ** Docs on how the community can join

+ ** Process for community members to request new data to be collected

+ ** Members of the SIG have access to the database data

+ ** Process for community members to get snapshots of the database

+ * Rules on which data can and cannot be collected

+ * Formal approval of the initial metric set

+ * Approval procedure in place for any changes to the metrics system, including changes to which metrics are collected (changes will require FESCo approval)


+ Transparency measures:


+ * Document which data will be collected and what the purpose of each metric will be

+ * All code is open source

+ * Document the role of each component

+ * Method for users to view the local data on their machines

+ * Publish raw data from system testing


+ User control features:


+ * Metrics collection off by default

+ * Metrics collection enabled through opt in only


+ Privacy measures:


+ * Client side: filter collected data to only include known variables

+ * Server side: prevent cross-referencing of anonymous data

+ * Server side: publicize server setup once it is ready, to get feedback

+ * System testing prior to deployment - verify that only anonymous data is collected


+ == After deployment ==


+ * Publish data analysis once collection is up and running.

+ * Liaise with developers and partners: has the data actually been useful? Circulate the results of these conversations in order to assess whether the service has value or not.

+ * Review metrics to see which ones don't need to be collected on a long-term basis.


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+ # Metrics list


+ A tentative list of the metrics Fedora Workstation might want to collect.



+ ## System details


+  * Fedora version - needed to interpret other results

+  * X11/Wayland - to assess Wayland success

+  * GNOME/Classic session - to determine whether classic mode is important

+  * Form factor - to inform hardware enablement priorities

+  * HSI level - to inform HSI and device security design (see https://fwupd.github.io/libfwupdplugin/hsi.html)

+  * Secure boot status - to inform device security strategy

+  * Virtual or bare metal - needed to interpret other results

+    * If virtual, virtualization platform - to inform engineering priorities

+  * Chassis-type (whether this is a laptop, server, tablet, etc... see "hostnamectl status")



+ ## Hardware


+ To inform hardware enablement priorities and improve presentation of hardware details (by enabling us to build a hardware metadata database - https://github.com/systemd/systemd/blob/main/hwdb.d/20-dmi-id.hwdb)


+  * Manufacturer

+  * Model

+  * Memory

+  * Disk capacity

+  * CPU

+  * How many displays

+  * For each display:

+      * Physical size

+      * Resolution

+      * Scaling factor

+  * How many batteries

+  * Remaining capacity of each battery

+  * Input devices present

+  * Peripherals present

+    * Type

+    * Model

+    * Connection type

+  * Printers added



+ ## Graphics


+ To direct graphics development work.


+ * Graphics hardware

+ * Driver



+ ## Disk configuration


+ To inform future configuration decisions and installer design.


+  * Filesystem

+  * Partitioning scheme

+  * /home on separate volume/partition?

+  * Disk encrypted?



+ ## Performance data


+ To direct future performance work.


+ * Disk space used/free

+ * Disk space used by Flatpak

+ * Memory load stats

+ * Memory footprint of specific components - gnome-shell, PackageKit, etc



+ ## Updates & upgrades


+ To inform: updates and upgrades design, decisions about support periods, packaging and testing strategy.


+  * Kernel version

+  * Install date

+  * Fedora version at install time

+  * Length of time since last update

+  * Date/time of last update check

+  * Updates staged locally?

+  * Automatic updates on/off?

+  * Repos enabled (RPM, Flatpak, Snap, etc)



+ ## Problems


+ To alert developers to problem areas and inform OOM design changes.


+  * How many oom kills?

+  * Frequency of oom kills?

+  * How many shell crashes

+  * Shell crashes over time



+ ## Internationalization


+ To inform i18n development priorities and design decisions.


+  * Display language

+  * Format locale

+  * Enabled input sources

+  * Default input source

+  * Country where device is physically located  (this will need discussion)


+ (Ideally we'd be able to cross-reference these - it would be useful to know the input sources used with a particular display language, and so on.)



+ ## Codecs


+ To inform multimedia support efforts.


+ * Which codecs installed

+   * Where installed from



+ ## Apps


+ To inform app development priorities, gnome-software design, dash defaults.


+ Installation:

+  * Which apps installed

+  * Format of installed apps

+  * Flatpak runtimes installed


+ Usage:

+  * Number of times each app launched

+  * Length of time each app running

+  * Length of time each app focused


+ Defaults:

+  * Default browser

+  * Default mimetype handlers

+  * Default URL handlers



+ ## GNOME Shell usage


+ To inform future design changes to GNOME Shell.


+ App launching:

+  * Frequency of app launch from search

+  * Frequency of app launch from the dash

+  * Frequency of app launch from the app grid


+ Window and workspace switching:

+  * Frequency of window switching:

+      * Using super+tab / alt+tab shortcut

+      * Using the activities overview

+  * Frequency of workspace switching:

+      * With keyboard shortcut

+      * With mouse wheel shortcut

+      * With activities overview


+ Dash and app grid:

+  * Number of default apps removed from dash

+  * Number of apps added to the dash

+  * Times apps moved in app grid

+  * Number of app folders added


+ General usage patterns:

+  * Number of windows open over time

+  * Number of workspaces open over time

+  * Number of apps running over time

+  * Number of windows per app

+  * Number of times activities overview opened

+    * For each one - how was the overview closed?


+ Calendar popover:

+    * How many events listed?

+    * How many world clocks listed?

+    * Weather indicated?


+ Search

+  * Which search providers enabled

+  * Number of times items (results or "more" link) from each search provider selected



+ ## Desktop configuration


+ To inform desktop development priorities and default desktop configuration.


+ Multitasking settings:


+  * Workspaces span displays?

+  * Window-based alt tab?

+  * Fixed number of workspaces?

+  * App switching: all workspaces or current workspace?

+  * Focus on hover?


+ User accounts


+  * How many regular user accounts

+  * How many enterprise login accounts


+ Sharing settings


+  * File sharing on/off

+  * Remote desktop on/off

+  * Multimedia sharing on/off

+  * Remote login on/off


+ Other settings:


+  * Number and type of online accounts enabled

+  * Accessibility features enabled

+  * Location services enabled?

+  * Default apps? (web, mail, calendar, music...)



+ ## Shell extensions


+  * List of enabled extensions

+    * Installation format of each



+ ## App-specific metrics


+ To inform future design changes to apps and desktop user docs.


+ ## Settings (gnome-control-center)


+  * Number of times each panel opened


+ ## Files (nautilus)


+  * Number of bookmarks

+  * Number of starred items

+  * Number of remote filesystems mounted

+  * Times the following locations are opened: recents, starred, other locations, other xdg folders

+  * Preferences:

+      * Sort folders before files

+      * Expandable folders in list view

+      * Action to open items


+ ## Boxes (gnome-boxes)


+  * Number of boxes

+  * Is the icon-view or the list-view used?

+  * Are VMs configured to run in the background?

+  * Are VMs installed with UEFI or legacy BIOS?


+ ## Connections (gnome-connections)


+  * Number of remote connections

+  * Number of remote connections per protocol (RDP vs VNC)


+ ## Help (yelp)


+  * Number of times opened

+  * Pages viewed


+ ## Toolbx


+  * Number of toolbxs

+    * Type of each toolbx


no initial comment

1 new commit added

  • Add metrics privacy/transparency checklist
8 months ago

Pull-Request has been merged by catanzaro

8 months ago