We enabled parental controls for F35 in #186 . Today someone pointed out that the app has quite poor ratings and reviews in Software.
The average rating is 1.5. There are four reviews in English, all of which date from after F35 was released. Three of the four are negative. Some excerpts:
There's not much data here to go on, but it sounds like there could be issues here that need addressing. Is there a way we could get some more feedback?
The reviews seems very vague.
I've been in touch with Philip, the upstream malcontent maintainer. It seems that the change to hide the parental controls app launcher happened in 0.10.2 onwards, so isn't in F34. Both gnome-shell and gnome-control-center depends on malcontent-control (the package containing the parental controls app), so it can't be removed.
It could be that the negative reviews are just coming from F34 users.
Philip's proposed a change upstream which might help, but I wonder if we should just try and backport the commit to hide the app launcher?
Since gnome-control-center!1182 landed, it would now be possible to change gnome-control-center's dependency on malcontent-control from requires to recommends. However, since the parental controls app is hidden in F35 and later, the impetus to do so is probably receding...
There's a separate question about whether the parental controls should continue to be a separate app, which I've filed an issue for, but I don't think we need to concern ourselves with that too much here.
The working group discussed this issue at yesterday's meeting, and agreed that gnome-control-center's dependency on malcontent-control should be weakened.
Anyone want to make that change?
Metadata Update from @aday: - Issue tagged with: pending-action
I posted https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/gnome-control-center/pull-request/13
Looks like this got merged - thanks @feborges !
Metadata Update from @aday: - Issue close_status updated to: Fixed - Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)
I saw in https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/gnome-control-center/pull-request/13, that this change was "Built as gnome-control-center-42.1-3.fc37". However, the uninstall button is still unavailable in GNOME 43 (with F37).
<img alt="Screenshot_from_2022-12-24_00-23-17.png" src="/fedora-workstation/issue/raw/files/ed239f265324c645903d3087a2980121b4a64a677fa09dc23a94c788ea18bf85-Screenshot_from_2022-12-24_00-23-17.png" />
Nevermind, the change was for rawhide. Sorry for the noise!
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