#117 coreos-download: fix the misleading buttons in download page
Merged 3 years ago by dustymabe. Opened 3 years ago by abai.
fedora-web/ abai/websites coreos-download  into  master

@@ -112,6 +112,18 @@ 

      stream: function() {



+     loading: function() {

+       // Scrolls the view to navigation bar after user has clicked one of the download button

+       // This needs to watch loading variable since the whole page is re-rendered

+       Vue.nextTick(function () {

+         // Code that will run only after the

+         // entire view has been re-rendered

+         let navPlatforms = document.getElementById("stream-title");

+         if (coreos_download_app.loading || navPlatforms == null || coreos_download_app.scrollToNavbar != true) return;

+         navPlatforms.scrollIntoView();

+         coreos_download_app.scrollToNavbar = false;

+       });

+     },

      // watching nested data: https://stackoverflow.com/a/46331968

      "streamDataAll.stable": function(newVal, oldVal) {

        if (isEmptyObj(this.streamDataAll.stable)) {
@@ -213,53 +225,35 @@ 

        navCloudOperatorsBtn = h('button', { class: "nav-link col-12 h-100 overflow-hidden".concat(this.shownId === IdPool.cloud_operators ? " active" : ""), attrs: { "data-toggle": "tab" }, on: { click: this.toggleHidden } }, [ cloudUploadIcon, tabInnerText.cloud_operators ]);

        navCloudOperators = h('li', { class: "nav-item col-12 col-sm-4" }, [ navCloudOperatorsBtn ]);


-       navbar = h('ul', { class: "nav nav-tabs" }, [ navCloudLaunchable, navMetalVirt, navCloudOperators ]);

+       navbar = h('ul', { class: "nav nav-tabs mt-3" }, [ navCloudLaunchable, navMetalVirt, navCloudOperators ]);

        return navbar;


-     // Render a dropdown list with options of streams

-     getStreamName: function(h) {

-       const self = this;

-       if (this.streamData === null) return;

+     // Introduction section for streams, the section above the navigation bar for platforms

+     getStreamIntro: function(h) {


        function onClick(e) {

+         e.preventDefault();


+         if (coreos_download_app.stream == e.target.id) {

+           let navPlatforms = document.getElementById("stream-title");

+           navPlatforms.scrollIntoView();

+           return;

+         }


+         coreos_download_app.scrollToNavbar = true;

          const downloadPageUrl = window.location.href.match(/^.*\/coreos\/download/)[0];

-         const currentShownKey = Object.keys(IdPool).find(key => IdPool[key] === self.shownId);

-         coreos_download_app.stream = e.target.value;

+         const currentShownKey = Object.keys(IdPool).find(key => IdPool[key] === coreos_download_app.shownId);

+         coreos_download_app.stream = e.target.id;

          history.replaceState(null, null, `${downloadPageUrl}?tab=${currentShownKey}&stream=${coreos_download_app.stream}`);



-       btnDropdownToggle = h('button', { class: "btn btn-sm bg-gray-200 dropdown-toggle py-0", attrs: { type: "button", id: "dropdownMenuStreams", "data-toggle": "dropdown", "aria-haspopup": true, "aria-expanded": false } }, self.stream );

-       btnDropdownStable = h('button', { class: "dropdown-item", attrs: { type: "button", value: "stable" }, on: { click: onClick } }, "stable");

-       btnDropdownTesting = h('button', { class: "dropdown-item", attrs: { type: "button", value: "testing" }, on: { click: onClick } }, "testing");

-       btnDropdownNext = h('button', { class: "dropdown-item", attrs: { type: "button", value: "next" }, on: { click: onClick } }, "next");

-       divDropdownMenu = h('div', { class: "dropdown-menu", attrs: { "aria-labelledby": "dropdownMenuStreams" } }, [ btnDropdownStable, btnDropdownTesting, btnDropdownNext ]);

-       divDropdown = h('div', { class: "d-inline dropdown ml-2" }, [ btnDropdownToggle, divDropdownMenu ])


-       streamName = h('p', { class: "mt-5 mb-2 ml-3" }, [

-         "Currently Selected Stream:",

-         divDropdown ]);

-       return streamName;

-     },

-     // Introduction section for streams, the section above the navigation bar for platforms

-     getStreamIntro: function(h) {

        const overviewPageUrl = window.location.href.match(/^.*\/coreos/)[0];

-       title = h('h2', { class: "font-weight-light text-center pb-3 mb-3" }, "Fedora CoreOS is available across 3 different release streams:");

+       title = h('h2', { class: "font-weight-light text-center mb-5 pt-5" }, "Fedora CoreOS is available across 3 different release streams:");


        if (this.loading) {

          return title;



-       viewAllStreamsBtn = h('button',

-       {

-         class: "d-block mx-auto mb-5 py-1 btn btn-sm btn-fedora-purple",

-         on: {

-           click: function(e) {

-             e.preventDefault();

-             window.open(`${overviewPageUrl}`);

-           }

-         }

-       }, "View All Streams");


        // Release info section with three tabs: stable, testing, next

        // NOTE: in order for the button line up at the same horizontal level, use a fixed height `9em` for <p> elements of stream summaries.

        stableIcon = h("i", {
@@ -278,17 +272,15 @@ 

        stableReleaseJSONContainer = h("div", { class: "col-8" }, [ stableHeading, stableReleaseVersion, stableJSON ])

        stableHeadingContainer = h("div", { class: "row" }, [ stableIconContainer, stableReleaseJSONContainer ])


-       stableIntroText = h("p", { class: "pl-3 pr-2", style: { height: "9em" } }, "The Stable Stream should be used by production clusters. Versions of Fedora CoreOS are battle-tested within the Testing and Next streams before being promoted.");

+       stableIntroText = h("p", { class: "pl-3 pr-2", style: { height: "9em" } }, "The Stable stream should be used by production clusters. Versions of Fedora CoreOS are battle-tested within the Testing and Next streams before being promoted.");

        stableReleaseLink = h('button',


-         class: "d-block mx-auto mb-4 py-1 btn btn-sm btn-fedora-blue",

+         class: "d-block mx-auto mb-4 py-1 px-3 btn btn-sm btn-fedora-blue",

+         attrs: { id: "stable" },

          on: {

-           click: function(e) {

-             e.preventDefault();

-             window.open(`${overviewPageUrl}?stream=stable`);

-           }

+           click: onClick


-       }, "View Stable Releases");

+       }, "Show Downloads");


        // then Testing stream

        testingIcon = h("i", {
@@ -310,14 +302,12 @@ 

        testingIntroText = h("p", { class: "pl-3 pr-2", style: { height: "9em" } }, "The Testing stream consists of promoted Next releases. Mix a few Testing machines into your production clusters to catch any bugs specific to your hardware or configuration.");

        testingReleaseLink = h('button',


-         class: "d-block mx-auto mb-4 py-1 btn btn-sm btn-fedora-green",

+         class: "d-block mx-auto mb-4 py-1 px-3 btn btn-sm btn-fedora-green",

+         attrs: { id: "testing" },

          on: {

-           click: function(e) {

-             e.preventDefault();

-             window.open(`${overviewPageUrl}?stream=testing`);

-           }

+           click: onClick


-       }, "View Testing Releases");

+       }, "Show Downloads");


        // then Next stream

        nextIcon = h("i", {
@@ -340,14 +330,12 @@ 

        nextIntroText = h("p", { class: "pl-3 pr-2", style: { height: "9em" } }, "The Next stream closely tracks current development work and is released frequently. The newest versions of the Linux kernel, Systemd, and other components will be available for testing.");

        nextReleaseLink = h('button',


-         class: "d-block mx-auto mb-4 py-1 btn btn-sm btn-fedora-orange",

+         class: "d-block mx-auto mb-4 py-1 px-3 btn btn-sm btn-fedora-orange",

+         attrs: { id: "next" },

          on: {

-           click: function(e) {

-             e.preventDefault();

-             window.open(`${overviewPageUrl}?stream=next`);

-           }

+           click: onClick


-       }, "View Next Releases");

+       }, "Show Downloads");


        stableDiv = h('div', {

          class: "col-12 col-lg-4 border-left border-fedora-blue pt-3",
@@ -369,7 +357,29 @@ 

        }, [nextHeadingContainer, nextIntroText, nextReleaseLink])


        streamsIntroDiv = h('div', { class: "row my-3" }, [stableDiv, testingDiv, nextDiv]);

-       wrapperDiv = h('div', {}, [title, viewAllStreamsBtn, streamsIntroDiv]);


+       // Text color map for the streams for easy access

+       const textColorMap = {

+         "stable": "text-fedora-blue",

+         "testing": "text-fedora-green",

+         "next": "text-fedora-orange"

+       };


+       displayedStreamTitle = h('div', { class: "font-weight-light text-left pt-5", attrs: { id: "stream-title" } }, [

+         `Currently displayed stream:`,

+         // https://stackoverflow.com/a/1026087 for making the first letter uppercase

+         h('span', { class: `${textColorMap[this.stream]} mx-2` }, this.stream.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + this.stream.slice(1)),

+         `(`,

+         h('a', {

+           class: "font-weight-bold text-gray-500",

+           attrs: {

+             href: overviewPageUrl

+           }

+         }, `View Releases`),

+         `)`

+       ]);


+       wrapperDiv = h('div', {}, [title, streamsIntroDiv, displayedStreamTitle]);

        return wrapperDiv;


      isAws: function(platform) {
@@ -538,7 +548,7 @@ 



    render: function(h) {

-     if(window.location.href.match(/^.*\/coreos\/download/) == null) {

+     if (window.location.href.match(/^.*\/coreos\/download/) == null) {



      const downloadPageUrl = window.location.href.match(/^.*\/coreos\/download/)[0];
@@ -584,9 +594,9 @@ 


      var signatureSha256VerificationModal = this.getSignatureAndShaModal(h);

      h1Title = h('h1', { class: "font-weight-light text-center my-5" }, "Download Fedora CoreOS");

-     streamSelectContainer = h('div', { class: "pb-0 pt-3 mb-3" }, [ this.getStreamIntro(h), this.getStreamName(h), this.getNavbar(h) ]);

+     streamSelectContainer = h('div', { class: "pb-0 mb-3" }, [ this.getStreamIntro(h), this.getNavbar(h) ]);

      if (this.loading) {

-       streamInfoDiv = h('div', { class: "bg-light pt-3" }, [ h('div', { class: "container font-weight-light" }, [ streamSelectContainer ]) ]);

+       streamInfoDiv = h('div', { class: "bg-light" }, [ h('div', { class: "container font-weight-light" }, [ streamSelectContainer ]) ]);

        downloadDiv = h('div', { class: "bg-white pb-5" }, [ h('div', { class: "container font-weight-light" }, "Loading...") ]);

        return h('div', {}, [ h1Title, streamInfoDiv, downloadDiv ]);

@@ -798,7 +808,7 @@ 

        let metalVirtContainer = h('div', { class: "row col-12 py-2 my-2", attrs: { id: IdPool.metal_virtualized, hidden: this.shownId !== IdPool.metal_virtualized } }, [ bareMetalContainer, virtualizedContainer ]);

        let cloudOperatorsContainer = h('div', { class: "col-12 py-2 my-2", attrs: { id: IdPool.cloud_operators, hidden: this.shownId !== IdPool.cloud_operators } }, [ cloud ]);


-       streamInfoDiv = h('div', { class: "bg-light pt-3" }, [ h('div', { class: "container font-weight-light" }, [ streamSelectContainer ]) ]);

+       streamInfoDiv = h('div', { class: "bg-light" }, [ h('div', { class: "container font-weight-light" }, [ streamSelectContainer ]) ]);

        downloadDiv = h('div', { class: "bg-white pb-5" }, [

          h('div', { class: "container font-weight-light" }, [


The three buttons in the download page previously linked back
to the overview page, which caused confusion for the users:

Instead, use only one button "View Release Notes" to link to the release notes
and the other three buttons for stream selector for downloads.

Closes: https://github.com/coreos/fedora-coreos-tracker/issues/493#issuecomment-634222788
Signed-off-by: Allen Bai abai@redhat.com


Today I've been trying to use the smooth functionality of scrollIntoView, i.e. element.scrollIntoView({behavior: "smooth", block: "start", inline: "start"}); but the behavior is very unstable (mostly in FireFox) and I highly suspect this is related to the async rendering of the page. Currently the change is to scroll to the navbar without scrolling animation.

cc @jlebon @dustymabe

As we don't yet have real release-notes, I think View Releases here would be fine enough.

Clicking this does not really download now :D
What about Browse images OR OS images or OS artifacts (or something similar) instead?

While I agree on dropping the dropdown, I think it's still valuable to keep some kind of visual hint to know which stream is currently being displayed.

Can we keep some element here with that content, and possibly matching the stream color?

Thanks for the review!

That makes sense. Will proceed with View Releases, Show Downloads as proposed in https://github.com/coreos/fedora-coreos-tracker/issues/493#issuecomment-635211659 and display selected stream.

rebased onto ba97c50efe09527954c37d8b54b5eb966d98162d

3 years ago

screenshot demo stable
screenshot demo testing
screenshot demo next

Updated as proposed, I was trying to figure out a way to give hint about the selected stream yesterday but I think this colored implementation looks really good.

@lucab could you take a second look?

@abai yes, I think that works.
To save a bit of vertical space too, you may consider re-arranging the "View Releases" button to be on the same line as this new stream hint (or having multiple ones next to each "Show Downloads").

Yes, this feels much better!

I think @lucab's idea of moving the "View Releases" button down, since it seems out of place as coming right after the introductory sentence.

Anyway, I wouldn't block on it if you want to tackle that as a follow-up.

Yes, I would prefer get this fix in first and do some experiment on the "View Releases" button as a follow-up.

/hold Will update with the View Releases bit

rebased onto b092799

3 years ago

moved "View Releases"

Moved "View Releases" right beside the selected stream hint and removed the button styling so that it visually fits in with the line

LGTM, great rework!
I don't have merge access, so will leave it to e.g. @dustymabe or someone else to do a final review and merge.

Pull-Request has been merged by dustymabe

3 years ago