#176 Globe image may be too North-America-centric
Opened 3 years ago by dmalcolm. Modified 3 years ago

https://getfedora.org/ embeds the image globe.png:


Quoting various comments on https://www.phoronix.com/forums/forum/phoronix/latest-phoronix-articles/1246581-fedora-34-beta-released-with-pipewire-in-action-gnome-40-desktop


Any Fedora or Red Hat employee here, please, ask someone to fix the Earth globe on that page, the South America map is warped.

"sabian2008" replied:

Even more, I find it funny they try to stress a global effort but put USA basically in the center of the projection. I know Red Hat (and IBM) is an American company, but the message ends up kindda contradictory.

BTW is that a projection? Ecuador is so warped (inversely curved) it seems that if that's actually a projection it must be a really strange one.

I think sabian2008 is onto something here in that although the image is being used in a context trying to convey that Fedora is a global project it may be unwittingly making the project seem more US-centric. Maybe there's a better way to graphically convey this?

Hope this is constructive

Yeah South America does look quite strange in that rendition, and that certainly wasn't the intention. The whole site is due for a redesign, and I think we can probably find a better way to represent the global diversity of our community graphically.

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