Fedora Workstation and FESCo both recently disabled cups.service from starting by default on Workstation and all non-Edition media (due to cups.socket being socket-activated these days). However, there is an open question about Fedora Server, since cups.service does add one feature that we might be interested in: it needs to be running in order to broadcast the availability of network printers.
Thus far, we've inherited the global default for this, which means that once that change lands in fedora-release, it will affect us as well unless we opt to switch to having it enabled by default. We should vote on this on Tuesday, May 9th.
@zdohnal Would you mind joining our Server SIG meeting on 2017-05-09 at 20:00 UTC in #fedora-meeting-1 to explain the situation again? If not, I'll just ask the WG members to read the FESCo minutes.
@sgallagh Ok, I'll be there.
Metadata Update from @sgallagh: - Issue tagged with: meeting
At today's Server SIG meeting, we agreed to no longer enable cups.service by default on new installations. Existing deployments will remain unmodified.
Metadata Update from @sgallagh: - Issue assigned to sgallagh
Metadata Update from @sgallagh: - Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)
Metadata Update from @pboy: - Issue untagged with: meeting
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