#195 Fix --no-rpmautospec, drop SPDX conversion for Fedora and EPEL, cleanups
Merged 2 years ago by zbyszek. Opened 2 years ago by zbyszek.
fedora-rust/ zbyszek/rust2rpm option-parsing  into  main

file modified
+45 -21
@@ -175,6 +175,7 @@ 



  def files_from_crate(cratef, crate, version):

+     """Unpacks cratef and returns path to toml file, list of doc files, list of license files"""

      with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:

          target_dir = f"{tmpdir}/"

          with tarfile.open(cratef, "r") as archive:
@@ -182,8 +183,7 @@ 

                  if not os.path.abspath(os.path.join(target_dir, n)).startswith(target_dir):

                      raise Exception("Unsafe filenames!")


-         toml_relpath = f"{crate}-{version}/Cargo.toml"

-         toml = f"{tmpdir}/{toml_relpath}"

+         toml = f"{tmpdir}/{crate}-{version}/Cargo.toml"

          if not os.path.isfile(toml):

              raise IOError("crate does not contain Cargo.toml file")

          root_path = f"{tmpdir}/{crate}-{version}"
@@ -191,8 +191,9 @@ 

          license_files = get_license_files(root_path)

          yield toml, doc_files, license_files


- def make_patch(toml, enabled=True, tmpfile=False):

-     if not enabled:

+ def make_patch(args, toml, tmpfile=False):

+     """Spawns editor on toml and returns a unified diff after editor closes"""

+     if not args.patch:

          return []


      editor = detect_editor()
@@ -225,6 +226,7 @@ 



  def get_license_files(path):

+     """Heuristic match on file names to detect license files"""

      exclude = { "vendor", "example", "examples", "_example", "_examples",

                  "testdata", "_testdata", ".github", "tests", "test" }

      for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path, topdown=True):
@@ -235,6 +237,7 @@ 



  def get_doc_files(path):

+     """Heuristic match on file names to detect documentation files"""

      plus = re.compile(r"""


@@ -250,6 +253,18 @@ 

                  yield os.path.relpath(os.path.join(root, f), path)


  def get_package_info(package):

+     """Download information about package from dist-git.


+     Returns JSON with package metadata, or None if the package is

+     unnkown or the spec file is not present.


+     >>> rust2rpm.__main__.get_package_info('rust-alacritty')

+     {...

+     'name': 'rust-alacritty',

+     'namespace': 'rpms',

+     ...}

+     """


      url = requests.compat.urljoin(DIST_GIT_URL, f"rpms/{package}")

      req = requests.get(url, headers={"User-Agent": "rust2rpm"})

      json = req.json()
@@ -268,17 +283,17 @@ 


      return json


- def make_diff_metadata(crate, version, patch=False, store=False):

+ def make_diff_metadata(args, crate, version):

      if _is_path(crate):

          # Only things that look like a paths are considered local arguments

          if crate.endswith(".crate"):

              cratef, crate, version = local_crate(crate, version)


-             if store:

+             if args.store_crate:

                  raise ValueError("--store-crate can only be used for a crate")


              toml, crate, version, doc_files, license_files = local_toml(crate, version)

-             diff = make_patch(toml, enabled=patch, tmpfile=True)

+             diff = make_patch(args, toml, tmpfile=True)

              metadata = Metadata.from_file(toml)

              if len(metadata) > 1:

                  print(f"Warning: multiple metadata for {toml}")
@@ -291,12 +306,12 @@ 

          if not license_files:

              print(f"Warning: no license files detected in {crate}")


-         diff = make_patch(toml, enabled=patch)

+         diff = make_patch(args, toml)

          metadata = Metadata.from_file(toml)

          if len(metadata) > 1:

-             print(f"Warning: multiple metadata for {toml}")

+             print(f"Warning: multiple metadata for {toml}, ignoring everything except the first")

          metadata = metadata[0]

-     if store:

+     if args.store_crate:

          shutil.copy2(cratef, os.path.join(os.getcwd(), f"{metadata.name}-{version}.crate"))

      return crate, diff, metadata, doc_files, license_files

@@ -306,6 +321,12 @@ 

      return list(filter(None, (l.strip() for l in s.splitlines())))


  def detect_rpmautospec(default_target, spec_file):

+     """Guess whether %autorelease+%autochangelog should be used


+     Returns False if we're not on Fedora or if the spec file exists and

+     wasn't using rpmautospec already.

+     """


      # We default to on only for selected distros for now…

      if default_target not in {"fedora"}:

          return False
@@ -346,9 +367,11 @@ 

                          help="Print license mappings and exit")

      parser.add_argument("--translate-license", action="store_true",

                          help="Print mapping for specified license and exit")

-     parser.add_argument("--no-auto-changelog-entry", action="store_true",

+     parser.add_argument("--no-auto-changelog-entry", action="store_false",

+                         default=True, dest="auto_changelog_entry",

                          help="Do not generate a changelog entry")

-     parser.add_argument("--no-existence-check", action="store_true",

+     parser.add_argument("--no-existence-check", action="store_false",

+                         default=True, dest="existence_check",

                          help="Do not check whether the package already exists in dist-git")

      parser.add_argument("-", "--stdout", action="store_true",

                          help="Print spec and patches into stdout")
@@ -363,15 +386,17 @@ 


                          help="Use autorelease and autochangelog features")

      parser.add_argument("--no-rpmautospec", action="store_false",

-                         default=None,

+                         dest="rpmautospec",

                          help="Do not use rpmautospec")

      parser.add_argument("--relative-license-paths", action="store_true",

                          help="Put all license files in main license directory")

      parser.add_argument("--all-features", action="store_true",

                          help="Activate all available features")

      parser.add_argument("--dynamic-buildrequires", action="store_true",

+                         default=None,

                          help="Use dynamic BuildRequires feature")

-     parser.add_argument("--no-dynamic-buildrequires", action="store_true",

+     parser.add_argument("--no-dynamic-buildrequires", action="store_false",

+                         dest="dynamic_buildrequires",

                          help="Do not use dynamic BuildRequires feature")

      parser.add_argument("--suffix", action="store",

                          help="Package suffix")
@@ -396,8 +421,7 @@ 

      if args.crate is None:

          parser.error("required crate/path argument missing")


-     crate, diff, metadata, doc_files, license_files = make_diff_metadata(

-         args.crate, args.version, patch=args.patch, store=args.store_crate)

+     crate, diff, metadata, doc_files, license_files = make_diff_metadata(args, args.crate, args.version)


      JINJA_ENV.globals["normalize_deps"] = normalize_deps

      JINJA_ENV.globals["to_list"] = to_list
@@ -436,7 +460,7 @@ 

      kwargs["pkg_suffix"] = suffix

      spec_file = pathlib.Path(f"rust-{metadata.name}{suffix}.spec")


-     if args.target in {"fedora"} and not args.no_existence_check and not os.path.exists(spec_file):

+     if args.target in {"fedora"} and args.existence_check and not os.path.exists(spec_file):

          # No specfile, so this is probably a new package

          package_info = get_package_info(f"rust-{metadata.name}{suffix}")

          if package_info:
@@ -444,10 +468,10 @@ 

              print("Re-run with --no-existence-check if you still want to convert it.")



-     kwargs["auto_changelog_entry"] = not args.no_auto_changelog_entry

+     kwargs["auto_changelog_entry"] = args.auto_changelog_entry


      rpmautospec = args.rpmautospec

-     if args.rpmautospec is None:

+     if rpmautospec is None:

          rpmautospec = detect_rpmautospec(args.target, spec_file)

      kwargs["rpmautospec"] = rpmautospec

@@ -476,8 +500,8 @@ 


          kwargs["pkg_release"] = "1%{?dist}"


-     if args.target == "fedora" and not args.no_dynamic_buildrequires:

-         args.dynamic_buildrequires = True

+     if args.dynamic_buildrequires is None:

+         args.dynamic_buildrequires = args.target == "fedora"


      kwargs["generate_buildrequires"] = args.dynamic_buildrequires


file modified
+1 -1
@@ -58,6 +58,6 @@ 


  def translate_license(target, license):

      license = translate_slashes(license)

-     if target in {"fedora", "epel", "mageia"}:

+     if target in {"mageia"}:

          return translate_license_fedora(license)

      return license, None

Preparatory changes split out of #183.

rebased onto 166214f

2 years ago

OK, no comments seems to be forthcoming, I'll merge this without review. I've being working on a bunch of packages over the last few days and those patches seem to work fine.

Pull-Request has been merged by zbyszek

2 years ago