We currently transclude the full download table on every validation page. This is a bit overwhelming (Server WG folks shared that it makes the Server validation page a bit too big and intimidating). It would be great if we could tweak this so the validation pages show appropriately-tailored tables: the Installation and Base pages should probably show the whole table, but Desktop could show only desktop images, Server could show only server images, and Cloud could show only cloud images.
I can think of a few ways to slice this. We could try and do something very clever with table syntax such that the 'same' table (on the source page) looked different when transcluded into the different matrix pages, but I'm not sure that's even possible. Otherwise, we could produce multiple download pages (this might also imply changes to the relval CLI), or the download page could contain multiple tables, and somehow we only transclude the appropriate one into each matrix page. I think to do that we'd have to make the download page a Template, and use template parameters. Honestly, I think the 'multiple pages' approach might be easiest/safest, now I write this down.
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