#171 Should the oidc token be in URL?
Closed 23 days ago by frantisekz. Opened a year ago by kparal.

People sometimes report issues against packager dashboard which contain their oidc token in URL, see #167. If they are not well informed, they'll keep the value in logs, which might affect their account security (it seems). Is it necessary to have the oidc_token in URL? Can't that be passed through POST?

Metadata Update from @frantisekz:
- Issue assigned to lbrabec

a year ago

You're right, fix is in master.

The fix has been deployed to the production env and I've verified it's working properly.

Metadata Update from @frantisekz:
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

23 days ago

Metadata Update from @jskladan:
- Custom field story_points adjusted to 1

19 days ago

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