#326 rpmostree_overlay: double the timeouts
Merged 6 days ago by adamwill. Opened 12 days ago by dbrouwer.
fedora-qa/ dbrouwer/os-autoinst-distri-fedora dbrouwer/rpmostree  into  main

file modified
+2 -2
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ 


      # Install htop as rpm-ostree overlay. Let's have timeout defined

      # quite generously, because it loads the package DBs.

-     assert_script_run "rpm-ostree install htop", timeout => 300;

+     assert_script_run "rpm-ostree install htop", timeout => 600;

      # Reboot the machine to boot into the overlayed tree.

      reboot_and_login "300";

@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ 

      assert_script_run "htop --version";


      # Then install the psotgresql-server package.

-     assert_script_run "rpm-ostree install postgresql-server", timeout => 300;

+     assert_script_run "rpm-ostree install postgresql-server", timeout => 600;


      # Reboot the machine to boot into the overlayed tree.

      reboot_and_login "300";

Tests running in cloud instances are failing because installing
rpm-ostree packages, particularly writing the OSTree commit, is often
taking longer than the timeout maximum of five minutes.

Stop these tests from needlessly failing by doubling the allowable
time for installing each package.

Signed-off-by: Deborah Brouwer deborah.brouwer@collabora.com

rebased onto 356ee97

6 days ago

rebased onto 3ac7b5a

6 days ago

Pull-Request has been merged by adamwill

6 days ago