| |
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
| |
+ package desktoptools;
| |
| |
+ use strict;
| |
| |
+ use base 'Exporter';
| |
+ use Exporter;
| |
| |
+ use testapi;
| |
+ use utils;
| |
| |
+ our @EXPORT = qw/find_application install_application check_application_information start_application_via_packagemanager check_app_installed remove_application restart_application/;
| |
| |
+ # This subroutine searches for the application using the package manager's
| |
+ # search method. Currently, the routine is only available for Gnome Software.
| |
+ sub find_application {
| |
+ my $application = shift;
| |
+ assert_and_click("gnome_search_button");
| |
+ wait_still_screen(2);
| |
+ type_safely($application);
| |
+ # Confirm that the application has been found and shown
| |
+ # in the overview, click on it to enter the installation
| |
+ # tab and confirm it has opened.
| |
+ assert_and_click("software_$application-found");
| |
+ wait_still_screen(2);
| |
+ assert_screen("software_$application-install_pane");
| |
+ }
| |
| |
+ # This subroutine checks that the application shows appropriate
| |
+ # information.
| |
+ sub check_application_information {
| |
+ my $application = shift;
| |
+ # The logo, the screenshot, and the description should be visible
| |
+ # without any intervention needed.
| |
+ assert_screen("software_logo_$application");
| |
+ assert_screen("software_screenshot_$application");
| |
+ assert_screen("software_description_$application");
| |
| |
+ # Other elements are placed below the visible area
| |
+ # so we need to move there, if we want to see it.
| |
+ # The safest option is to hit the tab key until
| |
+ # we reach that element.
| |
+ send_key_until_needlematch("software_download_size_$application", "tab");
| |
+ # Now, other metadata should be visible two, so let's check them
| |
+ assert_screen("software_safestatus_$application");
| |
+ assert_screen("software_usage_$application");
| |
+ assert_screen("software_rating_$application");
| |
| |
+ # Again, let's move a bit down
| |
+ send_key_until_needlematch("software_website_$application", "tab");
| |
+ # Let's click on the link to open the website
| |
+ click_lastmatch();
| |
| |
+ # Check, that the webpage has opened with correct information.
| |
+ assert_screen("software_weblink_$application");
| |
+ assert_screen("software_webcontent_$application");
| |
| |
+ # Close the browser
| |
+ send_key("alt-f4");
| |
+ wait_still_screen(2);
| |
+ }
| |
| |
+ # This subroutine installs an application via the
| |
+ # GUI application, such as Gnome Software, or Discover.
| |
+ # Currently, only Gnome Software is supported.
| |
+ # The $application takes the name of the application, while
| |
+ # $source takes the installation source, rpm or flatpak.
| |
+ # The subroutine does not start the application itself,
| |
+ # you need to start it before running this.
| |
+ sub install_application {
| |
+ my ($application, $source) = @_;
| |
+ # For some applications, there are more installation sources
| |
+ # available. Pick the desired one.
| |
+ if (check_screen("software_sources_available", timeout => 5)) {
| |
+ click_lastmatch();
| |
+ wait_still_screen(2);
| |
+ assert_and_click("software_source_fedora_$source");
| |
+ wait_still_screen(2);
| |
+ # Confirm that the source is indeed correctly selected.
| |
+ assert_screen("software_sources_available_$source");
| |
+ }
| |
+ # Click the Install button to start the installation.
| |
+ assert_and_click("gnome_install_button");
| |
+ # When the installation is finished, the Open button
| |
+ # will be shown. We are going to wait for this for
| |
+ # a certain time. In case of Flatpak, this should be longer.
| |
+ my $wait_time = 180;
| |
+ if ($source eq "flatpak") {
| |
+ $wait_time = 1200;
| |
+ }
| |
+ assert_screen("gnome_button_open", timeout => $wait_time);
| |
+ # After the installation, return to the previous page.
| |
+ if (check_screen("software_back_button")) {
| |
+ click_lastmatch();
| |
+ }
| |
+ }
| |
| |
+ # This subroutine opens the $application using Gnome Software.
| |
+ # It is useful to check that the installed application can
| |
+ # be run immediately from withing the application.
| |
+ sub start_application_via_packagemanager {
| |
+ my $application = shift;
| |
+ # We do not have to be on the application tab, so let's
| |
+ # start over and navigate there from scratch if needed -
| |
+ # if no Open button is visible.
| |
+ unless (check_screen("gnome_button_open")) {
| |
+ assert_and_click("gnome_search_button");
| |
+ wait_still_screen(2);
| |
+ type_safely($application);
| |
+ assert_and_click("software_$application-found");
| |
+ wait_still_screen(2);
| |
+ assert_screen("software_$application-install_pane");
| |
+ }
| |
+ # An Open button must be visible now, if the application
| |
+ # has been installed, otherwise the command will fail.
| |
+ assert_and_click("gnome_button_open");
| |
+ wait_still_screen(3);
| |
+ assert_screen("apps_run_$application");
| |
+ }
| |
| |
+ # This subroutine checks that the $application has been found
| |
+ # in the list of installed applications.
| |
+ # It will send a key and circle through the GUI list until the
| |
+ # application has been found (or it will fail).
| |
+ sub check_app_installed {
| |
+ my $application = shift;
| |
+ # Look for the application and confirm that it is listed as installed
| |
+ # in the application overview.
| |
+ assert_and_click("gnome_search_button");
| |
+ type_safely($application);
| |
+ send_key("ret");
| |
+ assert_screen("software_$application-found_installed");
| |
| |
+ # Enter the Installed application view and circle through the items
| |
+ # until the desired application has been found.
| |
+ assert_and_click("software_installed_button");
| |
+ send_key_until_needlematch("software_$application-listed", "tab", 70);
| |
+ }
| |
| |
+ # This subroutine removes the application using a default package manager.
| |
+ # This will not start the package manager application, you need to start
| |
+ # it manualy or using a different subroutine.
| |
+ # Currently only works for Software.
| |
+ sub remove_application {
| |
+ my $application = shift;
| |
| |
+ # Find the application.
| |
+ assert_and_click("gnome_search_button");
| |
+ wait_still_screen(2);
| |
+ type_safely($application);
| |
| |
+ assert_and_click("software_$application-found_installed");
| |
+ wait_still_screen(2);
| |
+ assert_screen("software_$application-install_pane");
| |
| |
+ # Click the Delete button to delete the application.
| |
+ assert_and_click("software_remove_button");
| |
| |
+ # Confirm to progress with the removal
| |
+ assert_and_click("gnome_uninstall_button");
| |
| |
+ # Wait until the Open button changes to Install to indicate
| |
+ # that the application has been removed.
| |
+ assert_screen("gnome_install_button", timeout => 180);
| |
+ }
| |
| |
+ # This routine records a soft failure and starts the application.
| |
+ # We have identified tests where the tested application crashes
| |
+ # after the VM has been rolled back, probably due to changes
| |
+ # to the underlying system, such as in Software.
| |
+ sub restart_application {
| |
+ my $application = shift;
| |
| |
+ record_soft_failure("$application crashed and had to be restarted to continue the tests.");
| |
+ menu_launch_type($application);
| |
+ wait_still_screen(2);
| |
+ assert_screen("apps_run_$application");
| |
+ }
| |