#246 Add a fingerprint login test (GNOME only) (#223)
Merged 2 years ago by adamwill. Opened 2 years ago by adamwill.

file modified
+47 -35
@@ -62,41 +62,6 @@ 

      return $version



- # Figure out what tty the desktop is on, switch to it. Assumes we're

- # at a root console

- sub desktop_vt {

-     # use loginctl or ps to find the tty of test's session (loginctl)

-     # or gnome-session, Xwayland or Xorg (ps); as of 2019-09 we often

-     # get tty? for Xwayland and Xorg processes, so using loginctl can

-     # help

-     my $xout;

-     # don't fail test if we don't find any process, just guess tty1.

-     # os-autoinst calls the script with 'bash -e' which causes it to

-     # stop as soon as any command fails, so we use ||: to make the

-     # first grep return 0 even if it matches nothing

-     eval { $xout = script_output ' loginctl | grep test ||:; ps -e | egrep "(gnome-session|Xwayland|Xorg)" | grep -o tty[0-9]' };

-     my $tty = 1; # default

-     while ($xout =~ /tty(\d)/g) {

-         $tty = $1; # most recent match is probably best

-     }

-     send_key "ctrl-alt-f${tty}";

-     # work around https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-software/issues/582

-     # if it happens. As of 2019-05, seeing something similar on KDE too

-     my $desktop = get_var('DESKTOP');

-     if (check_screen "auth_required", 10) {

-         record_soft_failure "spurious 'auth required' - https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-software/issues/582";

-         assert_and_click "auth_required" if ($desktop eq 'kde');

-         # bit sloppy but correct for both...

-         type_very_safely "weakpassword\n";

-         # as of 2019-04 when we hit this bug it seems to ask for

-         # auth *twice*, so handle that

-         sleep 3;

-         if (check_screen "auth_required", 1) {

-             type_very_safely "weakpassword\n";

-         }

-     }

- }


  # Wait for login screen to appear. Handle the annoying GPU buffer

  # problem where we see a stale copy of the login screen from the

  # previous boot. Will suffer a ~30 second delay if there's a chance
@@ -290,6 +255,53 @@ 




+ # Figure out what tty the desktop is on, switch to it. Assumes we're

+ # at a root console

+ sub desktop_vt {

+     # use loginctl or ps to find the tty of test's session (loginctl)

+     # or gnome-session, Xwayland or Xorg (ps); as of 2019-09 we often

+     # get tty? for Xwayland and Xorg processes, so using loginctl can

+     # help

+     my $xout;

+     # don't fail test if we don't find any process, just guess tty1.

+     # os-autoinst calls the script with 'bash -e' which causes it to

+     # stop as soon as any command fails, so we use ||: to make the

+     # first grep return 0 even if it matches nothing

+     eval { $xout = script_output ' loginctl | grep test ||:; ps -e | egrep "(gnome-session|Xwayland|Xorg)" | grep -o tty[0-9]' };

+     my $tty = 1; # default

+     while ($xout =~ /tty(\d)/g) {

+         $tty = $1; # most recent match is probably best

+     }

+     send_key "ctrl-alt-f${tty}";

+     # work around https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-software/issues/582

+     # if it happens. As of 2019-05, seeing something similar on KDE too

+     my $desktop = get_var('DESKTOP');

+     my $sfr = 0;

+     my $timeout = 10;

+     my $count = 6;

+     while (check_screen("auth_required", $timeout) && $count > 0) {

+         $count -= 1;

+         unless ($sfr) {

+             record_soft_failure "spurious 'auth required' - https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-software/issues/582";

+             $sfr = 1;

+             $timeout = 3;

+         }

+         click_lastmatch if ($desktop eq 'kde');

+         if (match_has_tag "auth_required_fprint") {

+             my $user = get_var("USER_LOGIN", "test");

+             send_key "ctrl-alt-f6";

+             console_login;

+             assert_script_run "echo SCAN ${user}-finger-1 | socat STDIN UNIX-CONNECT:/run/fprintd-virt";

Out of curiosity, what does the socat part of the command do?

+             send_key "ctrl-alt-f${tty}";

+         }

+         else {

+             # bit sloppy but in all cases where this is used, this is the

+             # correct password

+             type_very_safely "weakpassword\n";

+         }

+     }

+ }


  # load US layout (from a root console)

  sub console_loadkeys_us {

      if (get_var('LANGUAGE') eq 'french') {

@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@ 

- {

-   "area": [

-     {

-       "ypos": 251,

-       "type": "match",

-       "width": 46,

-       "xpos": 299,

-       "height": 32

-     }

-   ],

-   "properties": [],

-   "tags": [

-     "DESKTOP-gnome",

-     "auth_required"

-   ]

- }

@@ -1,16 +1,24 @@ 

- {

-   "area": [

-     {

-       "xpos": 372,

-       "ypos": 232,

-       "type": "match",

-       "height": 22,

-       "width": 171

-     }

-   ],

-   "properties": [],

-   "tags": [

-     "DESKTOP-gnome",

-     "auth_required"

-   ]

- } 

\ No newline at end of file

+ {

+     "area": [

+         {

+             "height": 22,

+             "type": "match",

+             "width": 171,

+             "xpos": 372,

+             "ypos": 232

+         },

+         {

+             "height": 20,

+             "type": "match",

+             "width": 60,

+             "xpos": 375,

+             "ypos": 450

+         }

+     ],

+     "properties": [],

+     "tags": [

+         "DESKTOP-gnome",

+         "auth_required",

+         "auth_required_password"

+     ]

+ }

needles/gnome/auth_required_fprint-20210727.json needles/kde/auth_required-kde-20190530.json
file renamed
+11 -10
@@ -1,23 +1,24 @@ 


    "area": [


-       "xpos": 257,

-       "ypos": 211,

-       "width": 64,

-       "height": 55,

+       "xpos": 598,

+       "ypos": 469,

+       "width": 66,

+       "height": 11,

        "type": "match"



-       "xpos": 397,

-       "ypos": 382,

-       "width": 35,

-       "height": 20,

+       "xpos": 373,

+       "ypos": 236,

+       "width": 170,

+       "height": 24,

        "type": "match"



    "properties": [],

    "tags": [

-     "DESKTOP-kde",

+     "DESKTOP-gnome",

+     "auth_required_fprint",



- } 

\ No newline at end of file

+ }

empty or binary file added
needles/gnome/login_gdm_fprint-20210727.json needles/gnome/auth_required-20190625.json
file renamed
+5 -5
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@ 


    "area": [


-       "xpos": 299,

-       "height": 32,

-       "ypos": 259,

-       "width": 46,

+       "xpos": 475,

+       "ypos": 497,

+       "width": 38,

+       "height": 15,

        "type": "match"



    "properties": [],

    "tags": [


-     "auth_required"

+     "graphical_login_fprint"



\ No newline at end of file

empty or binary file added
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@ 


    "properties": [],

    "tags": [

-     "auth_required"

+     "auth_required",

+     "auth_required_password"


    "area": [

@@ -12,4 +13,4 @@ 

        "type": "match"



- } 

\ No newline at end of file

+ }

@@ -12,4 +12,4 @@ 

        "type": "match"



- } 

\ No newline at end of file

+ }

file modified
@@ -882,6 +882,18 @@ 

                  "START_AFTER_TEST": "%DEPLOY_UPLOAD_TEST%"



+         "desktop_fprint": {

+             "profiles": {

+                 "fedora-Workstation-live-iso-x86_64-*-64bit": 50,

+                 "fedora-Workstation-live-iso-ppc64le-*-ppc64le": 50

+             },

+             "settings": {

+                 "BOOTFROM": "c",

+                 "HDD_1": "disk_%FLAVOR%_%MACHINE%.qcow2",

+                 "POSTINSTALL": "desktop_fprint",

+                 "START_AFTER_TEST": "%DEPLOY_UPLOAD_TEST%"

+             }

+         },

          "desktop_browser": {

              "profiles": {

                  "fedora-KDE-live-iso-x86_64-*-64bit": 22,

@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@ 

+ use base "installedtest";

+ use strict;

+ use testapi;

+ use utils;


+ sub run {

+     # at this point we have already reached @benzea's step 1:

+     # "Login without a (fingerprint) reader"

+     my $self = shift;

+     my $user = get_var("USER_LOGIN", "test");

+     $self->root_console(tty=>6);

+     script_run 'dnf -y install socat', 180;

+     assert_script_run 'mkdir -p /etc/systemd/system/fprintd.service.d';

+     # configure fprintd dummy reader, see

+     # https://pagure.io/fedora-qa/os-autoinst-distri-fedora/issue/223#comment-732426

+     assert_script_run 'printf \'[Service]\nEnvironment=G_MESSAGES_DEBUG=all\nEnvironment=FP_VIRTUAL_DEVICE=%%t/fprintd-virt\nReadWritePaths=%%t\nDeviceAllow=\' > /etc/systemd/system/fprintd.service.d/dummy.conf';

+     # dummy reader needs SELinux permissive

+     assert_script_run 'printf "SELINUX=permissive\nSELINUXTYPE=targeted" > /etc/selinux/config';

+     # now we reboot and go onto step 2:

+     # "Login with a reader, but no enrolled prints"

+     type_string "reboot\n";

+     assert_screen "graphical_login", 180;

+     mouse_hide;

+     send_key_until_needlematch("graphical_login_input", "ret", 3, 5);

+     type_very_safely "weakpassword";

+     send_key "ret";

+     check_desktop(timeout=>60);

+     wait_still_screen 10;

+     $self->root_console(tty=>5);

+     # now we enroll a fingerprint, we run the enrol process on tty5...

+     type_string "fprintd-enroll $user\n";

+     sleep 2;

+     $self->root_console(tty=>6);

+     # ...and do the scans (we need exactly 5) on tty4.

+     for my $n (1..5) {

+         assert_script_run "echo SCAN $user-finger-1 | socat STDIN UNIX-CONNECT:/run/fprintd-virt";

+     }

+     # now we will reboot and do step 3:

+     # "Login using fingerprint"

+     type_string "reboot\n";

+     assert_screen "graphical_login", 180;

+     $self->root_console(tty=>6);

+     # the GDM tty needs to be active when the scan happens, so we will

+     # schedule the scan to happen in 20 seconds then go deal with gdm

+     type_string "sleep 20; echo SCAN $user-finger-1 | socat STDIN UNIX-CONNECT:/run/fprintd-virt\n";

+     send_key "ctrl-alt-f1";

+     mouse_hide;

+     send_key_until_needlematch("graphical_login_input", "ret", 3, 5);

+     # now we check that we see the "or scan fingerprint" message, then

+     # just wait for the scan to happen and login to succeed

+     assert_screen "graphical_login_fprint";

+     check_desktop(timeout=>60);

+     $self->root_console(tty=>6);

+     # now we will reboot again and do step 4:

+     # "Password login after failed fingerprint login"

+     type_string "reboot\n";

+     assert_screen "graphical_login", 180;

+     $self->root_console(tty=>6);

+     # we're doing the same as before, but scanning the 'wrong thing'

+     # (note finger-2 not finger-1)

+     type_string "sleep 20; echo SCAN $user-finger-2 | socat STDIN UNIX-CONNECT:/run/fprintd-virt\n";

+     send_key "ctrl-alt-f1";

+     mouse_hide;

+     send_key_until_needlematch("graphical_login_input", "ret", 3, 5);

+     assert_screen "graphical_login_fprint";

+     # unfortunately we cannot assert the 'scan failed' message as it

+     # does not appear for long enough, so we just have to sleep

+     # another 20 seconds to be sure the scan has happened...

+     sleep 20;

+     # ...and check we're still at the login prompt, then type password

+     assert_screen "graphical_login_input";

+     type_very_safely "weakpassword";

+     send_key "ret";

+     check_desktop(timeout=>60);

+ }


+ sub test_flags {

+     return { fatal => 1 };

+ }


+ 1;


+ # vim: set sw=4 et:

This adds a test for fingerprint-based login, as requested by
@benzea in #223. We use the fprintd dummy device to let us
simulate scanning a fingerprint, and check various scenarios
recommended by @benzea.

Signed-off-by: Adam Williamson awilliam@redhat.com

Build succeeded.

Out of curiosity, what does the socat part of the command do?

The communication with the virtual device happens through a unix socket. socat is just used in order to connect to it and send the message.

btw, to explain that whole loop in desktop_vt - we already have the known case where we get prompted for password twice when coming back from a console to handle. We might get prompted for fingerprint twice too, I think. I think in one or two test runs I saw some combination of fingerprint and password prompts. Since that whole part of desktop_vt is a workaround of a bug (these prompts shouldn't happen at all) I don't want to be too prescriptive about what we 'expect' to be prompted for, so I figured I'd just make it capable (hopefully) of handling anything - up to 6 prompts for either fingerprint or password.

rebased onto 6eb45c561551c6103bac4a7ea0ab255815360d42

2 years ago

Build succeeded.

rebased onto 7f1fcb7903644e7fc9f1276b12d35c0fc614289e

2 years ago

Build succeeded.

rebased onto b0cb710c9b26e1eb8858c722a9201cab423e0d37

2 years ago

Build succeeded.

rebased onto 05c7931

2 years ago

Build succeeded.

Pull-Request has been merged by adamwill

2 years ago