Rawhide has switched anaconda to Wayland, and as part of that, VNC is replaced with RDP. We need to adjust the tests to use RDP when testing F42+.
note the vncconnect test probably cannot be replaced, RDP does not have that reverse connect feature.
I will take a look.
Metadata Update from @lruzicka: - Issue assigned to lruzicka
I asked in the Anaconda forum about the way this is implemented now.
UPDATE: So, this is implemented the same way, just the kernel parameters are a little bit different. I would try to tweak the old VNC way to RDP.
Live session should not be affected by the boot.iso switch to Wayland. On the boot iso, it should be enough to use an RDP client & enable rdp via "inst.rdp inst.rdp.username=some_username inst.rdp.password=some_password". 2:18 Alternatively you can use just "inst.username" and Anaconda will ask for credentials interactively. Same can be done via using "inst.text" and selecting RDP instead of TUI.
Metadata Update from @lruzicka: - Custom field story_points adjusted to 8
I have progressed with this a little bit, I think I am having the server correctly installed, but I ran into some issues with an old variable in main.pm.
Commit 242d687 fixes this issue
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