179764d Fix tests for Maps.

Authored and Committed by lruzicka 2 years ago
    Fix tests for Maps.
    * Scarborough provided quite a messy map that resulted
    in frequent needle failure. Changing the location
    for something better to make it more reliable.
    * The zoom test could have failed with a low resolution
    image. Adding some timeout to the needle give more
    time to load the proper image.
file modified
+1 -1
needles/gnome/apps/maps/maps_found_poysdorf-20221207.json needles/gnome/apps/maps/maps_found_scarborough.json
file renamed
+5 -5
needles/gnome/apps/maps/maps_select_poysdorf-20221207.json needles/gnome/apps/maps/maps_info_scarborough.json
file renamed
+5 -5