Note: Docker deployment of openQA isn't meant for production. Use it for testing purposes only.
You can either build the images locally, or get our "latest stable" version from the Docker hub. We recommend using the Docker hub option.
docker pull fedoraqa/openqa_server docker pull fedoraqa/openqa_worker
docker build -t fedoraqa/openqa_server:latest ./server docker build -t fedoraqa/openqa_worker:latest ./worker
We've tried to make openQA deployment with Docker as easy as possible, but there are still some additional steps needed.
docker network create --driver bridge openqa_nw
This will create Docker network called openqa_nw
, so that Docker containers could communicate with each other.
Next step is to create directory for ISOs, HDDs and tests. Create directory somewhere on your host system:
mkdir -p ~/openqa/shared
Put your openQA tests (for example from here: into test
mkdir ~/openqa/shared/tests git pull ~/openqa/shared/tests/fedora
For ISOs, create factory/iso
subdirectory of your shared directory, for HDDs, create factory/hdd
mkdir -p ~/openqa/shared/factory/iso mkdir -p ~/openqa/shared/factory/hdd
For authentication, you need to save key and secret somewhere. Copy client.conf.template
to some place in your system:
cp client.conf.template ~/openqa/client.conf
It is also necessary to set selinux properly:
chcon -Rt svirt_sandbox_file_t ~/openqa
Now you can run openQA server with:
docker run -d -p 8080:80 --name server -v ~/openqa/shared:/var/lib/openqa/share -v ~/openqa/client.conf:/etc/openqa/client.conf --network=openqa_nw fedoraqa/openqa_server
This will start openQA on port 8080.
Because Docker deployment is only meant for testing and development purposes, "fake" authentication is used. This means that you don't have to provide login and password when you try to login into web UI.
For authentication between server and workers, system with keys and secrets is used. Login through your web browser on http://localhost:8080, click on "Manage API keys", generate new key/secret pair and put them into ~/openqa/client.conf
docker run --privileged -v ~/openqa/shared:/var/lib/openqa/share -v ~/openqa/client.conf:/etc/openqa/client.conf --network=openqa_nw --name worker1 -h worker1 fedoraqa/openqa_worker
Check whether the worker connected in the web UI's administration interface.
To add more workers, increase number that is used in hostname and container name and add worker number at the end of the command, so to add worker 2 use:
docker run --privileged -v ~/openqa/shared:/var/lib/openqa/share -v ~/openqa/client.conf:/etc/openqa/client.conf --network=openqa_nw --name worker2 -h worker2 fedoraqa/openqa_worker 2
To load templates, run:
docker exec server /var/lib/openqa/tests/fedora/templates
After performing the "setup" tasks above, you can schedule a test like this:
docker exec server /var/lib/openqa/script/client isos post ISO=Fedora-Server-netinst-x86_64-22_Beta_RC3.iso DISTRI=fedora VERSION=rawhide FLAVOR=generic_boot ARCH=x86_64 BUILD=22_Beta_RC3
Alternatively, because openQA's server is exposed to your host system, you can schedule tests using openQA's API. Use key and secret you've generated, openQA resides on http://localhost:8080.