#6 Fix all the things
Merged 4 years ago by lruzicka. Opened 4 years ago by adamwill.
fedora-qa/ adamwill/modularity_testing_scripts more-fixes  into  master

file modified
+326 -496
@@ -8,186 +8,130 @@ 



  This script uses the dnf to do various operations on modular packages and reports such operations

- were succesfull from the users' perspective. It does not test the sanity of the modular content,

+ were succesful from the users' perspective. It does not test the sanity of the modular content,

  or any correctness of installed or removed RPM packages.


  @licence: GPLv3



+ # stdlib imports

  import argparse

- import dnf

  import json

- import libdnf

  import logging

  import os

- import pprint

- import re

+ import shutil

  import subprocess

  import sys

- import yaml


+ # external imports

+ import dnf

+ import libdnf

+ import yaml


- class DNFoutput:

-     # This class uses the DNF code to communicate with DNF in order to get a correct and parsed list of all modules to further processing.

-     def __init__(self):

-         self.base = dnf.Base()

-         self.base.read_all_repos()

-         self.base.fill_sack()

-         self.modstate = libdnf.module.ModulePackageContainer.ModuleState_UNKNOWN

-         self.mods = self.base._moduleContainer.getModulePackages()

-         self.latest = self.base._moduleContainer.getLatestModulesPerRepo(self.modstate, self.mods)


-     def _profile_report_formater(self, modulePackage, default_profiles, enabled_str):

-             installed_profiles = self.base._moduleContainer.getInstalledProfiles(modulePackage.getName())

-             available_profiles = modulePackage.getProfiles()

-             profiles_str = ""

-             for profile in available_profiles:

-                 profiles_str += "{}{}".format(

-                     profile.getName(), " [d]" if profile.getName() in default_profiles else "")

-                 profiles_str += " [i], " if profile.getName() in installed_profiles and enabled_str \

-                     else ", "

-             return profiles_str[:-2]


-     def _module_strs_formater(self, modulePackage, markActive=False):

-             default_str = ""

-             enabled_str = ""

-             disabled_str = ""

-             if modulePackage.getStream() == self.base._moduleContainer.getDefaultStream(modulePackage.getName()):

-                 default_str = " [d]"

-             if self.base._moduleContainer.isEnabled(modulePackage):

-                 if not default_str:

-                     enabled_str = " "

-                 enabled_str += "[e]"

-             elif self.base._moduleContainer.isDisabled(modulePackage):

-                 if not default_str:

-                     disabled_str = " "

-                 disabled_str += "[x]"

-             if markActive and self.base._moduleContainer.isModuleActive(modulePackage):

-                 if not default_str:

-                     disabled_str = " "

-                 disabled_str += "[a]"

-             return default_str, enabled_str, disabled_str


-     def _create_and_fill_table(self, latest):

-         modules = []

-         for latest_per_repo in latest:

-             for nameStreamArch in latest_per_repo:

-                 if len(nameStreamArch) == 1:

-                     modulePackage = nameStreamArch[0]

-                 else:

-                     active = [module for module in nameStreamArch

-                                 if self.base._moduleContainer.isModuleActive(module)]

-                     if active:

-                         modulePackage = active[0]

-                     else:

-                         modulePackage = nameStreamArch[0]


-                 default_str, enabled_str, disabled_str = self._module_strs_formater(modulePackage)

-                 default_profiles = self.base._moduleContainer.getDefaultProfiles(modulePackage.getName(), modulePackage.getStream())

-                 profiles_str = self._profile_report_formater(modulePackage, default_profiles, enabled_str)

-                 modules.append(

-                     {

-                         "name": modulePackage.getName(),

-                         "stream": modulePackage.getStream() + default_str + enabled_str + disabled_str,

-                         "profiles": profiles_str,

-                         "summary": modulePackage.getSummary()

-                     }

-                 )


-         return modules


-     def output(self):

-         return self._create_and_fill_table(self.latest)

+ def clean_fakeroot():

+     """Cleans installation data in fake environment."""

+     # All fake tests run in installroot=/testinstall, before each test, the installroot

+     # should be deleted to achieve a clean test environment.

+     if os.path.isdir('/testinstall'):

+         shutil.rmtree('/testinstall')

+         print("\n======== The test environment has been cleaned. ========\n")

+         logging.info("The test environment has been wiped succesfully.")

+     else:

+         print("\n======== The test environment was not cleaned because it had already "

+               "been done or did not yet exist. ========\n")



  class TestSuite:

-     def __init__(self, dnf, whitelist=None, test='all'):

-         self.dnf = dnf

-         self.test = test

+     """The test suite, which handles running commands and a few other

+     things for the tests in ModuleTest.

+     """

+     def __init__(self, whitelist=None, releasever=0):

          self.whitelist = whitelist

-         self.modlist = {}

-         self.results = {}

+         self._module_list = {}

          self.outputs = {}

+         if releasever:

+             print("======== The test will run in fake environment.========")

+             logging.info("Fake environment has been required for this test.")

+             clean_fakeroot()

+             self.extradnfargs = [

+                 "--installroot=/testinstall", f"--releasever={releasever}",

+                 f"--setopt=module_platform_id=platform:f{releasever}",

+                 "--setopt=tsflags=justdb"

+             ]

+         else:

+             print("======== The test will run on the real host packages.========")

+             logging.info("Test is running with real system data.")

+             self.extradnfargs = []

          logging.info('The test suite has been initialized.')

-         self.releasever = None

-         self.fake = False

-         self.clean_installation()

          self.yamldb = {}

-         #self.install = "--installroot=/testinstall"

-         #self.relver = f"--releasever={self.releasever}"

-         #self.extras1 = f"--setopt=module_platform_id=platform:f{self.releasever}"

-         #self.extras2 = f"--setopt=tsflags=justdb"


-     def store_results(self, key, value):

-         if key in self.results.keys():

-             v = self.results[key]

-             v.append(value)

-             self.results[key] = v


-         else:

-             self.results[key] = [value]

-         logging.debug('The store_results method has stored the results into self.results.')


+     @property

      def module_list(self):

-         # Get the modular data from the DNF. It comes as a list of dictionaries.

-         processed = self.dnf.output()


-         # Let us parse the data and for each module create a dictionary, where name is the key and the rest comes as a value.

-         modulelist = {}

-         for line in processed:

-             module = {}

-             name = line['name']

-             module['name'] = name

-             stream = line['stream']

-             # If the stream is a default stream, we can find a '[d]' symbol in it.

-             # We record the default stream elsewhere and delete the symbol.

-             if '[d]' in stream:

-                 stream = stream.split('[')[0].strip()

-                 module['default-stream'] = stream

-             elif '[' in stream:

-                 stream = stream.split('[')[0].strip()

-             module['stream'] = stream


-             # There might be more profiles and one can be set as a default profile.

-             # This procedure breaks the list of profiles and finds a default one if present.

-             profiles = line['profiles'].split(',')

-             nprofiles = []

-             for profile in profiles:

-                 if '[d]' in profile:

-                     profile = profile.split('[')[0].strip()

-                     module['default-profile'] = profile

-                     nprofiles.append(profile)

-                 elif '[i]' in profile:

-                     profile = profile.split('[')[0].strip()

-                     nprofiles.append(profile)

-                 else:

-                     nprofiles.append(profile)

-             module['profiles'] = nprofiles

-             info = line['summary']

-             module['info'] = info


-             # Now, let us make a database (dict) with all the modules, with name as keys and list of dicts

-             # for various streams as values.

-             if name not in modulelist.keys(): #If this is first occurence

-                 modulelist[name] = [module]

-             else: # If this is another occurence of same module with different streams.

-                 if module not in modulelist[name]:

-                     modulelist[name].append(module)

-                 else:

-                     pass


-         self.modlist = modulelist


-         logging.debug('The "dnf module list" operation was succesful. Data have been obtained from the DNF.')

-         return self.modlist


-     def module_info(self, moduleName):

+         """A dictionary with module names as keys. Values are lists of

+         dicts, each dict represents an occurrence of the module in the

+         DNF module list output for a different stream, with stream,

+         profile and summary information.

+         """

+         if not self._module_list:

+             base = dnf.Base()

+             base.read_all_repos()

+             base.fill_sack()

+             modcon = base._moduleContainer

+             latest = modcon.getLatestModulesPerRepo(

+                 libdnf.module.ModulePackageContainer.ModuleState_UNKNOWN,

+                 modcon.getModulePackages())


+             for latest_per_repo in latest:

+                 for name_stream_arch in latest_per_repo:

+                     if len(name_stream_arch) == 1:

+                         module_package = name_stream_arch[0]

+                     else:

+                         active = [module for module in name_stream_arch

+                                   if modcon.isModuleActive(module)]

+                         if active:

+                             module_package = active[0]

+                         else:

+                             module_package = name_stream_arch[0]


+                     name = module_package.getName()

+                     stream = module_package.getStream()

+                     module = {

+                         'name': name,

+                         'stream': stream,

+                         'profiles': [],

+                         'info': module_package.getSummary()

+                     }

+                     if stream == modcon.getDefaultStream(name):

+                         module['default-stream'] = stream


+                     default_profiles = modcon.getDefaultProfiles(name, stream)

+                     available_profiles = module_package.getProfiles()

+                     for profile in available_profiles:

+                         profname = profile.getName()

+                         module['profiles'].append(profname)

+                         if profname in default_profiles:

+                             module['default-profile'] = profname


+                     # Now, let us make a database (dict) with all the modules, with name as keys

+                     # and list of dicts for various streams as values.

+                     if name not in self._module_list:

+                          # This is the first occurrence

+                         self._module_list[name] = [module]

+                     elif module not in self._module_list[name]:

+                         # This is another occurrence of same module with different streams

+                         self._module_list[name].append(module)


+             logging.debug('DNF module list parsing successful.')


+         return self._module_list


+     def module_info(self, modname):

          """Returns a dictionary with streams as keys and profiles as values."""

-         modules = self.module_list()

-         module = modules[moduleName]

+         module = self.module_list[modname]

          info = {}

-         for s in module:

-             info[s['stream']] = s['profiles']

+         for item in module:

+             info[item['stream']] = item['profiles']

          logging.debug("The module_info method ran successfully.")

          return info

@@ -195,57 +139,34 @@ 

          """This method calls different modular commands."""

          # Each time, we need to call a modular dnf command, we will call this method

          # with different arguments.

-         if stream == None:

-             smodifier = ''

-         else:

+         smodifier = ''

+         pmodifier = ''

+         if stream:

              smodifier = f":{stream}"

-         if profile == None:

-             pmodifier = ''

-         else:

+         if profile:

              pmodifier = f"/{profile}"

          modifier = f"{module}{smodifier}{pmodifier}"

          key = f"dnf module {operation} {modifier}"

          # For some tests, it is good, when we use a fake environment via installroot and we limit

-         # the DNF operations to "justdb" (only make changes in the database without installing anything).

-         # This is very useful in case of multiple operations that are much faster. To use this fake option

-         # do not forget to set_fake(True) before the process.

-         if self.fake == True:

-             releasever = self.releasever

-             install = self.install

-             relver = self.relver

-             extras1 = self.extras1

-             extras2 = self.extras2

-             raw = subprocess.run(['dnf', 'module', operation, '-y', modifier, install, relver, extras1, extras2], capture_output=True)

-             logging.debug(raw.stdout.decode('utf-8'))

-         else:

-         # When the command should be real, we will use a different command. This will make changes to the host system.

-             raw = subprocess.run(['dnf', 'module', operation, '-y', modifier], capture_output=True)

+         # the DNF operations to "justdb" (only make changes in the database without installing

+         # anything). This will be done if 'releasever' is set when initializing the instance,

+         # it should be set to the desired Fedora release number, e.g. TestSuite(releasever=30)

+         args = ['dnf', 'module', operation, '-y', modifier] + self.extradnfargs

+         raw = subprocess.run(args, capture_output=True)

+         logging.debug(raw.stdout.decode('utf-8'))

          self.outputs[operation] = raw.stdout.decode('utf-8')

          if raw.returncode == 0:

              result = raw.returncode

-             logging.info(f"The {key} operation ran successfully.")

+             logging.info("The %s operation ran successfully.", key)

              result = 0


-             problem  = raw.stderr.decode('utf-8')

-             logging.error(f"The operation {key} has NOT finished successfully, because of {problem}.")

+             problem = raw.stderr.decode('utf-8')

+             logging.error("The operation %s has NOT finished successfully, because of %s.",

+                           key, problem)

              print('There was a DNF problem! Check the log for further information.')

              result = 1

-         self.store_results(f'dnf module {operation}', result)

          return result


-     def clean_installation(self):

-         """Cleans installation data in fake environment."""

-         # All fake tests run in installroot=/testinstall, before each test, the installroot

-         # should be deleted to achieve a clean test environment.

-         raw = subprocess.run(['rm', '-rf', '/testinstall'], capture_output=True)

-         if raw.returncode == 0:

-             print("\n======== The test environment has been cleaned. ========\n")

-             logging.info("The test environment has been wiped succesfully.")

-         else:

-             print("\n======== There was a problem deleting the test environment, because it had been already deleted or never existed. ========\n")

-             raw = raw.stderr.decode('utf-8')

-             logging.error(f"The test date have not been wiped succesfully: {raw} ")


      def is_listed(self, module, stream, profile, inlist):

          """Returns if the specified module is listed in dnf module list."""

          option = f"--{inlist}"
@@ -253,15 +174,8 @@ 

          # If we operate in the fake environment, we must list in that environment, too, otherwise

          # we will never get the correct information because the situation is different on the

          # host computer.

-         if self.fake == True:

-             releasever = self.releasever

-             install = self.install

-             relver = self.relver

-             extras1 = self.extras1

-             extras2 = self.extras2

-             raw = subprocess.run(['dnf', 'module', 'list', option, install, relver, extras1, extras2], capture_output=True)

-         else:

-             raw = subprocess.run(['dnf', 'module', 'list', option], capture_output=True)

+         args = ['dnf', 'module', 'list', option] + self.extradnfargs

+         raw = subprocess.run(args, capture_output=True)

          # If the list command ran successfully, parse the list and provide result.

          if raw.returncode == 0:

              raw = raw.stdout.decode('utf-8')
@@ -273,54 +187,29 @@ 

              for line in raw:

                  if module in line:

                      modfound = 0

-                     if stream != None and stream in line:

+                     if not stream or stream in line:

                          strfound = 0

-                     elif stream == None:

-                         strfound = 0

-                     if profile != None and profile in line:

-                        profound = 0

-                     elif profile == None:

+                     if not profile or profile in line:

                          profound = 0

                      result = modfound + strfound + profound

                      if result == 0:


-             # The result show a 1 for every error. Therefore, it can be easily spotted, where the problem is

-             # even if you do now read the log file.

+             # The result show a 1 for every error. Therefore, it can be easily spotted, where

+             # the problem is even if you do not read the log file.

              # 0 - everything OK

              # 1 - the specified profile is not in list, but the name and stream are

              # 10 - the specified stream is not in list, but the name and profile are

              # 11 - the specified stream and profile are not in list, but the name is

              # 111 - nothing is listed

              result = modfound + strfound + profound

-             logging.info(f"The {key} command ran successfully.")

+             logging.info("The %s command ran successfully.", key)


              problem = raw.stderr.decode('utf-8')

-             logging.error(f"The operation {key} has NOT finished successfully, because of {problem}.")

+             logging.error("The operation %s has NOT finished successfully, because of %s.",

+                           key, problem)

              result = 1

-         self.store_results(key, result)

          return result


-     def in_output(self, text, what):

-         """Checks that the text is in the DNF output."""

-         if isinstance(text, str):

-             text = text.split("\n")

-         elif isinstance(text, list):

-             pass

-         else:

-             text = []

-         c = 0

-         for line in text:

-             if what in line:

-                 c += 1

-             else:

-                 pass

-         if c > 0:

-             return (1, c)

-             logging.debug('The string was found in the DNF output.')

-         else:

-             return (0, c)

-             logging.debug('The string was NOT found in the DNF output.')


      def load_whitelist(self):

          """Reads the file with whitelisted modules and returns the content."""

          # Some modules do not have the default streams and/or profiles set on purpose.
@@ -330,66 +219,52 @@ 


              logging.info("Module whitelist found. It will be used for some tests.")


-                 with open(self.whitelist) as f:

-                     wlist = f.readlines()

+                 with open(self.whitelist) as wlfh:

+                     wlist = wlfh.readlines()

                      whitelist = []

-                     for m in wlist:

-                         whitelist.append(m.strip())

+                     for module in wlist:

+                         whitelist.append(module.strip())


              except FileNotFoundError:

-                     print(f"File {self.whitelist} has not been found. Whitelist could not be read, proceeding without it.")

-                     logging.error(f"File {self.whitelist} has not been found. Proceeding without it.")

-                     whitelist = []

+                 text = (f"File {self.whitelist} has not been found. Whitelist could not be read, "

+                         "proceeding without it.")

+                 print(text)

+                 logging.error(text)

+                 whitelist = []

          return whitelist


-     def set_fake(self, fake=False, releasever=None):

-         """Switches the fake environment on."""

-         # If you use this in the test method, the operation will run in test environment. Otherwise, it will run

-         # for real on the host system data. You can also switch the test environment on using -d (--dryrun) when

-         # invoking the script on CLI.

-         if fake == 'true' or fake == 'True':

-             print("======== The test will run in fake environment.========")

-             logging.info("Fake environment has been required for this test.")

-             self.fake = True

-         else:

-             print("======== The test will run on the real host packages.========")

-             logging.info("Test is running with real system data.")

-             self.fake = False

-         self.install = "--installroot=/testinstall"

-         self.releasever = releasever

-         self.relver = f"--releasever={self.releasever}"

-         self.extras1 = f"--setopt=module_platform_id=platform:f{self.releasever}"

-         self.extras2 = f"--setopt=tsflags=justdb"

-         return 0


      def create_yamldb(self, directory):

          """Read yaml files from the given directory and return a database of collected info."""

          listdir = os.listdir(directory)

          ymls = [yml for yml in listdir if 'yaml' in yml]

          yamldb = {}

          for yml in ymls:

-             f = f"{directory}{yml}"

-             with open(f,'r') as yamlfile:

+             filename = f"{directory}{yml}"

+             with open(filename, 'r') as yamlfile:

                  yamldb[yml] = yaml.safe_load(yamlfile)

          self.yamldb = yamldb

          return yamldb


      def check_yaml_exists(self, module):

+         """Check yaml file actually exists for a given module."""

          key = f"{module}.yaml"


              yamldata = self.yamldb[key]

              return yamldata

          except KeyError:


-             logging.error(f"The {key} seems not to exist for {module}.")

+             logging.error("The %s seems not to exist for %s.", key, module)

              return None



  class ModuleTest:

-     # These are various test methods that do the actual testing.

-     def __init__(self, suite, scenario):

+     """This class contains methods that do the actual testing. The

+     'overall' dict tracks the overall test results and is updated by

+     each test method.

+     """

+     def __init__(self, suite, scenarios):

          self.suite = suite

-         self.scenario = scenario

+         self.scenarios = scenarios

          self.overall = {}

          self.newer = None

          self.older = None
@@ -402,50 +277,39 @@ 

              110: 'The module stream was not found in the selected list.',

              210: 'The module stream and profile were not found in the selected list.',

              111: 'The module was not found in the selected list.',

-                 }


-     def results(self):

-         """Return the overall results."""

-         return self.overall

+         }


      def decode_error(self, code):

          """Decode the exit error code."""

          # We do not use it, yet, I suppose.

          return self.errorcodes[code]


-     def list_module(self, module, stream=None, profile=None):

+     def list_module(self, module):

          """Provide information on the specified module."""

          print('-------- List module ---------')

-         key = f"{module}:{stream}/{profile}"

-         modules = self.suite.module_list()

-         if module in modules.keys():

-             info = modules[module]

-             self.overall['list'] = 'pass'

-             print(f"Showing information for: {module}\n========================================")

-             for rec in info:

-                 print(f"Stream: {rec['stream']}")

-                 try:

-                     d = rec['default-stream']

-                     print(f"Default stream: yes")

-                 except KeyError:

-                     print(f"Default stream: no")

-                 prostring = ''

-                 for p in rec['profiles']:

-                     prostring = f"{prostring} {p}"

-                 print(f"Available profiles: {prostring}")

-                 try:

-                     d = rec['default-profile']

-                     print(f"Default profile: {d}")

-                 except KeyError:

-                     print(f"Default profile: none")

-                 print('------------------------------')

-             logging.info("The list method finished successfully.")

-             return(info)

-         else:

+         if module not in self.suite.module_list:

              print('Module does not exist.')

              logging.error("Module does not exist.")

              self.overall['list'] = 'fail'

-             return None

+             return


+         info = self.suite.module_list[module]

+         self.overall['list'] = 'pass'

+         print(f"Showing information for: {module}\n========================================")

+         for rec in info:

+             print(f"Stream: {rec['stream']}")

+             if 'default-stream' in rec:

+                 print("Default stream: yes")

+             else:

+                 print("Default stream: no")

+             print("Available profiles: " + ' '.join(rec['profiles']))

+             try:

+                 defprof = rec['default-profile']

+                 print(f"Default profile: {defprof}")

+             except KeyError:

+                 print(f"Default profile: none")

+             print('------------------------------')

+         logging.info("The list method finished successfully.")


      def check_install(self, module, stream):

          """Check that a module is installed."""
@@ -454,15 +318,12 @@ 

          res1 = self.suite.is_listed(module, stream, 'installed')

          if res1[key] == 'pass':

              self.overall['checkinstall'] = 'pass'

-             logging.info(f"The result of {key} is PASS.")

-             return 0


              self.overall['checkinstall'] = 'fail'

-             logging.info(f"The result of {key} is FAIL.")

-             return 1

-         print(' ')

+         logging.info("The result of checking %s is %s.", key, self.overall['checkinstall'].upper())

+         print('')


-     def enable_module(self, module, stream, profile = None):

+     def enable_module(self, module, stream, profile=None):

          """Test that a module can be enabled."""

          print('-------- Enable module ---------')

          key = f"{module}:{stream}"
@@ -477,28 +338,23 @@ 

          print(f"{key} is listed in --disabled => {res3}")

          if res1 == 0 and res2 == 0 and res3 == 111:

              self.overall['enable'] = 'pass'

-             logging.info(f"The result of enabling {key} is PASS.")

-             return 0


              problems = [res1, res2, res3]

-             for p in problems:

-                 logging.error(f"Error code = {p}. {self.decode_error(p)}")

+             for problem in problems:

+                 logging.error("Error code = %s. %s", problem, self.decode_error(problem))

              if self.fail == 'hard':

                  self.overall['enable'] = 'fail'

-                 logging.info(f"The result of enabling {key} is FAIL.")

-                 return 1


-                 self.overall['enable'] = 'soft'

-                 logging.info(f"The result of enabling {key} is SOFTFAIL.")

-                 return 2

+                 self.overall['enable'] = 'softfail'

+         logging.info("The result of enabling %s is %s.", key, self.overall['enable'].upper())



-     def disable_module(self, module, stream, profile = None):

+     def disable_module(self, module, stream, profile=None):

          """Test that a module can be disabled."""

          print('-------- Disable module ---------')

          if self.newer != 'dummy':

              stream = self.newer

-         if stream != None:

+         if stream:

              key = f"{module}:{stream}"


              key = f"{module}"
@@ -515,28 +371,23 @@ 

          print(f"{key} is listed in --installed =>", res4)

          if res1 == 0 and res2 == 0 and res3 == 111 and res4 == 111:

              self.overall['disable'] = 'pass'

-             logging.info(f"The result of disabling {key} is PASS.")

-             return 0


              problems = [res1, res2, res3, res4]

-             for p in problems:

-                 logging.error(f"Error code = {p}. {self.decode_error(p)}")

+             for problem in problems:

+                 logging.error("Error code = %s. %s", problem, self.decode_error(problem))

              if self.fail == 'hard':

                  self.overall['disable'] = 'fail'

-                 logging.info(f"The result of disabling {key} is FAIL. ")

-                 return 1


-                 self.overall['disable'] = 'soft'

-                 logging.info(f"The result of disabling {key} is SOFTFAIL.")

-                 return 2

+                 self.overall['disable'] = 'softfail'

+         logging.info("The result of disabling %s is %s.", key, self.overall['disable'].upper())



      def install_module(self, module, stream=None, profile=None):

          """Test that a module can be installed."""

          print('-------- Install module ---------')

-         if stream != None and profile != None:

+         if stream and profile:

              key = f"{module}:{stream}/{profile}"

-         elif stream != None and profile == None:

+         elif stream:

              key = f"{module}:{stream}"


              key = f"{module}"
@@ -552,17 +403,12 @@ 

          print(f"{key} is listed in --disabled =>", res4)

          if res1 == 0 and res2 == 0 and res3 == 0 and res4 == 111:

              self.overall['install'] = 'pass'

-             logging.info(f"The result of installing {key} is PASS.")

-             return 0


              if self.fail == 'hard':

                  self.overall['install'] = 'fail'

-                 logging.info(f"The result of installing {key} is FAIL.")

-                 return 1


-                 self.overall['install'] = 'soft'

-                 logging.info(f"The result of installing {key} is SOFTFAIL.")

-                 return 2

+                 self.overall['install'] = 'softfail'

+         logging.info("The result of installing %s is %s.", key, self.overall['install'].upper())



      def remove_module(self, module, stream=None, profile=None):
@@ -570,7 +416,7 @@ 

          print('-------- Remove module ---------')

          if self.newer != 'dummy':

              stream = self.newer

-         if stream != None:

+         if stream:

              key = f"{module}:{stream}"


              key = f"{module}"
@@ -582,28 +428,23 @@ 

          print(f"{key} is listed in --installed =>", res2)

          if res1 == 0 and res2 == 111:

              self.overall['remove'] = 'pass'

-             logging.info(f"The result of removing {key} is PASS.")

-             return 0


              if self.fail == 'hard':

                  self.overall['remove'] = 'fail'

-                 logging.info(f"The result of removing {key} is FAIL.")

-                 return 1


-                 self.overall['remove'] = 'soft'

-                 logging.info(f"The result of removing {key} is SOFTFAIL.")

-                 return 2

+                 self.overall['remove'] = 'softfail'

+         logging.info("The result of removing %s is %s.", key, self.overall['remove'].upper())



      def reset_module(self, module, stream=None, profile=None):

          """Tests resetting the module."""

          # When the module status quo is changed once, it will always play some role in modularity.

-         # It will either be enabled, disabled, or installed. Removing an installed module, will not disable it,

-         # disabling an enabled module will not bring it to its neutral state (and vice versa). To bring the

-         # module into a neutral state, one has to reset it. Resetting a module is an important part of

-         # module stream switching, if one decides to do so.

-         # To reset a module, we will check that it is either enabled, or disabled (that means, not neutral, then

-         # we reset it and check that it is not enabled nor disabled -> neutral.

+         # It will either be enabled, disabled, or installed. Removing an installed module will

+         # not disable it; disabling an enabled module will not bring it to its neutral state (and

+         # vice versa). To bring the module into a neutral state, one has to reset it. Resetting a

+         # module is an important part of module stream switching, if one decides to do so.

+         # To reset a module, we will check that it is either enabled, or disabled (that means, not

+         # neutral), then we reset it and check that it is not enabled nor disabled -> neutral.

          print('-------- Resetting module ---------')

          res1 = self.suite.is_listed(module, stream, profile, 'enabled')

          res2 = self.suite.is_listed(module, stream, profile, 'disabled')
@@ -616,12 +457,10 @@ 

              print(f"{module} is listed in --disabled => {res2}")

              if res3 == 0 and res1 == 111 and res2 == 111:

                  self.overall['reset'] = 'pass'

-                 logging.info(f"The result of resetting {module} is PASS.")

-                 return 0


                  self.overall['reset'] = 'fail'

-                 logging.info(f"The result of resetting {module} is FAIL.")

-                 return 1

+             logging.info("The result of resetting %s is %s.",

+                          module, self.overall['reset'].upper())



              print('It seems that the module does not exist or is already reset.')
@@ -629,117 +468,115 @@ 

              self.overall['reset'] = 'fail'


      def switch_stream(self, module, oldstr, newstr):

-         """Tests switching the stream"""

-         # Direct stream switching is not allowed any more. To switch

-         # streams, it is required to remove the current module and

-         # stream, reset it and install the same module with a different

-         # stream again. This action uses other (predefined) actions to

-         # achieve it. Same functionality can be achieved by using two

-         # different tests.

+         """Tests switching the stream."""

+         # Direct stream switching is not allowed any more. To switch streams, it is required to

+         # remove the current module and stream, reset it and install the same module with a

+         # different stream again. This action uses other (predefined) actions to achieve it. Same

+         # functionality can be achieved by using two different tests.


          print('-------- Switching streams ---------')

          oldkey = f"{module}:{oldstr}"

          newkey = f"{module}:{newstr}"


-     res1 = self.suite.use_module(module, oldstr, 'install')

-     res2 = self.suite.use_module(module, oldstr, 'remove')

-     res3 = self.suite.use_module(module, oldstr, 'reset')

-     res4 = self.suite.use_module(module, newstr, 'install')

+         res1 = self.suite.use_module(module, oldstr, 'install')

+         res2 = self.suite.use_module(module, oldstr, 'remove')

+         res3 = self.suite.use_module(module, oldstr, 'reset')

+         res4 = self.suite.use_module(module, newstr, 'install')


          if res1 == 0 and res2 == 0 and res3 == 0 and res4 == 0:

              self.overall['switch'] = 'pass'

-             logging.info(f"The result of switching {oldkey} for {newkey} is PASS.")


              if self.fail == 'hard':

                  self.overall['switch'] = 'fail'

-                 logging.info(f"The result of switching {oldkey} for {newkey} is FAIL.")


-                 self.overall['switch'] = 'soft'

-                 logging.info(f"The result of switching {oldkey} for {newkey} is SOFTFAIL.")

+                 self.overall['switch'] = 'softfail'

+         logging.info("The result of switching %s for %s is %s.", oldkey, newkey,

+                      self.overall['switch'].upper())



      def find_no_defaults(self):

          """Finds all modules without default streams and profiles set."""

-         modules = self.suite.module_list()

-         print(f"{len(self.suite.modlist)} modules will be tested.")

+         modules = self.suite.module_list

+         print(f"{len(modules)} modules will be tested.")

          totalresults = {}

          whitelist = self.suite.load_whitelist()

-         if len(whitelist)>1:

-             print(f"{len(whitelist)} whitelisted modules will be skipped. ")

-             logging.info(f"The following whitelisted modules will be skipped: {whitelist}")

-         for module in modules.keys():

-             varieties = modules[module]

+         if len(whitelist) > 1:

+             print(f"{len(whitelist)} whitelisted modules will be skipped.")

+             logging.info("The following whitelisted modules will be skipped: %s", whitelist)

+         for (module, varieties) in modules.items():

              rstream = []

              rprofile = []

-             # Originally, this was written to check whether a module has the defaults (stream and profile)

-             # correctly set. Whitelisted modules were not tested because they did not have the defaults on purpose.

-             # However, it has been decided that only if there is no default profile set, the test should fail.

-             # Non default profiles are correct, because the maintainer do not want modular content precede the

-             # ursine content.

+             # Originally, this was written to check whether a module has the defaults (stream and

+             # profile) correctly set. Whitelisted modules were not tested because they did not

+             # have the defaults on purpose. However, it has been decided that only if there is no

+             # default profile set, the test should fail. Non default profiles are correct, because

+             # the maintainer do not want modular content precede the ursine content.

              for variety in varieties:

                  keys = variety.keys()

                  if 'default-stream' in keys:



-                     # When there is no default stream defined, we only should test that this is a wanted

-                     # behaviour by checking the particular yaml file in the defaults git repository.

-                     # Such test will also be added later. Until then, you will be warned to check that

-                     # repository, when a module without default stream is found.

+                     # When there is no default stream defined, we only should test that this is a

+                     # wanted behaviour by checking the particular yaml file in the defaults git

+                     # repository. Such test will also be added later. Until then, you will be

+                     # warned to check that repository, when a module without default stream is

+                     # found.



                  if 'default-profile' in keys:



-                     # When no default profile is set, fail immediately, because such module cannot be

-                     # installed using `dnf module install module:stream`, which is a requirement.

+                     # When no default profile is set, fail immediately, because such module cannot

+                     # be installed using `dnf module install module:stream`, which is required.


-                     logging.error(f"The {module} module has no default profiles set for its streams.")

-             result = []

+                     logging.error("The %s module has no default profiles set for its streams.",

+                                   module)

+             results = []

              if 'pass' not in rstream:

                  if 'check' in rstream:

-                     result.append('check yaml for stream definition')

+                     results.append('check yaml for stream definition')


-                     result.append('stream')

+                     results.append('stream')

              if 'pass' not in rprofile:

-                 result.append('profile')

-             if 'stream' not in result and 'profile' not in result:

-                 result.append('pass')

+                 results.append('profile')

+             if 'stream' not in results and 'profile' not in results:

+                 results.append('pass')

              if module in whitelist:

-                 result.append('pass')

-                 result.append('whitelisted')

+                 results.append('pass')

+                 results.append('whitelisted')

              if len(varieties) > 1:

-                 result.append('multi')

+                 results.append('multi')


-             totalresults[module] = result

+             totalresults[module] = results

          logging.info(json.dumps(totalresults, sort_keys=True))


          problems = 0

          print("======== Showing only problematic modules. ========")

-         for p in totalresults.keys():

-             if 'pass' not in totalresults[p]:

-                 print(f"{p}: {totalresults[p]}")

-                 logging.error(f"{p}: {totalresults[p]}")

+         for (key, results) in totalresults.items():

+             if 'pass' not in results:

+                 out = f"{key}: {results}"

+                 print(out)

+                 logging.error(out)

                  problems += 1

          print(f"\nThere were altogether {problems} incomplete modules.")


-         if problems == 0:

-             self.overall['checkdefaults'] = 'pass'

-             logging.info(f"There were no errors in module stream and profile definitions found.")

-             return 0

-         else:

+         if problems:

              self.overall['checkdefaults'] = 'fail'

-             logging.info(f"There were {problems} problems found in module stream and profile definitions.")

-             return 1

+             logging.info("There were %d problems found in module stream and profile definitions.",

+                          problems)

+         else:

+             self.overall['checkdefaults'] = 'pass'

+             logging.info("There were no errors in module stream and profile definitions found.")


+         return problems


      def install_all(self):

          """Install all modules, all their streams and profiles. One after another."""

-         # This tests all available modules, if they can be installed. As this uses

-         # the fake environment which is newly prepared before each module is

-         # installed, it downloads all the dnf metadata and therefore takes

-         # quite a long time.

-         modules = self.suite.module_list()

-         self.suite.fake = True

-         total = len(self.suite.modlist)

+         # This tests all available modules, if they can be installed. As this uses the fake

+         # environment which is newly prepared before each module is installed, it downloads all

+         # the dnf metadata and therefore takes quite a long time.

+         modules = self.suite.module_list

+         total = len(modules)

          if total == 0:

              total = 1

          partial = 0
@@ -748,10 +585,8 @@ 

          whitelist = self.suite.load_whitelist()

          for name in modules.keys():

              completed = round((partial/total)*100)

-             variants =  self.suite.module_info(name)

-             streams = variants.keys()

-             for stream in streams:

-                 profiles = variants[stream]

+             variants = self.suite.module_info(name)

+             for (stream, profiles) in variants.items():

                  for profile in profiles:

                      profile = profile.strip()

@@ -759,10 +594,10 @@ 

                      if name != prevname:

                          prevname = name

                          partial += 1

-                     self.suite.clean_installation()

-                     retcode = self.install_module(name, stream, profile)

+                     clean_fakeroot()

+                     self.install_module(name, stream, profile)

                      key = f"{name}:{stream}/{profile}"

-                     if retcode == 0:

+                     if self.overall['install'] == 'pass':

                          self.overall[key] = 'pass'

                      elif name in whitelist:

@@ -774,13 +609,12 @@ 

          # This makes sure that there is yaml file defined for every module in the system defined

          # and published in https://pagure.io/releng/fedora-module-defaults.git, and that the yaml

          # files do have all their requirements set.

-         modules = self.suite.module_list()


          whitelist = self.suite.load_whitelist()

          print("------- Non-existing yaml files --------")

          results = []

          parsed_results = {}

-         for module in modules.keys():

+         for module in self.suite.module_list.keys():

              parsed = {'pass':[], 'fail':[]}

              yamldata = self.suite.check_yaml_exists(module)

              if yamldata:
@@ -810,8 +644,8 @@ 




-                         print("The module field value does not match the module name." )

-                         logging.error("The module field value does not match the module name." )

+                         print("The module field value does not match the module name.")

+                         logging.error("The module field value does not match the module name.")

                      if modata['profiles']:

                          profiles = modata['profiles']

                          for key in profiles.keys():
@@ -825,7 +659,7 @@ 




-                 if len(parsed['fail']) > 0 and module not in whitelist:

+                 if parsed['fail'] and module not in whitelist:

                      parsed_results[module] = parsed['fail']


@@ -833,8 +667,8 @@ 



          if parsed_results:

-             print(f"There are problems with some of the yaml files. Check logs.")

-             logging.error(f"Problems with yaml files found.")

+             print("There are problems with some of the yaml files. Check logs.")

+             logging.error("Problems with yaml files found.")

              self.overall['yaml_sanity'] = 'fail'


              self.overall['yaml_sanity'] = 'pass'
@@ -845,104 +679,93 @@ 

              self.overall['yaml_exists'] = 'pass'


      def run_test(self, module, fail, newer, stream, profile):

-         """Run a particular test."""

-         # This runs the test assigned to an action. An action, can be selected on the CLI

-         # using the -a (--action) switch. Multiple actions can be specified, for example:

-         # -a enable,install,remove,disable,reset

+         """This runs the test assigned to an action. An action can be

+         selected using the -a (--action) switch. Multiple actions can

+         be specified, for example:

+         -a enable,install,remove,disable,reset

+         """

          self.newer = newer

          self.older = stream

          self.fail = fail

-         if stream != None:

+         if stream:

              key = f"{module}:{stream}"


              key = f"{module}"

-         print(f"\n======= Starting tests for {key} using {self.scenario} =======\n")

-         for s in self.scenario:

-             if s == 'enable':

+         print(f"\n======= Starting tests for {key} using {self.scenarios} =======\n")

+         for scenario in self.scenarios:

+             if scenario == 'enable':

                  self.enable_module(module, stream)

-             elif s == 'disable':

+             elif scenario == 'disable':

                  self.disable_module(module, stream)

-             elif s == 'install':

+             elif scenario == 'install':

                  self.install_module(module, stream, profile)

-             elif s == 'remove':

+             elif scenario == 'remove':

                  self.remove_module(module, stream)

-             elif s == 'switch':

+             elif scenario == 'switch':

                  self.switch_stream(module, stream, newer)

-             elif s == 'list':

-                 self.list_module(module, stream)

-             elif s == 'checkinstall':

+             elif scenario == 'list':

+                 self.list_module(module)

+             elif scenario == 'checkinstall':

                  self.check_install(module, stream)

-             elif s == 'reset':

+             elif scenario == 'reset':


-             elif s == 'info':

+             elif scenario == 'info':

                  info = self.suite.module_info(module)

                  print(f"Available streams and profiles of the {module} module:")


                  print(json.dumps(info, sort_keys=True, indent=4))

-             elif s == 'checkdefaults':

+             elif scenario == 'checkdefaults':


-             elif s == 'testyaml':

+             elif scenario == 'testyaml':


-             elif s == 'allinstall':

+             elif scenario == 'allinstall':




- class Parser:

-     def __init__(self):

-         """Inititate the CLI control."""

-         self.parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()

-         self.parser.add_argument('-m', '--module', default='testmodule', help='The name of the module you wish to work with.')

-         self.parser.add_argument('-s', '--stream', default=None, help='The name of the stream you want to use.')

-         self.parser.add_argument('-u', '--upgrade', default='dummy', help='The name of the stream you want to switch to.')

-         self.parser.add_argument('-a', '--action',default='list', help='List of actions, you want to run.')

-         self.parser.add_argument('-f', '--fail',default='hard', help='Fail hard/soft at list errors.')

-         self.parser.add_argument('-l', '--log', default='info', help='Log Level use (info, warning, debug).')

-         self.parser.add_argument('-p', '--profile', default=None, help='The name of the profile you want to use.')

-         self.parser.add_argument('-w', '--whitelist', default=None, help='File with modules to be skipped when testing default streams and profiles.')

-         self.parser.add_argument('-r', '--releasever', default=None, help='Sets the release version number for fake installation test (use only when you want to invoke mass instalation).')

-         self.parser.add_argument('-d', '--dryrun', default=False, help='Switches dry run when installing modules.')

-         #self.parser.add_argument('--everything', default=False, help='Run all tests on all modules in the system.')


-     def return_args(self):

-         args = self.parser.parse_args()

-         return args



- if __name__ == '__main__':

-     options = Parser()

-     args = options.return_args()

-     args = args.__dict__

-     module = args['module']

-     oldstream = args['stream']

-     profile = args['profile']

-     newstream = args['upgrade']

-     action = args['action'].split(',')

-     fail = args['fail']

-     log = args['log']

-     whitelist = args['whitelist']

-     releasever = args['releasever']

-     #everything = args['everything']

-     fake = args['dryrun']

-     numloglevel = getattr(logging, log.upper())

+ def parse_args():

+     """Parse and return command line arguments."""

+     parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()

+     parser.add_argument('-m', '--module', default='testmodule',

+                         help='The name of the module you wish to work with.')

+     parser.add_argument('-s', '--stream', default=None,

+                         help='The name of the stream you want to use.')

+     parser.add_argument('-u', '--upgrade', default='dummy',

+                         help='The name of the stream you want to switch to.')

+     parser.add_argument('-a', '--action', default='list', help='List of actions, you want to run.')

+     parser.add_argument('-f', '--fail', default='hard', help='Fail hard/soft at list errors.')

+     parser.add_argument('-l', '--log', default='info',

+                         help='Log Level use (info, warning, debug).')

+     parser.add_argument('-p', '--profile', default=None,

+                         help='The name of the profile you want to use.')

+     parser.add_argument('-w', '--whitelist', default=None, help='File with modules to be skipped '

+                         'when testing default streams and profiles.')

+     parser.add_argument('-r', '--releasever', '-d', '--dryrun', type=int, default=0,

+                         help='A Fedora release number: if set, a non-default install root will be '

+                         'used so as not to affect the installed system.')

+     #parser.add_argument('--everything', default=False,

+     #                    help='Run all tests on all modules in the system.')


+     return parser.parse_args()


+ def main():

+     """Do the things! Print the output!"""

+     args = parse_args()

+     action = args.action.split(',')

+     if 'allinstall' in action and not args.releasever:

+         sys.exit("allinstall action must be run in fake install root, pass --releasever!")

+     numloglevel = getattr(logging, args.log.upper())


      logging.basicConfig(filename='modular.log', filemode='w', level=numloglevel)

      logging.info('Script started.')


-     dnf = DNFoutput()

-     suite = TestSuite(dnf, whitelist)

-     # When releasever and fake are not set, it will send the False value

-     # and the fake environment will not be switched on.

-     # Release version is important for the installroot, it will not install anything without it.

-     # The correct releasver should be taked from environmental variables, if you want to use

-     # this script in OpenQA or some others CIs.

-     suite.set_fake(fake, releasever)

+     # When releasever is set, the fake install root will be enabled

+     suite = TestSuite(whitelist=args.whitelist, releasever=args.releasever)


      test = ModuleTest(suite, action)

-     test.run_test(module, fail, newstream, oldstream, profile)

+     test.run_test(args.module, args.fail, args.upgrade, args.stream, args.profile)



      print('========= Results ==========')

-     results = test.results()

+     results = test.overall

      for key in results:

          print(f"Tested functionality: {key} => {results[key]}")

      suite.outputs['total_results'] = results
@@ -954,3 +777,10 @@ 


          logging.info('Script finished with exit code 0.')



+ if __name__ == '__main__':

+     try:

+         main()

+     except KeyboardInterrupt:

+         sys.stderr.write("Interrupted, exiting...\n")

+         sys.exit(1)

This fixes a crapton of lint issues, and makes the parsing of the basic module info from DNF a lot saner.

2 new commits added

  • Construct TestSuite.module_list much more efficiently
  • Multiple changes to make pylint happy (inc. fake mode changes)
4 years ago

Pull-Request has been merged by lruzicka

4 years ago