#777 [SOP][RFC] Rawhide Test Day
Opened 4 months ago by sumantrom. Modified 4 months ago

Hey Folks!

We have recently started testing features as developers build them in Rawhide. There are immense benefits for us to keep testing features and they will eventually come to us after the Branch. This is a good way to start finding bugs and figuring out scopes/test scenarios blocking the release. The Rawhide test days need some literature in the form of Wiki, to explain the existence of such in the first place.

The drafted wiki stands as https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Sumantrom/Draft/QA:SOP_Rawhide_TestDay

The Rawhide Test Days will be using the same test day wiki template and use the same SOP of Test Day Management.

Hmm, I'm not too good with these wordy fluffy documents :-) I have only two remarks:

  1. It's not an SOP, as I understand it (definition). Here's an actual SOP, for example. This is more of a description "why we do it". It's fine as a document, just don't mark it as an SOP. Possibly rename from "QA:SOP Rawhide TestDay" to "QA:Rawhide Test Days".

  2. It feels a bit weird that you specify Podman as a community example twice ("Podman and Podman Desktop"), on two different places, and have no other examples. It feels like this document was written for Podman use case. I'd either drop the examples, or use several different examples. Or maybe it's just the wording (and me being non-native) of "particularly within sub-communities such as Podman" where it sounds to me like you only care about the listed communities and no other.

Otherwise, shrug, it's fine :-)

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