Contrary to what our current Cockpit test cases suggest, you can no longer log in as root:
We should adjust the instructions. I think it affects this one: and perhaps even this one?
We probably need to say that in anaconda you must create a regular user (or add the user manually after server install).
Actually, the bug was reopened and a discussion is happening, so let's wait until it's over, perhaps a different outcome will emerge.
oh, yeah, I did actually change the openQA tests for this a while ago:
but didn't think to update the manual test cases...
btw, it shouldn't usually be necessary to do these tests manually, openQA should cover them.
That explains why it passes in OpenQA :-) I wasn't purposefully testing Cockpit, it was an accident as everything in my life. But some manual testing is handy just to uncover cases like this one (in case it is decided to be a "bug" or non-ideal behavior).
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