#496 Propose for Anaconda BlivetGUI Test Day
Closed: Fixed 7 years ago Opened 8 years ago by sumantrom.

Hey All,

In the Fedora 26 we have a major change[1] which needs to gets tested and hence this ticket is of a major significance. The change will be :

Detailed bottom-up configuration screen has been long requested by users and inclusion of blivet-gui into Anaconda finally makes this a reality. On the other hand, it just adds a new option without changing the existing advanced storage configuration so users that prefer the top-down configuration can still use it.


Fedora 26 Alpha is out. The test day is happening on 6th of April , working on the test day pages . The propose change owners have suggested that we use partitioning test cases for Anaconda --
-- blivet-gui should be able to do everything that current Custom
partitioning does, so the test cases should be the same.

Metadata Update from @sumantrom:
- Issue close_status updated to: None

7 years ago

The test day wiki page has been created and the test day app has been updated.
The wiki page is https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Day:2017-04-06_AnacondaBlivetGUI
The test cases are http://testdays.fedorainfracloud.org/events/17

The change owners also reviewed the wiki page and test results. Although they are good to go with it but I would like @kparal @adamwill to have a look before we announce it public!


Metadata Update from @sumantrom:
- Issue close_status updated to: Fixed
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

7 years ago

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