#485 F24 Workstation graphical upgrade test day
Closed: Fixed None Opened 8 years ago by adamwill.

We should have a Test Day for the F24 Workstation graphical upgrade Change:


we can work with Workstation team (hughsie, mclasen - #fedora-workstation on Freenode, #fedora-desktop on GIMPnet) on timing and content.

Any update on this? If possible, I'd like to call it out specifically in the beta announcement.

Sumantro is working on it, he was waiting for feedback from the desktop team but he now has it.

Hello Sumantro, do you have a status update for this? Do you need any help, e.g. with setting up the wiki page, or anything else? Which day are you going to pick for this? Thanks.

Replying to [comment:3 kparal]:

Hello Sumantro, do you have a status update for this? Do you need any help, e.g. with setting up the wiki page, or anything else? Which day are you going to pick for this? Thanks.
Hey Kamil, I will be done with it by tomorrow or day after. I was down with fever but I am back in shape and the wiki page will be up with testcases and all. I asked adam , he asked me to have a word with the developers regarding the dates, I will get back to you on the dates as soon as I get reply from them. Thanks

Hey All,

I had a word with Richard and 16th May is the date that seems good to run the test day. Assigning this ticket to myself and rolling up with the prep work.

Thank Sumantro. I think you'll want to move all the testing instructions from the test day page and move it to the test case, and then link to it. Aside from that, all my feedback from IRC looks taken into account, great.

I've created a fedocal event here: https://apps.fedoraproject.org/calendar/QA/2016/5/16/#m3899

We should announce this test day in test-announce mailing list and fedora planet at least, can you please take care of that? (It's also a good idea to post it into Fedora Google+ community, quite a lot of people follow it).

Replying to [comment:7 kparal]:

Thank Sumantro. I think you'll want to move all the testing instructions from the test day page and move it to the test case, and then link to it. Aside from that, all my feedback from IRC looks taken into account, great.

I've created a fedocal event here: https://apps.fedoraproject.org/calendar/QA/2016/5/16/#m3899

We should announce this test day in test-announce mailing list and fedora planet at least, can you please take care of that? (It's also a good idea to post it into Fedora Google+ community, quite a lot of people follow it).

Hey Kamil! Thanks a ton for the feedbacks. I have moved the test instructions to test case and linked it back. I will be announcing it on test-announce mailing list , planet fedora and fedora G+ community. Thanks again for the fedocal event!

Event ran successfully, thanks!

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