A major F24 feature is a [https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/LUCasPrimaryDownloadable rewrite of liveusb-creator] which may become the primary download for Workstation (so instead of an ISO file, you'd get the liveusb-creator app from the Workstation download page). However, we really haven't done much testing of it yet and don't know if it's working properly, running on all the platforms it needs to run on, and has all the features it ought to have. This would be a great topic for a Test Day. We should co-ordinate with the developers, Jiri Eischmann and Martin Briza, on this - they're both pretty familiar with QA so they should be open to working with us. I'll mail them and ask them to sign up to this ticket.
In-progress Test Day page: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Day:2016-04-19_Fedora_Media_Writer
I'll add the event to the calendar shortly.
Event ran successfully, thanks all! https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Day:2016-04-19_Fedora_Media_Writer
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