#459 Proposed Test Day - Virtualization
Closed: Fixed None Opened 9 years ago by crobinso.

I'd like to propose a test day for Virtualization.

Preferred date would be soon after the beta, so April 15th or 16th. Later is fine as well.

We will be doing general virt testing, like the standard test cases we carry over for each test day:


Hi, I've scheduled it to the 16th April. You can find schedule here: ​​https://apps.fedoraproject.org/calendar/list/QA/?subject=Test+Day

Please follow ​​https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA/SOP_Test_Day_management to create wiki page.

If you need any help with setting things up or you want to change the date, please, let me know.

Test day took place on 2015-04-16 and was quite well attended:


Thank you for organization. I'm looking forward to next virtualization test day during F23.

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