#424 Proposed Test Day - KDE 4.11
Closed: Fixed None Opened 10 years ago by mbriza.

= phenomenon =
KDE Plasma Workspaces test day for Fedora 20

Proposed date is 7th November, 2013.

= implementation recommendation =
We, as the KDE SIG need to test our three proposed features:
* KDE Plasma Workspaces 4.11
* Plasma-nm
* SDDM as the default KDE display manager instead of KDM
as well as the regular KDE tests ran before every Fedora release

November 7th would be fine. I'll add it to the calendar and schedule. Do you have everything you need to run the test day?

We will use one of the nightly live composes and are preparing the test cases over time

Fedora 20 release is over, closing.

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