#305 Abrt test day request for 2012-09-27
Closed: Fixed None Opened 12 years ago by dkutalek.

I would like to allocate a test day slot for 2012-09-27.

This will be my first Test day as organizer, so I am just finding out how things works and how it should look like. Seems like I have folks happy to help around me in Brno, so hope everything will go fine.

I should bring in details in next weeks and expect having everything ready by the end of August.

David, is it possible to move ABRT test day from 2012-09-27 to any of these dates?

Can you make it? We would prefer to swap the X Test Week and ABRT Test Day.


Yes, no problem. You can move it to 2012-09-19.

OK, done - you're no on 09-19.

report-gtk interrupts reporting if a crash is known

  • Precondition: known crash (killing sleep by SIGSEGV signal is good example)
  • Successful result: crash is not reported to bugzilla
  1. clean /var/spool/abrt/
  2. '$ sleep 100 &'
  3. '$ kill -SIGSEGV %1'
  4. '$ abrt-gui'
  5. find a new record for sleep -> "coreutils | Process /usr/bin/sleep was killed by signal 11 (SIGSEGV)"
  6. click on the "Report" button
  7. wait until processing is finished
  8. click on "Show log" label
  9. you should see only the following text:

--- Running report_uReport ---
This problem has already been reported.

  1. you should not be able to continue with reporting. the "Close" button is placed in right bottom corner of reporting window and the button is the only visible button

jfilak: This is a test day request ticket, not a bugzilla. For reporting problems please visit https://bugzilla.redhat.com/ and file a bug under the 'abrt' component. Thanks.

As the Fedora 18 schedule has been slipped by three weeks, you might want to adjust the date of your Test Day. If you think the event will now be happening too early in the cycle, please reply to the ticket to let us know. Once we have responses from most of the planned Test Days, we'll look at how we can rejig the schedule to accommodate everyone's wishes. Please refer to https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA/Fedora_18_test_days and http://jreznik.fedorapeople.org/schedules/f-18/f-18-devel-tasks.html for schedule details. Thanks!

Can we please move it a week or to Monday 2012-10-01 (but this date is not in the wiki, so I'm not sure if it's possible)

10-04 is now available too, if you'd like to follow the Thursday schedule (virt moved to later in the cycle). You can stick with 10-01 or go to 10-04, your choice!

sorry I didn't get any announcements out for this test day, the fact it was monday not thursday kind of screwed me up :( for next cycle i'll try and farm the test day organization out to someone else, as i haven't really had time to make sure it all goes off smoothly.

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