#270 Proposed Test Day - Sugar Desktop
Closed: Fixed None Opened 12 years ago by greenfeld.

The Sugar (www.sugarlabs.org) desktop is being ported to GTK3. Early versions of this code already are in Rawhide, and the final version is expected to land in Fedora 17.

We therefore think it would be a good idea to schedule a test day for Sugar and the SoaS Fedora Spin during the Fedora 17 time frame. March 22 is probably best, although other open test days in March will work as well.

For reference, the schedule for Sugar 0.95/0.96 may be found at http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/0.96/Roadmap

I'll drop you into the schedule for March 22 and make you a placeholder Wiki page. I'll try and get up with you on IRC or email and see what we can hash out.

The Sugar test day was held on March 22. Three testers filed results, and a fourth tester plans to add their results.

A similar number of Sugar developers were monitoring the #fedora-test-day IRC channel in case any major problems occurred.

A large list of test scenarios was created for this test day, which was a significant improvement over the last Sugar test day.

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