#11 Fedora Test Day - Anaconda Storage Rewrite
Closed: Fixed None Opened 15 years ago by jlaska.

Dave Lehman (dlehman) requested an Anaconda Storage Rewrite Test Day. I'd like to track some of the prep work required to make the event successful.

Prep work required:
1. Create a test day page (jlaska)
* Outline what to test - rawhide or F11-Alpha (______)
2. Document the proposed Storage Rewrite changes (dlehman)
3. Provide updates.img to test against F11-Beta? (dlehman)
4. Announce Test Day to mailing lists
* fedora-test-list (jlaska)
* anaconda-devel-list (dlehman)
5. Solicit Partner support (ddumas)

After discussing w/ dlehman, we've tentatively scheduled this event on:

  • 2009-03-05 - Anaconda/StorageRewrite tentative

Updated [https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA/Test_Days/F11 calendar]

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