#83 Add wiki reporting for IoT tests (rpmostree_overlay, rpmostree_rebase)
Merged 4 years ago by adamwill. Opened 4 years ago by pwhalen.
fedora-qa/ pwhalen/fedora_openqa add-rebase-overlay  into  master

@@ -602,6 +602,14 @@ 

          "env": "$RUNARCH$",

          "type": "General",


+     "QA:Testcase_RpmOstree_Rebase": {

+         "env": "$RUNARCH$",

+         "type": "General",

+     },

+     "QA:Testcase_RpmOstree_Package_Layering": {

+         "env": "$RUNARCH$",

+         "type": "General",

+     },

      #        "": {

      #            "name": "", # optional, use when same testcase occurs on multiple rows with different link text

      #            "section": "", # optional, some result pages have no sections
@@ -1261,6 +1269,12 @@ 

      "iot_greenboot": [



+     "iot_rpmostree_rebase": [

+         "QA:Testcase_RpmOstree_Rebase",

+     ],

+     "iot_rpmostree_overlay": [

+         "QA:Testcase_RpmOstree_Package_Layering",

+     ],

      # this is a support test for other tests

      "support_server": [],

      # this is a data test, does not map to any test case

This adds wiki reporting for two IoT tests - QA:Testcase_RpmOstree_Package_Layering and QA:Testcase_RpmOstree_Rebase.

Signed-off-by: Paul Whalen pwhalen@fedoraproject.org

Build succeeded.

checkwiki passes too (I need to add that to CI, but it involves learning how to properly run a test that spans two git repos in Zuul first). Thanks, merging.