#70 Allow filtering by flavor when scheduling a compose
Closed 5 years ago by adamwill. Opened 5 years ago by adamwill.

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@@ -47,13 +47,16 @@ 

      extraparams = None

      if args.updates:

          extraparams = {'GRUBADD': "inst.updates={0}".format(args.updates)}

+     flavors = None

+     if args.flavors:

+         flavors = args.flavors.split(',')

      arches = None

      if args.arches:

          arches = args.arches.split(',')


          (_, jobs) = schedule.jobs_from_compose(

              args.location, force=args.force, extraparams=extraparams,

-             openqa_hostname=args.openqa_hostname, arches=arches)

+             openqa_hostname=args.openqa_hostname, arches=arches, flavors=flavors)

      except schedule.TriggerException as err:

          logger.warning("No jobs run! %s", err)

@@ -167,7 +170,10 @@ 



          "--arches", '-a', help="Comma-separated list of arches to schedule jobs for (if not specified, "

-         "all arches will be scheduled)", metavar='ARCH')

+         "all arches will be scheduled)", metavar='ARCHES')

+     parser_compose.add_argument(

+         "--flavors", help="Comma-separated list of flavors to schedule jobs for (if not specified, "

+         "all flavors will be scheduled)", metavar='FLAVORS')


      parser_update = subparsers.add_parser('update', description="Schedule jobs for a specific update.")

      parser_update.add_argument('update', help="The update ID (e.g. 'FEDORA-2017-b07d628952')", metavar='UPDATE')

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@@ -218,7 +218,8 @@ 

      return output["ids"]



- def jobs_from_compose(location, wanted=None, force=False, extraparams=None, openqa_hostname=None, arches=None):

+ def jobs_from_compose(location, wanted=None, force=False, extraparams=None, openqa_hostname=None, arches=None,

+                       flavors=None):

      """Schedule jobs against a specific compose. Returns a 2-tuple

      of the compose ID and the list of job IDs.

@@ -250,6 +251,15 @@ 

      arches is a list of arches to schedule jobs for; if specified,

      the image list will be filtered by the arches listed. If not

      specified, jobs are scheduled for all arches in the image list.


+     flavors is a list of flavors to schedule jobs for; if specified,

+     the image list will be filtered to images whose flavor is in this

+     list. For convenience, case is ignored.


+     Of course arches and flavors are redundant with and less capable

+     than WANTED, but are used to back a convenience feature in the

+     CLI, letting you quickly schedule jobs for specific flavor(s)

+     and/or arch(es) without having to edit a WANTED file.


      if not wanted:

          wanted = WANTED
@@ -270,9 +280,14 @@ 

          return ('', [])

      logger.debug("Finding images for compose %s in location %s", rel.cid, location)

      images = _get_images(rel, wanted=wanted)

+     if flavors:

+         flavors = [flavor.lower() for flavor in flavors]

+         logger.debug("Only scheduling jobs for flavors %s", ' '.join(flavors))

+         images = [img for img in images if img[0].lower() in flavors]

      if arches:

          logger.debug("Only scheduling jobs for arches %s", ' '.join(arches))

          images = [img for img in images if img[1] in arches]


      if len(images) == 0:

          raise TriggerException("Compose found, but no available images")

      jobs = []
@@ -292,7 +307,10 @@ 

          if score > univs.get(arch, [None, 0])[1]:

              univs[arch] = (param_urls, score, subvariant, imagetype)


-     # now schedule universal jobs

+     # now schedule universal jobs...unless 'flavors' was passed and

+     # 'universal' wasn't in it

+     if flavors and 'universal' not in flavors:

+         univs = {}

      if univs:

          for (arch, (param_urls, _, subvariant, imagetype)) in univs.items():

              # We are assuming that ISO_URL is present in param_urls. This could create problem when

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@@ -55,6 +55,8 @@ 

          assert fakejfc.call_args[1]['force'] is False

          # should pass arches as 'None'

          assert fakejfc.call_args[1]['arches'] is None

+         # should pass flavors as 'None'

+         assert fakejfc.call_args[1]['flavors'] is None


      def test_force(self, fakejfc):

          """Test with -f (force)."""
@@ -82,30 +84,41 @@ 

          # should add extra params

          assert fakejfc.call_args[1]['extraparams'] == {'GRUBADD': "inst.updates=https://www.foo.com/updates.img"}


-     def test_arch(self, fakejfc):

-         """Test with --arches."""

+     @pytest.mark.parametrize(

+         ("arg", "values"),

+         [

+             ('arches', ('x86_64', 'i386,armhfp')),

+             ('flavors', ('server-boot-iso', 'workstation-live-iso,universal')),

+         ]

+     )

+     def test_arches_flavors(self, fakejfc, arg, values):

+         """Test with --arches and --flavors, using parametrization.

+         'arg' is the argument name. 'values' is a tuple of two value

+         strings, the first a single appropriate value for the arg, the

+         second a comma-separated list of two appropriate values.

+         """

          args = cli.parse_args([



-             '--arches=x86_64'

+             '--{0}={1}'.format(arg, values[0])


          with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo:


          # should exit 0

          assert not excinfo.value.code

-         # should specify arch as single-item list

-         assert fakejfc.call_args[1]['arches'] == ['x86_64']

+         # should specify arch/flavor as single-item list

+         assert fakejfc.call_args[1][arg] == [values[0]]

          args = cli.parse_args([



-             '--arches=i386,armhfp'

+             '--{0}={1}'.format(arg, values[1])


          with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo:


          # should exit 0

          assert not excinfo.value.code

-         # should specify arch as multi-item list

-         assert fakejfc.call_args[1]['arches'] == ['i386', 'armhfp']

+         # should specify arches/flavors as multi-item list

+         assert fakejfc.call_args[1][arg] == values[1].split(',')


      def test_nojobs(self, fakejfc):

          """Test exits 1 when no jobs are run."""

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@@ -369,6 +369,20 @@ 

      # 7 images (6 i386, 1 armhfp), 1 universal arch (i386)

      assert fakerun.call_count == 8


+     # check flavors is handled properly

+     fakerun.reset_mock()

+     ret = schedule.jobs_from_compose(COMPURL, flavors=['server-boot-iso', 'workstation-live-iso', 'foobar'])

+     # two of those flavors we have images for (2 images each), one we don't;

+     # universal SHOULD NOT be scheduled

+     assert fakerun.call_count == 4


+     # check flavors *and* arches is handled properly

+     fakerun.reset_mock()

+     ret = schedule.jobs_from_compose(COMPURL, flavors=['server-boot-iso', 'workstation-live-iso'], arches=['x86_64'])

+     # we have one x86_64 image for each flavor, so 2

+     assert fakerun.call_count == 2



      # check triggerexception is raised when appropriate

      with mock.patch('fedfind.release.get_release', side_effect=ValueError("Oops!")):

          with pytest.raises(schedule.TriggerException):

You can already do this by using a WANTED file, but that's a lot
of work if you just quickly want to schedule jobs only for one
ISO or whatever. It's much easier to just be able to pass in a
comma-separated list of flavors on the CLI, like this.

Signed-off-by: Adam Williamson awilliam@redhat.com

@lruzicka I was just gonna merge this, but I'm sending it as a PR to give you a bit of practice in PR review and also maybe as a way for you to look into how the scheduler works a bit :) Please let me know what you think, thanks.

I wound up merging this because I sorta needed it.

Pull-Request has been closed by adamwill

5 years ago