#1 PowerPC specific changes for Fedora openQA job scheduler
Closed 7 years ago by adamwill. Opened 7 years ago by michelmno.
fedora-qa/ michelmno/fedora_openqa mno_working2  into  master

file modified
@@ -228,6 +228,58 @@ 

              "arch": "x86_64",



+     {

+         "match": {

+             "subvariant": "Server",

+             "type": "boot",

+             "format": "iso",

+             "arch": "ppc64le",

+         },

+         "score": 6,

+     },

+     {

+         "match": {

+             "subvariant": "Server",

+             "type": "dvd",

+             "format": "iso",

+             "arch": "ppc64le",

+         },

+         "score": 10,

+     },

+     {

+         "match": {

+             "subvariant": "Server",

+             "type": "universal",

+             "format": "iso",

+             "arch": "ppc64le",

+         },

+     },

+     {

+         "match": {

+             "subvariant": "Server",

+             "type": "boot",

+             "format": "iso",

+             "arch": "ppc64",

+         },

+         "score": 6,

+     },

+     {

+         "match": {

+             "subvariant": "Server",

+             "type": "dvd",

+             "format": "iso",

+             "arch": "ppc64",

+         },

+         "score": 10,

+     },

+     {

+         "match": {

+             "subvariant": "Server",

+             "type": "universal",

+             "format": "iso",

+             "arch": "ppc64",

+         },

+     },



  # Whitelist of non-critpath package names to run update tests on.

file modified
+1 -9
@@ -173,11 +173,7 @@ 

          'CURRREL': currrel,

          'PREVREL': prevrel,

          'SUBVARIANT': subvariant,

-         'IMAGETYPE': imagetype,

-         # FIXME: this is a workaround for

-         # https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1430043 , should

-         # be removed when that is fixed

-         'CDMODEL': 'ide-cd',

+         'IMAGETYPE': imagetype


      if extraparams:

@@ -324,10 +320,6 @@ 

          # this disables the openQA logic that cancels all running jobs

          # with the same DISTRI, VERSION, FLAVOR and ARCH

          '_NOOBSOLETEBUILD': 1,

-         # FIXME: this is a workaround for

-         # https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1430043 , should

-         # be removed when that is fixed

-         'CDMODEL': 'ide-cd',

          'START_AFTER_TEST': '',


      # mark if release is a development release; the tests need to know

Two required commits for PowerPC:

  • 6a7cac8 Revert "Use IDE CD drive for all tests to work around RHBZ #1430043"
  • 64baf2e Add ppc64/ppc64le images support


7 years ago

Please explain this in more detail, as right now it looks entirely wrong to me. CURRREL is always supposed to be the actual current stable Fedora release, and PREVREL is always supposed to be the release before that one. It doesn't matter what release we're testing, that's what those variables are supposed to be regardless.

As I noted in the os-auto-inst-distri-fedora PR, not testing Cloud images in openQA is an intentional choice at present, without further rationale I think I'm opposed to adding it here.


7 years ago

PR updated:

  • I removed as requested the testing of Cloud images.
  • still waiting decision after my answer to @adamw concern about CURRREL/PREVREL

I'm sorry, I can't see your answer about CURRREL / PREVREL anywhere - I don't see it here, nor any notification of such a reply in my email. Can you provide it again? Thanks!

I'm sorry, I can't see your answer about CURRREL / PREVREL anywhere - I don't see it here, nor any notification of such a reply in my email. Can you provide it again? Thanks!

manually copy/paste via webui as reply by email seems to never arrived:

There were two reasons for those changes:

1- Be able to try openQA tests for a Fedora Release that was already GA. The CURRREL and the PREVREL need to be set before test RELEASE to avoid errors for upgrade_minimal_64bit upgrade_server_64bit upgrade_2_minimal_64bit upgrade_2_server_64bit
eg: test iso RELEASE 25 while current stable is 26 and previous is 25.

2- There was a timing window after next Release branching where the function "fedfind.helpers.get_current_release" is reporting an error, so creating errors for tests using CURRREL and PREVREL.

2 new commits added

  • Revert "Use IDE CD drive for all tests to work around RHBZ #1430043"
  • Add ppc64/ppc64le images support
7 years ago

As suggested by @adamw I removed from the PR the two following commits.
Add schedule of Cloud_Base for PowerPC
Set currrel from input release if not Rawhide

Note: you don't need to include 'universal' entries in the WANTED list. That's the list of actual images to download, and there is no image whose 'type' (or 'subvariant' or anything else) is 'universal'. 'universal' exists only as an openQA flavor, and the scheduler chooses one of the images to run the universal tests with.

Otherwise, looks fine, I think I'll merge this manually.

I've now merged this manually, adjusting both commits (to remove the 'universal' entries, and adjust tests for the ide-cd change).

Pull-Request has been closed by adamwill

7 years ago