#32 Replace createhdds.sh with a Python version that can do ongoing maintenance and stuff
Closed: Fixed None Opened 8 years ago by adamwill.

So one of the weak points in the new openQA deployment is the hard disk image creation stuff. createhdds.sh...does the job, but it's fairly dumb and there's really no good way to ansibl-ize its use on an ongoing basis (it's kind of a one-shot thing, you can't use it to 'maintain' a set of disk images - e.g. you can't just fire it and say 'create any images that are missing, remove any old ones, and rebuild any which need rebuilding').

I'm building a Python replacement for it which will deal with all that stuff, so we can just have the ansible playbook run some 'createhdds.py check' or whatever command and it will make sure everything's in place without re-building all the images.

It's not quite ready to go yet, but filing a ticket to let everyone know I'm working on it. Hoping to have a diff by the end of the week.

I pushed my work-in-progress on this up to the git repo in branch 'newhdds' just as a backup and in case anyone else wants to look at it. Right now I'm kinda in the middle of implementing the CLI so it doesn't quite do much as written, but you can see bits lying around that actually do image creation and stuff. also it's rather short on comments :P

Please make sure to put it up for review, once it's done. THX!

OK, this is done and landed now. Note: I've updated the ansible playbook for the Fedora deployment to use it but disabled actual image creation for now until we get nested virt enabled (otherwise the virt-builder creations would take forever).

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