#204 drop unused models (build, criterion, settings, user), code & assets
Merged 3 years ago by kparal. Opened 3 years ago by kparal.

@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ 

+ """Drop unused models


+ Revision ID: f8c29e9793f4

+ Revises: 8ec130a51c2b

+ Create Date: 2021-09-02 15:45:16.177031

+ """

+ from alembic import op

+ import sqlalchemy as sa

+ from sqlalchemy.dialects import postgresql


+ # revision identifiers, used by Alembic.

+ revision = 'f8c29e9793f4'

+ down_revision = '8ec130a51c2b'



+ def upgrade():

+     # The following tables haven't been used in a *long* time, and nothing imported them in code,

+     # meaning they might exist if the DB was upgraded the whole time, but might not exist, if the

+     # DB was re-created at some later point. Instead of `op.drop_table()` we need to execute custom

+     # commands so that we can append `IF EXISTS`.

+     op.execute('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "settings"')

+     op.execute('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "user"')

+     op.execute('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "build"')

+     op.execute('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "criterion"')



+ def downgrade():

+     # ### commands auto generated by Alembic - please adjust! ###

+     op.create_table('criterion',

+         sa.Column('id', sa.INTEGER(), autoincrement=True, nullable=False),

+         sa.Column('date_created', postgresql.TIMESTAMP(), autoincrement=False, nullable=True),

+         sa.Column('criterion', sa.VARCHAR(length=4096), autoincrement=False, nullable=True),

+         sa.Column('current', sa.BOOLEAN(), autoincrement=False, nullable=True),

+         sa.Column('milestone_id', sa.INTEGER(), autoincrement=False, nullable=True),

+         sa.Column('number', sa.INTEGER(), autoincrement=False, nullable=True),

+         sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['milestone_id'], ['milestone.id'], name='fk_criterion_milestone_id_milestone'),

+         sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('id', name='pk_criterion')

+     )

+     op.create_table('build',

+         sa.Column('koji_id', sa.INTEGER(), autoincrement=True, nullable=False),

+         sa.Column('pkg_name', sa.TEXT(), autoincrement=False, nullable=True),

+         sa.Column('version', sa.TEXT(), autoincrement=False, nullable=True),

+         sa.Column('release', sa.TEXT(), autoincrement=False, nullable=True),

+         sa.Column('nvr', sa.TEXT(), autoincrement=False, nullable=True),

+         sa.Column('epoch', sa.INTEGER(), autoincrement=False, nullable=True),

+         sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('koji_id', name='pk_build'),

+         sa.UniqueConstraint('nvr', name='uq_build_nvr'),

+         sa.UniqueConstraint('pkg_name', 'version', 'release', name='uq_build_pkg_ver_rel')

+     )

+     op.create_table('user',

+         sa.Column('id', sa.INTEGER(), autoincrement=True, nullable=False),

+         sa.Column('username', sa.VARCHAR(length=80), autoincrement=False, nullable=True),

+         sa.Column('pw_hash', sa.VARCHAR(length=120), autoincrement=False, nullable=True),

+         sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('id', name='pk_user'),

+         sa.UniqueConstraint('username', name='uq_user_username')

+     )

+     op.create_table('settings',

+         sa.Column('id', sa.INTEGER(), autoincrement=True, nullable=False),

+         sa.Column('name', sa.VARCHAR(length=80), autoincrement=False, nullable=True),

+         sa.Column('value', sa.VARCHAR(length=80), autoincrement=False, nullable=True),

+         sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('id', name='pk_settings')

+     )

+     # ### end Alembic commands ###

@@ -26,11 +26,9 @@ 

  from flask_admin.babel import gettext

  import flask_admin

  from blockerbugs import app, db

- from blockerbugs.models.build import Build

  from blockerbugs.models.release import Release

  from blockerbugs.models.userinfo import UserInfo

  from blockerbugs.models.milestone import Milestone

- from blockerbugs.controllers.admin.build import BuildView

  from blockerbugs.controllers.admin.auth import FasAuthModelView

  from blockerbugs.controllers.users import check_admin_rights

@@ -142,4 +140,3 @@ 

  admin.add_view(MilestoneView(Milestone, db.session))

  admin.add_view(ReleaseView(Release, db.session))

  admin.add_view(UserInfoView(UserInfo, db.session))

- admin.add_view(BuildView(Build, db.session))

@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@ 

- # Copyright 2013, Red Hat, Inc

- #

- # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify

- # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by

- # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or

- # (at your option) any later version.

- #

- # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,

- # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of


- # GNU General Public License for more details.

- #

- # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along

- # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,

- # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

- #

- # Authors:

- #   Tim Flink <tflink@redhat.com>

- #   Ilgiz Islamgulov <ilgizisl@gmail.com>


- """Build view for admin interface"""


- import koji

- from flask import flash, request, url_for, redirect

- import flask_wtf

- import wtforms

- from flask_admin import expose

- from flask_admin.babel import gettext


- from blockerbugs.controllers.admin.auth import FasAuthModelView

- from blockerbugs.models.build import Build


- class ReadOnlyTextField(wtforms.TextField):

-     def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):

-         self.disabled = kwargs.pop('disabled', True)

-         super(ReadOnlyTextField, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)


-     def __call__(self, **kwargs):

-         if self.disabled:

-             kwargs.setdefault('readonly', True)

-         return self.widget(self, **kwargs)



- class BuildForm(flask_wtf.FlaskForm):

-     nvr = ReadOnlyTextField('NVR', [wtforms.validators.data_required()])


- class BuildView(FasAuthModelView):

-     column_searchable_list = (Build.nvr, )

-     column_exclude_list = ('nvr', )


-     form = BuildForm


-     @expose('/new/', methods=('GET', 'POST'))

-     def create_view(self):

-         """

-         Create new build by NVR, check build exists in Koji.

-         """

-         return_url = request.args.get('url') or url_for('.index_view')


-         if not self.can_create:

-             return redirect(return_url)


-         form = self.form()

-         form.nvr.disabled = False


-         if form.validate_on_submit():

-             try:

-                 Build.from_nvr(form.nvr.data)

-                 if '_add_another' in request.form:

-                     flash(

-                         gettext('Model was successfully created.'))

-                     return redirect(

-                         url_for('.create_view', url=return_url))

-                 else:

-                     return redirect(return_url)

-             except koji.GenericError as ex:

-                 form.nvr.errors.append(ex.message)


-         return self.render(self.create_template,

-                            form=form,

-                            form_widget_args=self.form_widget_args,

-                            return_url=return_url)

@@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ 

  from flask import Response, request


  from blockerbugs import app

- from blockerbugs.models import EnumSymbol

  from blockerbugs.models.userinfo import UserInfo

  from .errors import MalformedJSONError, NoSuchObjectError, AuthFailedError

@@ -41,8 +40,6 @@ 



      def default(self, obj):

-         if isinstance(obj, EnumSymbol):

-             return obj.description

          if isinstance(obj, datetime.datetime):

              r = obj.isoformat()

              if obj.microsecond:

@@ -19,8 +19,6 @@ 


  """Base model classes"""


- from sqlalchemy.types import SchemaType, TypeDecorator, Enum  # type: ignore[attr-defined]

- import re

  from typing import Any


  from blockerbugs import db
@@ -30,95 +28,3 @@ 

      db.Column('update_id', db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('update.id'), primary_key=True),

      db.Column('bug_id', db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('bug.id'), primary_key=True),




- class EnumSymbol(object):

-     """Define a fixed symbol tied to a parent class."""


-     def __init__(self, cls_, name, value, description):

-         self.cls_ = cls_

-         self.name = name

-         self.value = value

-         self.description = description


-     def __reduce__(self):

-         """Allow unpickling to return the symbol

-         linked to the DeclEnum class."""

-         return getattr, (self.cls_, self.name)


-     def __iter__(self):

-         return iter([self.value, self.description])


-     def __repr__(self):

-         return "<%s>" % self.name


-     def __unicode__(self):

-         return self.name



- class EnumMeta(type):

-     """Generate new DeclEnum classes."""


-     def __init__(cls, classname, bases, dict_):

-         cls._reg = reg = cls._reg.copy()

-         for k, v in dict_.items():

-             if isinstance(v, tuple):

-                 sym = reg[v[0]] = EnumSymbol(cls, k, *v)

-                 setattr(cls, k, sym)

-         return type.__init__(cls, classname, bases, dict_)


-     def __iter__(cls):

-         return iter(cls._reg.values())



- class DeclEnum(object):

-     """Declarative enumeration."""


-     __metaclass__ = EnumMeta

-     _reg: dict[Any, Any] = {}


-     @classmethod

-     def from_string(cls, value):

-         try:

-             return cls._reg[value]

-         except KeyError:

-             raise ValueError(

-                 "Invalid value for %r: %r" %

-                 (cls.__name__, value)

-             )


-     @classmethod

-     def values(cls):

-         return cls._reg.keys()


-     @classmethod

-     def db_type(cls):

-         return DeclEnumType(cls)



- class DeclEnumType(SchemaType, TypeDecorator):

-     def __init__(self, enum):

-         self.enum = enum

-         self.impl = Enum(

-             *enum.values(),

-             name="ck%s" % re.sub(

-                 '([A-Z])',

-                 lambda m: "_" + m.group(1).lower(),

-                 enum.__name__)

-         )


-     def _set_table(self, table, column):

-         self.impl._set_table(table, column)


-     def copy(self):

-         return DeclEnumType(self.enum)


-     def process_bind_param(self, value, dialect):

-         if value is None:

-             return None

-         return value.value


-     def process_result_value(self, value, dialect):

-         if value is None:

-             return None

-         return self.enum.from_string(value.strip())

@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@ 

- # Copyright 2013, Red Hat, Inc

- #

- # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify

- # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by

- # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or

- # (at your option) any later version.

- #

- # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,

- # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of


- # GNU General Public License for more details.

- #

- # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along

- # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,

- # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

- #

- # Authors:

- #   Tim Flink <tflink@redhat.com>

- #   Ilgiz Islamgulov <ilgizisl@gmail.com>


- """ORM class for build information stored in the database"""


- from sqlalchemy.schema import UniqueConstraint

- import koji


- from blockerbugs import db, BaseModel

- from blockerbugs.util.koji_interface import get_build_data



- class Build(BaseModel):

-     koji_id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)

-     pkg_name = db.Column(db.Text)

-     version = db.Column(db.Text)

-     release = db.Column(db.Text)

-     nvr = db.Column(db.Text, unique=True)

-     epoch = db.Column(db.Integer, nullable=True)


-     __table_args__ = (UniqueConstraint('pkg_name', 'version', 'release',

-                                        name='uq_build_pkg_ver_rel'), )


-     def __unicode__(self):

-         return 'build: %s' % (self.nvr)


-     @classmethod

-     def from_nvr(cls, nvr):

-         data = get_build_data(nvr)

-         exists_build = Build.query.get(data['build_id'])

-         if exists_build is not None:

-             raise koji.GenericError(u'Build already exists.')

-         build = Build()

-         build.koji_id = data['build_id']

-         build.epoch = data['epoch']

-         build.pkg_name = data['name']

-         build.release = data['release']

-         build.version = data['version']

-         build.nvr = '{b.pkg_name}-{b.version}-{b.release}'.format(b=build)

-         db.session.add(build)

-         db.session.commit()

@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@ 

- # Copyright 2012, Red Hat, Inc

- #

- # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify

- # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by

- # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or

- # (at your option) any later version.

- #

- # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,

- # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of


- # GNU General Public License for more details.

- #

- # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along

- # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,

- # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

- #

- # Authors:

- #   Tim Flink <tflink@redhat.com>


- """Database model for release criteria"""


- import datetime


- from blockerbugs import db, BaseModel

- import blockerbugs.models.milestone as model_milestone



- class Criterion(BaseModel):

-     id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)

-     date_created = db.Column(db.DateTime, unique=False)

-     criterion = db.Column(db.String(4096), unique=False)

-     current = db.Column(db.Boolean(create_constraint=True, name='current_bool'))

-     milestone_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('milestone.id'))

-     milestone: 'model_milestone.Milestone' = db.relationship('Milestone', back_populates='criteria')

-     number = db.Column(db.Integer, unique=False)


-     def __init__(self, criterion, milestone, number,

-                  date_created=datetime.datetime.utcnow(), current=True):

-         self.criterion = criterion

-         self.milestone = milestone

-         self.number = number

-         self.current = current

-         self.date_created = date_created


-     def __repr__(self):

-         return "<criterion: F%d-%s num %d>" % (self.release.number, self.release.name, self.number)

@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ 

  from typing import Any, Optional


  from blockerbugs import db, BaseModel

- from blockerbugs.models import bug, criterion

+ from blockerbugs.models import bug

  from blockerbugs.models import release as model_release


@@ -51,8 +51,6 @@ 

      """Current milestone is the most relevant one currently. Usually it is the nearest milestone

      in the future. There should be at most one milestone marked as current."""

      bugs: list['bug.Bug'] = db.relationship('Bug', back_populates='milestone', lazy='dynamic')

-     criteria: list['criterion.Criterion'] = db.relationship('Criterion', back_populates='milestone',

-                                                             lazy='dynamic')

      succeeds_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('milestone.id'), nullable=True)

      succeeds: 'Milestone' = db.relationship('Milestone', back_populates='succeeded_by',


@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@ 

- # Copyright 2012, Red Hat, Inc

- #

- # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify

- # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by

- # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or

- # (at your option) any later version.

- #

- # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,

- # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of


- # GNU General Public License for more details.

- #

- # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along

- # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,

- # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

- #

- # Authors:

- #   Tim Flink <tflink@redhat.com>


- """ORM class for settings stored in the database"""


- from blockerbugs import db, BaseModel



- class Settings(BaseModel):

-     id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)

-     name = db.Column(db.String(80))

-     value = db.Column(db.String(80))


-     def __init__(self, name, value):

-         self.name = name

-         self.value = value


-     def __repr__(self):

-         return "<setting: %s,%s>" % (self.name, self.value)

@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@ 

- # Copyright 2012, Red Hat, Inc

- #

- # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify

- # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by

- # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or

- # (at your option) any later version.

- #

- # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,

- # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of


- # GNU General Public License for more details.

- #

- # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along

- # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,

- # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

- #

- # Authors:

- #   Tim Flink <tflink@redhat.com>


- """Database model for user"""


- from blockerbugs import db, BaseModel

- from werkzeug.security import generate_password_hash, check_password_hash


- ############################################################

- # This model is going away once FAS integration is complete.

- # It is a pretty dirty hack, but it does work well enough for now

- ############################################################


- class User(BaseModel):

-     id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)

-     username = db.Column(db.String(80), unique=True)

-     pw_hash = db.Column(db.String(120), unique=False)


-     def __init__(self, username, password):

-         self.username = username

-         self.set_password(password)


-     def __repr__(self):

-         return '<User %r>' % self.username


-     def set_password(self, password):

-         self.pw_hash = generate_password_hash(password)


-     def check_password(self, password):

-         return check_password_hash(self.pw_hash, password)


-     def get_id(self):

-         return self.id


-     def is_active(self):

-         return True


-     def is_anonymous(self):

-         return False


-     def is_authenticated(self):

-         return True

@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@ 

- (function() {

-     $('[data-role="select2Builds"]').each(function() {

-         el = $(this);

-         //make sure that spin have any autocomplition builds

-         if(el.attr('existing-builds'))

-         {

-             el.select2({tags: el.attr('existing-builds').split(','), tokenSeparators: [','], width: 'resolve'})

-         }

-         else

-         {

-             if(el.attr('value'))

-             {

-                 el.select2({tags: el.attr('value').split(','), tokenSeparators: [','], width: 'resolve'});

-             }

-             else

-             {

-                 el.select2({tokenSeparators: [','], width: 'resolve'})

-             }

-         }

-     });

- })(); 

\ No newline at end of file

@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@ 

- (function ($) {


-   $(function(){

-     $(document).foundationAlerts();

-     $(document).foundationButtons();

-     $(document).foundationNavigation();

-   });


- })(jQuery);

@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@ 

- (function ($) {


-   $.fn.foundationAlerts = function (options) {

-     var settings = $.extend({

-       callback: $.noop

-     }, options);


-     $(document).on("click", ".alert-box a.close", function (event) {

-       event.preventDefault();

-       $(this).closest(".alert-box").fadeOut(function (event) {

-         $(this).remove();

-         // Do something else after the alert closes

-         settings.callback();

-       });

-     });


-   };


- })(jQuery);

@@ -1,183 +0,0 @@ 

- /*

-  * jQuery Foundation Tooltip Plugin 2.0.1

-  * http://foundation.zurb.com

-  * Copyright 2012, ZURB

-  * Free to use under the MIT license.

-  * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php

- */


- /*jslint unparam: true, browser: true, indent: 2 */


- ;(function ($) {

-   'use strict';

-   var settings = {

-       bodyHeight : 0,

-       targetClass : '.has-tip',

-       tooltipClass : '.tooltip',

-       tipTemplate : function (selector, content) {

-         return '<span data-selector="' + selector + '" class="' + settings.tooltipClass.substring(1) + '">' + content + '<span class="nub"></span></span>';

-       }

-     },

-     methods = {

-       init : function (options) {

-         return this.each(function () {

-           var $body = $('body');


-           if (Modernizr.touch) {

-             $body.on('click.tooltip touchstart.tooltip touchend.tooltip', settings.targetClass, function (e) {

-               e.preventDefault();

-               $(settings.tooltipClass).hide();

-               methods.showOrCreateTip($(this));

-             });

-             $body.on('click.tooltip touchstart.tooltip touchend.tooltip', settings.tooltipClass, function (e) {

-               e.preventDefault();

-               $(this).fadeOut(150);

-             });

-           } else {

-             $body.on('mouseenter.tooltip mouseleave.tooltip', settings.targetClass, function (e) {

-               var $this = $(this);


-               if (e.type === 'mouseenter') {

-                 methods.showOrCreateTip($this);

-               } else if (e.type === 'mouseleave') {

-                 methods.hide($this);

-               }

-             });

-           }

-         });

-       },

-       showOrCreateTip : function ($target) {

-         var $tip = methods.getTip($target);


-         if ($tip && $tip.length > 0) {

-           methods.show($target);

-         } else {

-           methods.create($target);

-         }

-       },

-       getTip : function ($target) {

-         var selector = methods.selector($target),

-           tip = null;


-         if (selector) {

-           tip = $('span[data-selector=' + selector + ']' + settings.tooltipClass);

-         }

-         return (tip.length > 0) ? tip : false;

-       },

-       selector : function ($target) {

-         var id = $target.attr('id'),

-           dataSelector = $target.data('selector');


-         if (id === undefined && dataSelector === undefined) {

-           dataSelector = 'tooltip' + Math.random().toString(36).substring(7);

-           $target.attr('data-selector', dataSelector);

-         }

-         return (id) ? id : dataSelector;

-       },

-       create : function ($target) {

-         var $tip = $(settings.tipTemplate(methods.selector($target), $('<div>').text($target.attr('title')).html())),

-           classes = methods.inheritable_classes($target);


-         $tip.addClass(classes).appendTo('body');

-         if (Modernizr.touch) {

-           $tip.append('<span class="tap-to-close">tap to close </span>');

-         }

-         $target.removeAttr('title');

-         methods.show($target);

-       },

-       reposition : function (target, tip, classes) {

-         var width, nub, nubHeight, nubWidth, column, objPos;


-         tip.css('visibility', 'hidden').show();


-         width = target.data('width');

-         nub = tip.children('.nub');

-         nubHeight = nub.outerHeight();

-         nubWidth = nub.outerWidth();


-         objPos = function (obj, top, right, bottom, left, width) {

-           return obj.css({

-             'top' : top,

-             'bottom' : bottom,

-             'left' : left,

-             'right' : right,

-             'width' : (width) ? width : 'auto'

-           }).end();

-         };


-         objPos(tip, (target.offset().top + target.outerHeight() + 10), 'auto', 'auto', target.offset().left, width);

-         objPos(nub, -nubHeight, 'auto', 'auto', 10);


-         if ($(window).width() < 767) {

-           column = target.closest('.columns');


-           if (column.length < 0) {

-             // if not using Foundation

-             column = $('body');

-           }

-           tip.width(column.outerWidth() - 25).css('left', 15).addClass('tip-override');

-           objPos(nub, -nubHeight, 'auto', 'auto', target.offset().left);

-         } else {

-           if (classes.indexOf('tip-top') > -1) {

-             objPos(tip, (target.offset().top - tip.outerHeight() - nubHeight), 'auto', 'auto', target.offset().left, width)

-               .removeClass('tip-override');

-             objPos(nub, 'auto', 'auto', -nubHeight, 'auto');

-           } else if (classes.indexOf('tip-left') > -1) {

-             objPos(tip, (target.offset().top + (target.outerHeight() / 2) - nubHeight), 'auto', 'auto', (target.offset().left - tip.outerWidth() - 10), width)

-               .removeClass('tip-override');

-             objPos(nub, (tip.outerHeight() / 2) - (nubHeight / 2), -nubHeight, 'auto', 'auto');

-           } else if (classes.indexOf('tip-right') > -1) {

-             objPos(tip, (target.offset().top + (target.outerHeight() / 2) - nubHeight), 'auto', 'auto', (target.offset().left + target.outerWidth() + 10), width)

-               .removeClass('tip-override');

-             objPos(nub, (tip.outerHeight() / 2) - (nubHeight / 2), 'auto', 'auto', -nubHeight);

-           }

-         }

-         tip.css('visibility', 'visible').hide();

-       },

-       inheritable_classes : function (target) {

-         var inheritables = ['tip-top', 'tip-left', 'tip-bottom', 'tip-right', 'noradius'],

-           filtered = target.attr('class').split(' ').map(function (el, i) {

-             if ($.inArray(el, inheritables) !== -1) {

-               return el;

-             }

-           }).join(' ');


-         return $.trim(filtered);

-       },

-       show : function ($target) {

-         var $tip = methods.getTip($target);


-         methods.reposition($target, $tip, $target.attr('class'));

-         $tip.fadeIn(150);

-       },

-       hide : function ($target) {

-         var $tip = methods.getTip($target);


-         $tip.fadeOut(150);

-       },

-       reload : function () {

-         var $self = $(this);


-         return ($self.data('tooltips')) ? $self.tooltips('destroy').tooltips('init') : $self.tooltips('init');

-       },

-       destroy : function () {

-         return this.each(function () {

-           $(window).off('.tooltip');

-           $(settings.targetClass).off('.tooltip');

-           $(settings.tooltipClass).each(function (i) {

-             $($(settings.targetClass).get(i)).attr('title', $(this).text());

-           }).remove();

-         });

-       }

-     };


-   $.fn.tooltips = function (method) {

-     if (methods[method]) {

-       return methods[method].apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1));

-     } else if (typeof method === 'object' || !method) {

-       return methods.init.apply(this, arguments);

-     } else {

-       $.error('Method ' +  method + ' does not exist on jQuery.tooltips');

-     }

-   };

- }(jQuery)); 

\ No newline at end of file

@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@ 

- # Copyright 2013, Red Hat, Inc

- #

- # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify

- # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by

- # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or

- # (at your option) any later version.

- #

- # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,

- # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of


- # GNU General Public License for more details.

- #

- # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along

- # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,

- # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

- #

- # Authors:

- #   Tim Flink <tflink@redhat.com>

- #   Ilgiz Islamgulov <ilgizisl@gmail.com>


- """Basic wrapper to work with the Koji API"""


- import koji


- from blockerbugs import app


- KOJIHUB_URL = app.config['KOJI_URL'] + 'kojihub'



- def get_build_data(build_nvr):

-     """

-     return build information by build NVR

-     return None if build does not exists

-     """

-     session = koji.ClientSession(KOJIHUB_URL)

-     resp = session.queryHistory(build=build_nvr)

-     data = resp['tag_listing']

-     if data:

-         return data[0]

-     else: #build failed or in building state

-         raise koji.GenericError(u'Empty response from Koji.')

file modified
@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ 

  from blockerbugs import db

  from blockerbugs import app

  from blockerbugs.models.bug import Bug

- from blockerbugs.models.build import Build

  from blockerbugs.models.userinfo import UserInfo

  from testing.test_controllers import add_release, add_milestone, \

      add_bug, add_update
@@ -53,9 +52,6 @@ 

          cls.update_pending_stable.request = 'stable'

          cls.update_pending_stable.title = 'mega fixer'

          cls.update_testing2 = add_update('test-testing2.fc99', cls.release, 'testing', [bug2])

-         build = Build()

-         build.koji_id = 33

-         build.nvr = 'libofx-0.9.9-1.fc20'


          cls.webhook_data = {

              'msg': {

@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ 

  from blockerbugs.models.release import Release

  from blockerbugs.models.bug import Bug

  from blockerbugs.models.update import Update

- from blockerbugs.models.criterion import Criterion

  from blockerbugs import db


@@ -153,27 +152,3 @@ 

          assert len(update.bugs) == 2

          assert ref_bugs[0] in update.bugs

          assert ref_bugs[1] in update.bugs


-     def test_add_criterion(self):

-         db.session.add(self.ref_release)

-         db.session.add(self.ref_milestone)

-         db.session.commit()


-         ref_criterion = "This is a fancy criterion that makes magic happen"

-         ref_number = 3

-         ref_current = True


-         test_criterion = Criterion(ref_criterion, self.ref_milestone,

-                                    ref_number)


-         db.session.add(test_criterion)

-         db.session.commit()


-         criteria = Criterion.query.filter_by(number=ref_number).all()

-         assert len(criteria) == 1

-         criterion = criteria[0]


-         assert criterion.criterion == ref_criterion

-         assert criterion.number == ref_number

-         assert criterion.current == ref_current

-         assert criterion.milestone == self.ref_milestone

The 4 mentioned DB models haven't been used in years. Drop them to make the
codebase and schema easier to maintain. The related functions (from controllers
etc) are dropped as well.

This also removes:

  • EnumSymbol and related classes, because it's not used anywhere and we
    already use SQLAlchemy's provided Enum which seems to work well
  • util/koji_interface.py, no longer required
  • some outdated images
  • a few unused javascript files

Note that there are still some unused util functions lying around, like
check_api_rights() or check_api_key(), which I decided to keep in case they
could still be useful in the future.

Build succeeded.

Commit a11c95b fixes this pull-request

Pull-Request has been merged by kparal

3 years ago