#277 Change Requests into an interactive web page with Releng commands generation
Opened 9 months ago by kparal. Modified 9 months ago

This is a follow-up of #275 and #276, where Adam requested that the "Releng commands" section in Requests doesn't need to be edited by hand (if you want to omit a FE), but instead you can use web-style interactive widgets (checkboxes, etc) to populate the releng section as you see fit. It would be more user friendly and less error-prone.

Issue tagged with: next

9 months ago

Commit aceaddd relates to this ticket

tbh, the current format isn't too bad to hand-edit (I did it once for Beta), so this can be v. low priority.

Thanks. I'm tried to make it edit-friendly, I'm glad that it works for you. Don't hesitate to propose slight tweaks, if needed.

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