#313 rhbz#1934124 F34: regressed from authselect to unavailable authconfig, joining AD domain fails: Couldn't join realm: Enabling SSSD in nsswitch.conf and PAM failed.
Closed 2 years ago by blockerbot. Opened 3 years ago by blockerbot.

Bug details: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1934124
Information from BlockerBugs App:

Current vote summary

The votes have been last counted at 2021-03-17 20:11 UTC and the last processed comment was #comment-721950

To learn how to vote, see:
A quick example: BetaBlocker +1 (where the tracker name is one of BetaBlocker/FinalBlocker/BetaFE/FinalFE/0Day/PreviousRelease and the vote is one of +1/0/-1)

This seems like a clear:
BetaBlocker +1
we can't really duck it. We could waive it for being late, but I'd prefer to respin, I think.

Hate to say this, but
BetaBlocker +1

OK, that's probably enough.
AGREED AcceptedBetaBlocker

The following votes have been closed:

Metadata Update from @blockerbot:
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

2 years ago

Release F34 is no longer tracked by BlockerBugs, closing this ticket.

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