#24 Remove uneeded data from the fedora config project
Merged 4 years ago by zuul. Opened 4 years ago by fbo.
fbo/fedora-project-config clean  into  master

file modified
+1 -4
@@ -4,7 +4,4 @@ 


  Here are configured:


- * Nodepool providers

- * Nodepool images

- * Zuul tenants

- * Base jobs and roles for the default Zuul tenant

+ * Git repositories to be listened by softwarefactory-project.io's Zuul.

file removed
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@ 

- # Each directory shall contains a Dockerfile

- # The config-update job build those on the k1s hosts using the localhost/k1s tag prefix

empty or binary file added
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@ 

- # This file is managed by sfconfig, do not edit manually

- ---

@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@ 

- # This file is managed by sfconfig, do not edit manually


- labels:

-   - name: runc-centos

-     min-ready: 2


- providers:

-   - name: managed-runc-provider

-     driver: runc

-     pools:

-       - name: managesf.fedora.softwarefactory-project.io

-         max-servers: 10

-         labels:

-           - name: runc-centos

-             username: zuul-worker


@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@ 

- Customs diskimage builder elements to be used by nodepool-builder.


- Nodepool is configured to use by default (with low precedence):

- * https://softwarefactory-project.io/r/software-factory/sf-elements

- * git://git.openstack.org/openstack-infra/project-config/nodepool/elements

@@ -1,1 +0,0 @@ 

- This is a fake element to get the script on the nodepool-builder host

@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@ 

- #!/bin/env python

- # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may

- # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain

- # a copy of the License at

- #

- #      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

- #

- # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software

- # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT

- # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the

- # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations

- # under the License.



- import argparse

- import subprocess



- def main():

-     # Fake dib interface

-     parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()

-     parser.add_argument("-x", action='store_true', help="noop")

-     parser.add_argument("-t", help="Image types")

-     parser.add_argument("--checksum", action='store_true', help="noop")

-     parser.add_argument("--no-tmpfs", action='store_true', help="noop")

-     parser.add_argument("--qemu-img-options", help="noop")

-     parser.add_argument("-o", help="Image output")

-     parser.add_argument("elements", nargs='+', help="noop")

-     args = parser.parse_args()

-     cmd = ["sudo", "ansible-playbook", "-v"]


-     # The first DIB element is the playbook name

-     cmd.append("%s.yaml" % args.elements[0])


-     # Set the image output var

-     cmd.extend(["-e", "image_output=%s" % args.o])


-     # Look for image types

-     img_types = set(args.t.split(','))

-     unsupported_types = img_types.difference(set(('raw', 'qcow2')))

-     if unsupported_types:

-         raise RuntimeError("Unsupported type: %s" % unsupported_types)

-     if "raw" in img_types:

-         cmd.extend(["-e", "raw_type=True"])

-     if "qcow2" in img_types:

-         cmd.extend(["-e", "qcow2_type=True"])


-     # Execute the playbook

-     print("Running: ", cmd)

-     return subprocess.Popen(cmd, cwd="/etc/nodepool/elements/virt-customize").wait()



- if __name__ == "__main__":

-     exit(main())

@@ -1,148 +0,0 @@ 

- ---

- - name: Build a fedora cloud image suitable for Zuul

-   hosts: localhost

-   vars:

-     image_url: "http://mirror.in2p3.fr/pub/fedora/linux/releases/30/Cloud/x86_64/images/Fedora-Cloud-Base-30-1.2.x86_64.qcow2"

-     image_checksum: "sha256:72b6ae7b4ed09a4dccd6e966e1b3ac69bd97da419de9760b410e837ba00b4e26"

-     image_cache_file: "/var/cache/nodepool/Fedora-Cloud-Base-30-1.2.x86_64.qcow2"

-     image_cache_dir: "/var/cache/nodepool"

-     image_tmp_dir: "/var/tmp/{{ image_output | basename }}"

-     extra_packages:

-       # For validate-host and prepare-workspace

-       - traceroute

-       - iproute

-       - git

-       - rsync

-       # Extra system tools

-       - pigz

-       - bridge-utils

-       - wget

-       - unzip

-       # Basic CI tools

-       - make

-       - gcc

-       - patch

-       # RPM building tools

-       - redhat-lsb-core

-       - redhat-rpm-config

-       - rpm-build

-       - rpm-sign

-       - rpmlint

-       - createrepo

-       - gnupg2

-       - expect

-       - libselinux-python

-       # Devel libraries

-       - libffi-devel

-       - libpcap-devel

-       - libseccomp-devel

-       - libxml2-devel

-       - libxslt-devel

-       - mariadb-devel

-       - openldap-devel

-       - openssl-devel

-       - python-devel

-       - readline-devel

-       - ruby-devel

-       - systemd-devel

-       - zlib-devel

-       # Python

-       - PyYAML

-       - python-virtualenv

-       - python-six

-       # Haskell

-       - hlint

-   tasks:

-     - name: Ensure libvirt is started

-       service:

-         name: libvirtd

-         state: started


-     - name: Check if image is already downloaded

-       stat:

-         path: "{{ image_cache_file }}"

-         get_checksum: no

-       register: _image_cache_file_stat


-     - name: Download if checksum doesn't match

-       get_url:

-         url: "{{ image_url }}"

-         dest: "{{ image_cache_file }}"

-         checksum: "{{ image_checksum }}"

-       when: not _image_cache_file_stat.stat.exists


-     - name: Update the cache

-       command: "virt-customize -m 1024 -a {{ image_cache_file }} --update"


-     - name: Customize the image for zuul ci

-       block:

-         - name: Create tmp directory

-           file:

-             path: "{{ image_tmp_dir }}"

-             state: directory

-             mode: 0755


-         - name: Set filename copy fact

-           set_fact:

-             image_file: "{{ image_tmp_dir }}/{{ image_cache_file | basename }}"


-         - name: Copy the image

-           copy:

-             src: "{{ image_cache_file }}"

-             dest: "{{ image_file }}"

-             remote_src: true

-             mode: 0644


-         - name: Prepare the sudoers file

-           copy:

-             content: |

-               Defaults    !requiretty

-               zuul-worker ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL

-             dest: "{{ image_tmp_dir }}/zuul"


-         - name: Prepare the authorized_keys file

-           copy:

-             src: /var/lib/nodepool/.ssh/zuul_rsa.pub

-             dest: "{{ image_tmp_dir }}/authorized_keys"

-             remote_src: true


-         - name: Customize the image

-           command: >-

-             virt-customize -m 1024 -a {{ image_file }}

-             {# Ensure zuul user exists #}

-             --run-command 'adduser -m zuul-worker'

-             {# Setup authorized_keys #}

-             --mkdir '/home/zuul-worker/.ssh'

-             --chmod '0700:/home/zuul-worker/.ssh'

-             --copy-in '{{ image_tmp_dir }}/authorized_keys:/home/zuul-worker/.ssh/'

-             --chmod '0600:/home/zuul-worker/.ssh/authorized_keys'

-             --run-command 'chown -R zuul-worker:zuul-worker /home/zuul-worker/.ssh/'

-             {# Setup sudoers file #}

-             --copy-in '{{ image_tmp_dir }}/zuul:/etc/sudoers.d/'

-             --chmod '0440:/etc/sudoers.d/zuul'

-             {# Install extra packages #}

-             --install '{{ extra_packages | join(',') }}'

-             {# Disable IPv6 because rdo-cloud does not route v6 #}

-             --append-line '/etc/sysctl.conf:net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6 = 1'

-             --append-line '/etc/sysctl.conf:net.ipv6.conf.default.disable_ipv6 = 1'

-             --append-line '/etc/sysconfig/network:IPV6INIT=no'

-             --append-line '/etc/sysconfig/network:IPV6_AUTOCONF=no'

-             --append-line '/etc/sysconfig/network:IPV6_DEFROUTE=no'

-             {# Ensure yum is only resolve using ipv4 #}

-             --append-line '/etc/yum.conf:ip_resolve=4'

-             {# Ensure selinux labels are correct #}

-             --selinux-relabel


-         - name: Create raw file

-           command: "qemu-img convert -O raw {{ image_file }} {{ image_output }}.raw"

-           when: raw_type | default(False) | bool


-         - name: Create qcow file

-           command: "mv {{ image_file }} {{ image_output }}.qcow2"

-           when: qcow2_type | default(False) | bool


-       always:

-         - name: Remove tmp directory

-           file:

-             path: "{{ image_tmp_dir }}"

-             state: absent

file removed
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@ 

- ---

- diskimages:

-   - name: cloud-fedora

-     username: zuul-worker

-     elements:

-       # This is a fake element to reference the playbook

-       - fedora-cloud

-     env-vars:

-       PATH: /etc/nodepool/elements/virt-customize:/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin

-     formats:

-       - raw


- labels:

-   - name: cloud-fedora


- providers:

-   - name: rdo-cloud

-     cloud: rdocloud

-     launch-retries: 15

-     region-name: regionOne

-     clean-floating-ips: true

-     image-name-format: '{image_name}-{timestamp}'

-     boot-timeout: 240

-     rate: 1.0

-     diskimages:

-       - name: cloud-fedora

-         config-drive: true

-     pools:

-       - name: main

-         max-servers: 3

-         labels:

-           - name: cloud-fedora

-             min-ram: 2000

-             flavor-name: rdo.m1.small

-             diskimage: cloud-fedora

file removed
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@ 

- # Uncomment to enable openshift provider

- #---

- # After the provider is registered in sfconfig.yaml, grab the context name using:

- #  sudo -u nodepool oc config get-contexts

- #

- #

- # To use the openshift driver, a self provisioner service account is needed:

- # Request the cluster operator to create:

- #   oc create sa nodepool

- #   oc adm policy add-cluster-role-to-user self-provisioner --serviceaccount=nodepool

- #   oc policy add-role-to-user admin --serviceaccount=nodepool

- #   oc sa get-token nodepool

- # Then register the token in sfconfig.yaml

- #

- #providers:

- #  - name: openshift01

- #    driver: openshift

- #    context: self-provisioner-service-account-context-name

- #    pools:

- #      - name: zuul-ci

- #        labels:

- #          - name: openshift-project

- #            type: project

- #          - name: openshift-pod-fedora

- #            type: pod

- #            image: docker.io/fedora:28

- #

- #

- ###############################################################################

- # Or use the openshiftpods driver with a regular service account:

- #   oc new-project nodepool

- #   oc create sa nodepool

- #   oc policy add-role-to-user admin --serviceaccount=nodepool

- #   oc sa get-token nodepool

- # Then register the token in sfconfig.yaml

- #

- #providers:

- #  - name: openshift01

- #    driver: openshiftpods

- #    context: "nodepool/openshift-example-com:8443/system:serviceaccount:nodepool:nodepool"

- #    pools:

- #      - name: nodepool

- #        labels:

- #          - name: openshift-pod

- #            image: docker.io/fedora:28

@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@ 

- # This file is managed by ansible, do not edit directly


- - name: Define linters packages fact

-   set_fact:

-     linters_pkgs:

-       - yamllint

-       - bashate

-       - python-flake8

-       - python-tox

-       - traceroute

-       - rpm-build

-       - python2-coverage

-       - python2-pelican

-       - python2-sphinx

-       - doc8

-       - ansible-lint


- - name: Install linters packages

-   yum:

-     name: "{{ linters_pkgs }}"

-     state: present

@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ 

- ---

- # Tasks in that files are executed on the hypervisor-oci node by the config-update

- - include_tasks: _linters-packages.yaml


- # Uncomment to configure a fedora environment

- - include_tasks: fedora-rootfs.yaml

@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@ 

- - name: Set fedora version fact

-   set_fact:

-     fedora_version: 30

-     target_dir: /srv/f30


- - name: Set bwrap command fact

-   set_fact:

-     bwrap_command: "bwrap --unshare-pid --bind {{ target_dir }} / --proc /proc --dev /dev"


- - name: Extract fedora image

-   shell: |

-     set -ex

-     skopeo copy docker://fedora:{{ fedora_version }} dir:{{ target_dir }}-cache

-     mkdir -p {{ target_dir }}

-     tar -C {{ target_dir }} -xzf {{ target_dir }}-cache/$(python -c "import json; print(json.load(open('{{ target_dir }}-cache/manifest.json'))['layers'][0]['digest']).split(':')[1]")

-     cp /etc/resolv.conf /srv/f{{ fedora_version }}/etc/resolv.conf

-     {{ bwrap_command }} dnf install -y openssh-server

-     rm -Rf {{ target_dir }}-cache

-   args:

-     creates: "{{ target_dir }}/sbin/sshd"


- - name: Create sshd server keys

-   command: "{{ bwrap_command }} /usr/libexec/openssh/sshd-keygen rsa"

-   args:

-     creates: "{{ target_dir }}/etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key"


- - name: Read host user id

-   command: awk -F ":" '/zuul-worker/ { print $3 }' /etc/passwd

-   register: _host_uid


- - name: Create zuul-worker user

-   command: "{{ bwrap_command }} useradd -u {{ _host_uid.stdout }} -m zuul-worker"

-   args:

-     creates: "{{ target_dir }}/home/zuul-worker"


- - name: Create /home/zuul-worker/.ssh

-   file:

-     path: "{{ target_dir }}/home/zuul-worker/.ssh"

-     state: directory

-     mode: 0700

-     owner: zuul-worker


- - name: Adds ssh key

-   copy:

-     src: /var/lib/software-factory/bootstrap-data/ssh_keys/zuul_rsa.pub

-     dest: "{{ target_dir }}/home/zuul-worker/.ssh/authorized_keys"

-     owner: zuul-worker


- - name: Ensure src dir exists

-   file:

-     path: "{{ target_dir }}/home/zuul-worker/src"

-     state: directory

-     owner: zuul-worker


- - name: Install packages

-   command: >

-     {{ bwrap_command }} dnf install -y

-       iproute rsync git traceroute

-       python3-pip python3-devel

-       python3-tox python3-flake8 python3-ansible-lint python3-pycodestyle yamllint

-       python3-sphinx python3-pelican python3-jinja2 python3-coverage

-       rpm-build make gcc


- - name: Install pip packages

-   command: >

-     {{ bwrap_command }} pip3 install bashate doc8

@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@ 

- labels:

-   - name: runc-fedora-30


- extra-labels:

-   - provider: managed-runc-provider

-     pool: managesf.fedora.softwarefactory-project.io

-     labels:

-       # New labels

-       - name: runc-fedora-30

-         username: zuul-worker

-         path: /srv/f30

@@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ 


          - fedora-project-config:

              zuul/config-project: True

-         - fedora-zuul-jobs

          - zuul-jobs:

              connection: gerrit

              zuul/include: [job]

file modified
+2 -2
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ 




-     Fedora-Packaging-Zuul:

-       description: A project to showcase Fedora packaging with Zuul

+     Fedora-Zuul-CI:

+       description: Zuul CI for Fedora

        connection: pagure.io


          - zuul-distro-jobs:

@@ -2,6 +2,6 @@ 




-       description: Software Factory related projects

+       description: Software Factory / Pagure related projects


          - software-factory/zuul-gateway

no initial comment

Build failed.

1 new commit added

  • Fix missing description
4 years ago

Build failed.

2 new commits added

  • Fix missing description
  • Remove uneeded data from the fedora config project
4 years ago

Build failed.

rebased onto 55802b5

4 years ago

Build succeeded.

Build succeeded (gate pipeline).

Pull-Request has been merged by zuul

4 years ago